A web application framework
A light-weight REST API development framework for ASP.Net 6
Angular, Vue, React, Web Components, Blazor, Javascript, jQuery, etc.
An easy way to perform background job processing
Build cross platform desktop apps with ASP.NET Core
A microservices e-commerce reference application
A native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers
CodeBehind is a modern back-end framework under ASP.NET Core.
Exceptionless application
Entity Framework Core provider for MySQL and MariaDB
A set of enterprise-class UI components
Onfinity is a modern, AI driven All-in-One ERP
dot net core cms for users wanting a simple mvc core 8 cms framework
asp dot net cms for users wanting a simple mvc cms framework
.NET project templates with batteries included
A Comprehensive Alternative to Office 365 for Business
The wCMF web application framework
Open Source ASP.NET MVC Enterprise eCommerce Shopping Cart Solution
Microsoft AspNet bindings and automatic parsing for jQuery DataTables
Documentation for ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET MVC Based Portal CMS System to Create an Instant Website
Web Face Detection using OpenCvSharp, Emgu and Accord.Net with Json
Free HTML to PDF Converter for C# .NET and ASP.NET MVC
A CS development framework based on small-to-medium sized refining