
.996c feature req: throttle file limit all MF


    Those pesky torrents with 200+ files can really bog down G3.  Perhaps an option to throttle file download across all multifile torrents so than G3 *try* to consume insanely high resources?

    This would be also useful when only one torrent is active. ;)


      (wow this almost sounds like Engrish)

      I recall germz mentioning an OS handles limit.   A few annoying people like releasing vast collections of files in a torrent rather than condensing with RAR -- either in one file or reasonable sized chunks (10, 20, 50 etc).

      While I'm thinking out loud... why does not one also bundle PAR2 files?  I see the occasional SFV.  Why PAR2?  In case you were trying only to retrieve *some* files in the torrent and you didn't want to have to reconnect if you missed a few bits.


      Do I have a second on the motion?

      { grin }

    • EasySeeder

      EasySeeder - 2004-05-26

      The "health" of a torrent swarm can be measured in the speed at which pieces can be acquired and made available by the peers in the swarm.  Notice "made available" as opposed to throughput only.

      A given peer having multiple options for acquiring the same piece allows the "economy" of the swarm to work to it's best advantage.  Even if a given peer having a given rare piece has a slow upload, that peer still becomes an optional source for that piece.

      The solution, imho, is not really to cap or limit download but instead, to educate uploaders as to how to properly package their content. 

      This IS a MAJOR issue on the site I am a member of but it is only an issue ONCE for each uploader that makes the mistake. ;-)

      But, this is only my opinion.  Education would seem more efficient than coding an application to support ignorance.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2004-05-28

      I hate this.  Sometimes certain DVD content has over 800 files.  G3 then sucks up serious resources just on one torrent.  I usually have to stop all seeding on other torrents just to allow this one torrent to download.

      Education is nice I guess, but when there's no opportunity to interact with the uploader, and it's a trend, the choices are not-download and download.  The not-download option isn't much use.  So I'm all for a G3 solution to idiots who package hundreds of files instead of using a compression agent.


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