drangon's mingw-w64 build, toolchain and some libraries
drangon's mingw-w64 ( mingw-w64.sf.net ) build, native toolchain and cross toolchain for 32bit windows and 64bit windows x64, and some libraries :
<1> toolchain : binutils gcc-14 mingw-w64 gdb make yasm nasm
see https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64-dgn/wiki/ToolChain/ for more detail.
<2> mingw-dgn-lib : pthreads-win32 sqlite openssl zlib bzip2 apr pcre pcre2 libiconv gettext
libsdl portaudio giflib xvid xavs x264 x265 libvpx lame opencore-amr opus ffmpeg
pugixml jsoncpp curl lua...