A one-column minimal responsive Jekyll blog theme
Sketch plugin to fill a shape with a map generated from given location
Demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component
This is a controller plugin for Booty Dark Admin Theme of Bludit CMS
Application that shows an image and its color-inverted image
An experimental peer-to-peer Web browser
Beautiful JavaScript notifications with Web Notifications support
Magisk Modules tricks your device into thinking Its a Google Pixel
Self-hosted platform to keep and share your content
Free and Open source Cross-platform bot creator using Snap language
A minimal Markdown editor desktop app
A simple, beautiful, and powerful Jekyll theme for blogs
A (nearly) no-CSS, fast, minimalist Jekyll theme
Bug-fix-only libev port of shadowsocks
Klisé is a minimalist Jekyll theme for running a personal site
Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
Noir is a modern, responsive and customizable theme for Jekyll
It's the simple cloud.
Modern crypto portfolio & market explorer
Restore/upgrade firmware of iOS devices
Hyper apps for Spammer of Facebook
Web-based HTML5 Media Player
Git GUI Client
Marathon supports testing of Java/Swing and Java/Fx applications.
Google Suite as a desktop app. Made possible with Electron