Utility for sending notifications, on demand and when commands finish
Pure-python binary fixed-point arithmetic library
A Framework for Comparing Password Guessing Strategies
Exploration and categorization of CREs and CRMs
Python wrapper module for tkdnd
Naam Tamilar Web TV Live Streamer
Java asynchronous socket library
A fast and multithreaded port scanner with GUI that is developed using
Convert Decimal to Tetravigesimal and/or vice versa.
100 numpy exercises (with solutions)
Qt based report solution
Convert Decimal to Dozenal (a.k.a. Duodecimal) and/or vice versa.
A barcode library/module for python.
Community-driven python bot that aims to be as simple as possible
PyCLP is a Python library to interface ECLiPSe Constraint System
PyApp Builder for create an .app package from python
Python module for parsing and analyzing binary data files
Tools for reading the track data of the project "Leave a Trace"
C++ class library for sound analysis, synthesis, and morphing
We describe a simple XML format to share text documents and annotation
A curated list of awesome Amazon Web Services libraries