Showing 475 open source projects for "base de dados"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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    LaTeX2e Kernel Code Repository
    LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX is available as free software.
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    Tarjamento de Dados Pessoais e Sigilosos

    Tarjamento de Dados Pessoais e Sigilosos

    Ferramenta de Tarjamento de Dados Pessoais e Sigilosos

    ATENÇÃO: Alguns antivirus (ex: Windows Defender) detectam, equivocadamente, o arquivo como um malware. Basta desabilitar ou adicionar exceção e baixar tranquilamente. Um dos maiores desafios da edição de arquivos PDF é algo extremamente simples: o tarjamento de dados. A falta de uma funcionalidade de tarjamento adequada impacta, por exemplo, na falta de transparência pública, uma vez que documentos inteiros são indisponibilizados, quando, na realidade, bastava que o dado sigiloso fosse...
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    Raspberry Pi Void Linux img with DE
    This is a bootable disk image for all ARMv6 Raspberry Pis based on BCM2835 SoC. It includes LXDE with some basic applications. Without any setup, the system will immediately boot to the graphical login interface. You'll need an SD card of at least 2GB. Write the image to the SD card using your preferred tool. (i.e. RPi imager or balenaEtcher) After that, you can use GParted to extend the size of the partition and use fsck to modify the superblock, or use resize2fs to extend the partition...
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    Painel de Monitoramento

    Painel de Monitoramento

    Painel de Monitoramento em PHP/MySQL

    Painel de Monitoramento em PHP/MySQL. Utiliza servidores Windows ou Linux para hospedar o sistema. Provê testes de ping e fornecimento de estatísticas atualizadas com gráficos claros e de fácil entendimento. Todas as informações são armazenadas em banco de dados MySQL e o teste de ping é executado pelo shell (WIndows ou Linux), liberando o browser para a apresentação.
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  • Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato. Icon
    Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato.

    Gelato offers an extensive catalog of custom products, a zero-inventory business model, and free designing tools—all in one place.

    The world's largest print on demand network with 140+ production partners across 32 countries. Gelato offers end-to-end design, production and logistics for individuals looking to start their own business today!
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    OcoMon - PHP

    OcoMon - PHP

    Sistema Completo para gestão de demadas de suporte técnico e ativos

    O Ocomon é um sistema de Helpdesk voltado para o gerenciamento completo de chamados de suporte e controle integrado de inventário para equipamentos de informática. Possui muitas funcionalidades interessantes como controle de SLAs e parada de relógio. Experimente!
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    Plugin de impressão de Ordem de Serviço para GLPI.

    Este Plug-in foi criado para gerar Ordem de Serviço baseado nos dados do chamado.
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    REST Dataware Componentes

    REST Dataware Componentes

    Componentes estilo DB para uso em Servidores REST

    New version stable. The proposal was fulfilled. REST DW was created to facilitate the creation of CRUDs in the same model that we created applications for Client / Server Database. Today to be able to write data in a Bank via WebService is very complex for simple operations, making scheduling of simple screens time-consuming. With REST DW, you no longer have to worry about creating SQL Insertion, Deletion, Read and Execution methods via Webservice; Simply add a RESTDataBase...
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    # CSV Splitter Uma ferramenta para dividir arquivos CSV em múltiplos arquivos com base na quantidade de registros especificada, mantendo a integridade dos dados e permitindo configurações de charset, separador e formatação. Ideal para lidar com grandes arquivos CSV que precisam ser fragmentados para melhor manuseio e processamento. ## Funcionalidades - **Divisão de CSV**: Divide o arquivo original em múltiplos arquivos CSV, com o número de registros por arquivo definido pelo usuário...
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    Incertitudes de Mesures de la Qualité de l'Air (Gaz et Particules)

    Ensemble de fonctions permettant, à partir d'une base de données contenant les paramètres analyseurs, de réaliser les calculs d'incertitudes sur les mesures automatiques agrégrées de qualité de l'air.
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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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    Gestor de base de datos para tablas dbf

    Programa de gestión de base de datos para tablas dbf creado para Windows y pensado para usuarios que diseñen o manejen estas bases de datos, fácil e intuitivo. Se trata de un gestor de base de datos estándar que permite hacer las siguientes operaciones:
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    XF-antiX is a fusion of antiX with the XFCE desktop environment XF-antiX is antiX with XFCE desktop components, adds XFCE-Desktop, XFCE-Panel, Whisker-menu, and Thunar file manager. XF-antiX es una fusion de antiX con el entorno de escritorio XFCE, agrega escritorio XFCE, Panel XFCE, menu Whisker, y el administrador de archivos Thunar. SPECIAL EDITION THEME ZORIN OS The special edition with Zorin OS theme is not a recreation of this distribution, it is only intended to add the Zorin menu...
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    GNU Super Lite Linux

    GNU Super Lite Linux

    GNU Super Lightweight Linux

    GNU Super Lite Linux It is a distribution whose objective is to improve the interface of light distributions to make them more attractive to new users. Super Lightweight Linux GNU Super Lite Linux es una distribución cuyo objetivo es mejorar la interfaz de distribuciones ligeras para hacerlas mas llamativa a usuarios nuevos 23 release new menus and theme Arc Dark Pink in all WM 22.9 release update Kernel 6.1.42-antix 22.8 release Added variety of colors to Arc theme. easily...
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    Qualitative content analysis software.

    pyLogos is a program to support text content analysis. Documents (imported from txt and docx files) are stored in a database, and may have marked text segments associated with codes. It is possible to retrieve these segments in various ways, generate word clouds, tabulate frequency of codes and words, among other outputs. pyLogos é um programa de apoio à análise de conteúdo de textos. Documentos (importados de arquivos txt e docx) são armazenados numa base de dados, podendo ter segmentos de...
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    LX-antiX 22, is antiX with LXDE desktop components, adds PCManFM file manager, PCManFM desktop, LXpanel with Jgmenu menu LX-antiX 22, es antiX con componentes de escritorio LXDE, agrega administrador de archivos PCManFM, escritorio PCManFM, LXpanel con menú Jgmenu 22.9 release Update Kernel 6.1.42-antix Added variety of colors to Arc theme. easily customize your accent color Added GUI Papirus Folder Colors. change color of folder icons easy 22.7 release Now with alternate menu styles...
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    CinnantiX is antiX with Cinnamon desktop CinnantiX es antiX con escritorio Cinnamon 22.8 release Added variety of colors to Arc theme. easily customize your accent color Added GUI Papirus Folder Colors. change color of folder icons easy Lanzamiento 22.8 Añadida variedad de colores al tema Arc y a los iconos de carpetas as the Cinnamon panel cannot be implemented in other Windows Manager. CinnantiX implements Mate-panel and Mint-menu to complete its environment CinnantiX...
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    Volubilis - Multilingual Thai database

    VOLUBILIS - Multilingual Thai database with romanization system

    VOLUBILIS - Multilingual Thai Database : Romanized Thai - Thai - English - French - Spanish -Italian - Dutch - Lao - Malay VOLUBILIS - Base de données thai multilingue : Thaï romanisé - Thaï - Français - Anglais - Espagnol - Italien - Néerlandais - Laotien - Malais พจนานุกรม วอลุบิลิส ภาษาไทย-อังกฤษ-ฝรั่งเศส ฟรี
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    Zettel allows taking notes from several references and organizing them

    Zettel is a program for taking notes from bibliographic references. Instead of marking the text on paper and then going crazy looking for where the copy ended up, the notes are saved in a database, linked to the reference from where they were copied. Notes can be tagged and retrieved in several ways. Zettel é um programa para fichamento de referências bibliográficas. Ao invés de marcar o texto em papel e depois enlouquecer procurando onde a cópia foi parar, as notas são guardadas numa base...
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    Es un gestor de base de datos amigable con el ususario

    Es un gestor de base de datos amigable con el ususario
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    ÉVALUATION DES RISQUES PROFESSIONNELS DigiRisk votre logiciel gratuit pour réaliser votre document unique, votre affichage légal et bien plus… 2 méthodes d’évaluation des risques 18 catégories de risques identifiés par l’INRS dans l’ED840 L’impression de votre Document Unique La saisie du personnel impliqué dans la démarche du DUER. Intégration de votre intranet pour communiquer vos éléments de sécurité : FDS, Affichage, quart d’heure sécurité etc… La gestion de : votre registre...
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    Helping teachers around the world to create unique tests per student.

    ... únicas para cada aluno. O EasyQuizzer armazena todos os seus dados em um Sistema Gerenciadorde de Bancos de Dados, a saber, o Postgres. O programa executa algoritmos de randomização de alternativas certas e erradas por questão, além de embaralhar questões e alternativas evitando que existam duas provas com o mesmo conjunto de alternativas. O usuário pode especificar o numero de provas que deseja gerar, lembrando que a quantidade de alternativas determina o número máximo de provas únicas.
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    NeuraSys, the Windows-based OS

    NeuraSys is a Windows-based operating system that leverages Windows drivers and kernel to provide a command-line interface (CLI) for user interaction. Designed for efficiency and performance, NeuraSys offers a streamlined environment where users can execute commands, manage files, and run applications directly from the terminal. This system is ideal for developers, IT professionals, and power users who prefer a text-based interface for greater control and automation capabilities. With...
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    Programa para crear mapa base con datos geograficos

    El programa Mapabase tiene la funcion de crear mapas sobre los que se plotean los puntos de lectura de alguna dimension fisica. Plotea esta informacion en perfiles en una vista de planta.
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    PHP-based anti-virus anti-trojan anti-malware solution.

    A PHP script designed to detect trojans, viruses, malware and other threats within files uploaded to your system wherever the script is hooked, based on the signatures of ClamAV and others. Un PHP script pour la détection de virus, logiciels malveillants et autres menaces dans les fichiers téléchargés sur votre système partout où le script est accroché, basé sur les signatures de ClamAV et autres. Einem PHP-Script, um Trojaner, Viren, Malware und andere Bedrohungen in Dateien zu entdecken...
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    Busca ativa - Servidor

    Busca ativa - Servidor

    Programa servidor para notificações de doenças de agravos.

    Sistema servidor. Deve ser instalado na base central onde o Busca ativa - Cliente ( irá enviar as ocorrências. No intuito de concentrar as notificações de doenças de agravo neste local. Exemplo: Busca ativa - Servidor => Instalado na Secretaria Municipal de Saúde. Busca ativa - Cliente => Instalado em laboratórios de análise clínicas
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    ...) Importar base de datos de la carpeta /casadigital/sql/casadigital.sql 4) Modificar los 3 archivos de conexión a la base de datos: - /casadigital/php/conecta.php - /casadigital/assets/php/conecta.php - /casadigital/admin/php/conecta.php 5) Login en admin: - Usuario: - Password: Cz17011988 Recuerda registrarte en la web principal para acceder a las demás casas y publi! Gracias por su colaboración Creative17
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