Search Results for "excel add-ins civil engineering"

Showing 39 open source projects for "excel add-ins civil engineering"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

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    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    Security-first diagramming for teams

    Security-first diagramming for teams. Bring your storage to our online tool, or go max privacy with the desktop app. Works with Google Drive and Google Workplace (G Suite). Use add-ons for Docs, Sheets and Slides. Works with OneDrive and Sharepoint. Office 365 app for Word, Powerpoint and Excel. Highest-rated Confluence app in the Atlassian Marketplace. Works in Jira too. Works with GitHub, GitLab and Dropbox for visual documentation in distributed teams. Download Desktop...
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  • 2


    Fit X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) data

    KherveFitting is a full featured XPS fitting software that is simple and easy to use. KherveFitting can open Excel files (.xlsx) or import/convert .vms, .avg, .kal, .spe (Thermo, Kratos, Specs, Scienta, Omicron, Phi) files into Excel format. 5 background types available: Tougaard, Linear, Shirley, Smart, Adaptive Smart. Various peak fitting models: Product and Sum of Gaussian and Lorentzian (GL & SGL), Voigt, Asymmetric Lorentzian (LA) and many more . Fit single peaks or doublets. Doublet...
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  • 3


    The package for statistical data analysis and applied mathematics

    The high performance open source package for statistical data analysis and applied mathematics AtteStat is an add-in for desktop versions of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Both 32-bit and 64-bit in one package. The combination of the unsurpassed convenience of spreadsheets and the effective interception of Microsoft Excel exceptions (frontend) and the maximum speed of the C++ programming language (backend). Winner of contest Microsoft Office Extensions (PC Magazine RE) in 2006. Registered...
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  • 4
    Easy Database Forms For All

    Easy Database Forms For All

    Create Web Based Forms Quickly, With In-built DB, For All Your Teams

    Please watch the video till 18m:00s / screenshots below for easy installation steps. This video is taken from my other project, with many similarities and some naming differences. After installation, login to the Administrator Page with : Username : root Password : change_this and look at the team1 database and the sample_table in it. You can now create your own required tables/forms. Also, login into the team1 user page ( from homepage ) with : Username : team1 Password...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5


    Linear static structural analysis of 2D / plane frame and truss

    Welcome to PlenFrem, software for performing linear static analysis of 2D frame structures and trusses, suitable for civil/structural and mechanical engineering applications. PlenFrem aims 🎯 to offer a simple application for students 👩‍🎓, researchers, engineers 👷 whoever need a basic structural analysis software at no cost 🆓. It offers no bloated features, no bells 🔔 & whistles. The interface is intuitive and anyone with fair knowledge of structural analysis 🏗 should be able to use...
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  • 6

    Ship, Tow-Tether and Moonpool Models

    Linked Excel workbooks for preliminary study of the title systems

    The file “Ship, Tow-Tether and Moonpool” is a collection of linked macro-enabled Excel workbooks suitable for conceptual to preliminary design of the title systems. The file “Block Diagram.pdf” shows linkages and summarizes each workbooks’ major features. FD and TD at the end of a file name denotes frequency domain and time domain solutions, respectively. Except for the moonpool TD model, which is a solution to the nonlinear equations of motion for the moonpool piston mode, TD...
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  • 7

    Simple Cylindrical Pressure Vessels

    Excel workbooks suitable for preliminary design and analysis

    SCPV is a family of three macro enabled Excel workbooks for analysis of long cylindrical pressure vessels with flat endcaps subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. CPVanalysis.xlsm does stress and stability analyses. It plots stresses, deflections and the equilibrium path for imperfect circular cylinders showing the onset of yielding and limit points in relation to elastic and inelastic bifurcation buckling pressures. Two types of initial geometric imperfections, outer diameter out...
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  • 8

    Layered-Wall Cylindrical Pressure Vessel

    An Excel workbook suitable for preliminary design and analysis includes: 1. A macro enabled Excel workbook (LWCPV.xlsm) for preliminary design and analysis of long cylindrical, layered-wall pressure vessels (PVs) subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. The following four types of layered-wall construction are addressed: a. Two-layer isotropic. b. Three-layer isotropic sandwich-wall; and c. Three-layer sandwich-wall with orthotropic outer layers and isotropic...
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  • 9


    InstanceCreator for ClearSCADA. MS Excel Add-In.

    This program is a Microsoft Excel Add-In. The program helps to create instances of templates and base DB objects. It also gives easy access to the configuration of the ClearSCADA objects properties. This powerful tool combines a great object-based model of ClearSCADA and easy data editing in MS Excel. System requirements: MS Excel 2010 MS .Net Framework 3.5 ClearSCADA Data Access Clients licence
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  • Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free Icon
    Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free

    From Canva to Slides, Desmos to YouTube, Lumio works with the tech tools you are already using.

    Transform anything you share into an engaging digital experience - for free. Instantly convert your PDFs, slides, and files into dynamic, interactive sessions with built-in collaboration tools, activities, and real-time assessment. From teaching to training to team building, make every presentation unforgettable. Used by millions for education, business, and professional development.
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  • 10
    Lipid Reporter

    Lipid Reporter

    Modifies csv files with a range of user defined filters.

    ** Updated for Windows 10** Lipid Reporter takes your plain old Progenesis QI search exports and allows you to manipulate them in a quick, safe, predictable way. Now with better support for Progenesis QI grouped output! Why muddle things up with Excel? Use Lipid Reporter instead. The supplied filters are all about Lipids. Add the category names, reject Ids that our outside of your favourite retention time range and lots more! This program is not produced by Nonlinear Dynamics...
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  • 11

    Stress-Strain Curve

    Aids for creating and scaling Stress-Strain Curves

    S-S includes: 1. A macro enabled Excel workbook (S-S Curve Helper.xlsm) for creating a Stress-Strain curve using the Ramberg-Osgood formula and commonly available material properties. Combinations of tensile or compressive and engineering or true forms can be selected. 2. A procedure for Stress-Strain curve scaling. 3. A formula for plastic Poison’s Ratio between the proportional limit and fully plastic condition.
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    QWait (theme park visitor simulator)

    Simple theme park visitor simulator

    Inspired by a youtube video, I thought I'd have a go at building a theme park visitor simulator. A command-line driven tool that can output a range of CSV data. A couple of Excel templates are included so you can quickly see some graphs. I've included data for four famous theme parks, and one generic test park. I'll add more as I get access to real-world data. What's included: Visitor will travel from ride to ride at a reasonably realistic speed. There are several different types...
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  • 13

    Plastic Bending Modulus

    A macro enabled Excel workbook for estimating plastic bending modulus.

    Bending Modulus.xlsm is a macro enabled Excel workbook for estimating plastic bending modulus. Inputs are tensile yield and ultimate strengths and section factor.
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  • 14

    Planar Elastica

    A collection of technical notes on planar elasticas and sample code

    The collection Planar Elastica (Planar includes: 1. A technical note deriving the governing equations for a planar elastic subjected to general end loading (i.e., combined bending moment, angled direct load and torsional moment). This note is heart of this project. 2. Macro enabled Excel spreadsheet examples that illustrate use of the above result. These examples range in sophistication from large displacement leaf springs to one requiring simultaneous solution of two...
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  • 15

    Cable Spool

    A macro enabled Excel workbook for estimating drum loading by a cable.

    Cable Spool.xlsm was developed to estimate loading on a storage drum due to winding of a steel cable. It was later updated to estimate internal loading in GRP ruggedized single fiber fiber-optic cable spools. Adhesive was applied as the cable was wound on a flanged mandrel. After the adhesive cured, the mandrel was removed leaving a spool composed of cable rings bound together by the adhesive. Both cables were very stiff radially. Hence, only axial and bending of the cable and mandrel...
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  • 16


    Dump Sheets in your DB

    This App Converts your correctly formatted Excel Spreadsheet to a specified table/collection in a specified Database in MYSQL/MongoDB.
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  • 17

    Newsvendor Model Simulation Spreadsheet

    Excel Spreadsheet Model for Single Period Inventory Problems

    The spreadsheet (Excel) of a single-period inventory model with stochastic demand can be used as a simulation tool for engineering education or Decision Support System. Based on spreadsheet techniques and examples described in the following sources: Albright S. C., & Winston W. L. (2005). Spreadsheet modeling and applications: essentials of practical management science, South-Western Pub. Albright, S. C. W. C., Winston, W., & Zappe, C. (2010). Data analysis and decision making. Cengage...
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  • 18
    geoStarsLib  - geodetic library

    geoStarsLib - geodetic library

    Geodesy based library (geodetic and geocentric functions)

    geoStarsLib has functions for dealing with many geodesy-based problems found in positioning, pointing, and surveying situations. It is useful to determine absolute position on the earth, pointing vectors, coordinate transformations, and other functions.
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  • 19
    This Excel Add-In enables working with chemical formulas, like contracting them and calculating their molar masses. Dieses Excel Add-In erlaubt das Arbeiten mit chemischen Formeln, wie das Zusammenfassen zu Summenformeln und Berechnen von molaren Massen.
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  • 20


    Tool to plot 3d-graphic from an XML, EXCEL or parametrization

    ... toolboxes: - Camera: Rotation, zoom, ... - Settings: Define own colors, effects, timer to refresh, ... - Pallet: Add comments, arrows, ... "wpf-plot3d" is implemented in C/C# and uses Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
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    Indeterminate Beam Analysis Program

    Indeterminate Beam Analysis Program

    Calculates SF, BM, Slope and Deflection.

    IBAP is a structural beam analysis software that can be used by Civil, Mechanical and Structural Engineers, Beam designers and Engineering students for both professional and academic purposes.
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  • 22

    Lab Inventory

    Rediscover the Simplicity

    Request new Lab Inventory feature or module and receive a free Single User version with new feature. Help us to improve Lab Inventory. We want to hear your feedback! The Lab Inventory System is an innovative, easy to learn solution for research laboratories. You can quickly and easily upload your existing Excel based inventory and get started in minutes, manage laboratory inventory, place orders and keep track of them in one place. Lab Inventory can...
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  • 23


    Excel's Interface to R

    Excelsi-R is an Excel add-in that allows Excel spreadsheets to harness the power of the R statistical language by connecting to a running R process. R does not need to be installed on the computer running Excel, but it does require access to an R instance running Rserve (which can be on a remote computer). It supports incorporating R plots and graphs in an Excel workbook.
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    WYSIWYG engineering calculations in MS Excel, report generation.

    The Excellator program helps in the management of basic computations in MS Excel and creation of reports in MS Word. Excellator facilitates to process a MS Excel book which is a self-contained document and is fully operable independently of Excellator. Working style is WYSIWYG - all formulae and data are displayed in the computational table. Cell addresses are not used, only variable names are used instead. Presentation
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  • 25

    Lab Storage

    Rediscover the Simplicity

    Help us to improve Freezer Web Access. We want to hear your feedback! Request new Freezer Web Access feature or module and receive a free Single User version with new feature. Freezer Web Access is a user friendly program designed to assist researchers with establishing an efficient system for storing frozen biological samples. FWA can track all of your research, development and process scale-up data in a single data storage platform, providing a...
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