Encryption addressing long-term data secrecy
ILG-CMS ist ein sehr schlankes CMS mit einem einfachem Tamplatesystem.
Portable Ubuntu Linux for Scientific Computing
Multiple account (or label) Gmail notifier (without storing passwords)
The solution to all your problems
GUIB SG is a bitcoin miner with a GUI!
Ein Latein - Deutsch Übersetzer / A Latin - German Translator
yet another x11 minimal operating system
An Houston/NASA Mission Control Simulator written in Delphi!
Video Transcoding for Wii and WiiU Consoles
MIDI multi track song writing in an ASCII editor!
A simple (but growing) calculator for many electronic laws
Stellissimo Seo Contest
SERVOS is an open source Linux-based operating system.
Email client written in C# .NET; fast and smart, 1 button push mailing
A graphic adventure in the wrestling world
A graphic adventure with cats
Vexed, the classic Palm game made in C# for .NET 4
A program that has 4 chatbots in 1 program
A free classical sudoku game
MultiDistribution with Diagnostics, Recovery, Backup, Cleaning.. tools