Showing 325 open source projects for "desktop icons"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    get rid of shortcuts on your desktop

    I kept looking for a good launcher or desktop icons organizer ... they all were good, but I could not use them for some reason, this reason is...shortcuts are increasing ... and simply they get shuffled randomly if I connect an external monitory ... I am used to click some icon at top right corner as home, ... finally I could create a very simplified application in java to launch applications from a text window not icons ... a normal list ... double click .. run application, open wep page...
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  • 2
    EMBL-EBI Icon fonts

    EMBL-EBI Icon fonts

    A collection of functional and scientific icons for EMBL-EBI sites

    Reference the fonts.css stylesheet automatically loads a range of icon fonts that you can use. Icons are added automatically through CSS using the :before feature in CSS, so they will appear before whatever piece of text you associate them with. To make this association, you need to include particular class and data-icon attributes in the relevant HTML element. This version brings the most user-facing changes in several years as we've added in far more "common" icons and simplified the font...
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  • 3


    Payment / Ecommerce related svg icon packs

    Payment-related svg icons for use in fonts or sprite sheets. The raw .svg output (from a mix of sketch and inkscape) is in the svg directory. The minified svg output is in the min dir. The easiest way to consume these icons is to npm install from github and use your favorite toolchain to build fonts or sprites. You'll need to use the svg like you do any other image asset. Exactly how will depend on what you're using in your build process.
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  • 4


    This is how HBX-Debian3 should of been.......

    Live Details - Live Name - live / Live Password - 12345 Please be patient with the loading, as when you start the system you will get a black screen and a flashing cursor. This is normal and please be patient whilst the system is loading. It's running a check and this lasts about 1 minute. Additional changes made System changes Removed - Gala window manager Reinstated - Xfwm - Offical XFCE window manager Reinstated - Xfdesktop - To handle the XFCE desktop wallpapers, icons, etc...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5
    Icons8 Line Awesome

    Icons8 Line Awesome

    Replace Font Awesome with modern line icons

    Replace Font Awesome with modern line icons. Swap Font Awesome for modern line icons in one line of code. Line Awesome is a free alternative for Font Awesome 5.11.2. It consists of ~1380 flat icons that offer complete coverage of the main Font Awesome icon set. This icon font is based off of the Icons8 Windows 10 style, which consists of over 4,000 icons, so be sure to check that out if you need more specific icons. The icon can have 3 styles: regular, solid or brand. For each style...
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  • 6
    Bytesize Icons

    Bytesize Icons

    Tiny style-controlled SVG iconset (101 icons, 12kb)

    ... and stroke-linejoin. This will change the style of the icons by making them rounded or squared off. All these stroke properties are also available to use in CSS. Since there is a 2px margin between the paths and viewBox, I recommend not having a stroke-width larger than 4px (or 12.5%). 4px might seems small but it's relative to the 32x32 grid.
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    ... in this release. XFDesktop, that handles xfce desktop wallpapers, icons and menus is now uninstalled. This seemed to slowdown the startup of the system as nemo had to bypass xfdesktop. I have included a launcher for Nitrogen in the panel. Located next to shut down. This can be moved if desired. There is only 1 wallpaper installed on the system and I have left it to you, the user to include your own. Location of the directory is /usr/share/backgrounds.
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  • 8


    sherlockOS - Customize Debian Buster Distro

    The sherlockOS is a respin of Debian GNU/Linux, currently based on the Debian 10 Buster release. The Debian live-build tool is used to build the ISO and I have included a folder located under /usr/share/sherlockOS104/sherlock104 containing all the necessary build files and build script used to create the respin. I include all the files with the aim to help educate those willing to learn how to build your own live-build created Debian respins. Ι am dedicating this Operating System to my...
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  • 9
    elFinder is a file manager for web similar to that you use on your computer. Written in JavaScript using jQuery UI, it just work's in any modern browser. Its creation is inspired by simplicity and convenience of program used in Mac OS X.
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 10


    Swift Library for Font Icons - this library

    A library for using different font icons. Swift Library for Font Icons: dripicons, emoji, font awesome, icofont, ionicons, linear icons, map icons, material icons, open iconic, state, weather. Now, you don't have to download different libraries to include different font icons. This SwiftIcons library helps you use icons from any of the following font icons. SwiftIcons supports different objects from the object library.
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  • 11
    Open Weather Icons

    Open Weather Icons

    Weather icon font and css themed icons

    Weather icon font and CSS themed icons specially created for Open Weather Map API, are ready to be used in any project. Place the contents from the fonts and css folder in your project, assuming that your fonts are located under a ../fonts/ path relative to your CSS directory. The icons are displayed by using the i element and adding the base class owi and the icon class that you want, such as a owi owi-01d the code 01d is the icon code that you get from Open Weather Map.
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  • 12


    Buwlink is a remote control for Windows with your Android device.

    The Buwlink is the perfect companion to increase your productivity. Whether in the field of artistic development or other video game programming edition... There are often keyboard shortcuts to know. now to represent your shortcuts and other features on the icons appearance. Easy to use easy to remember Buwlink. PLEASE NOTE: Please download the windows version and the android version. Connect the two versions on the same wifi network configure the two software so that they can communicate.
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  • 13


    Launchy project reactivated, Get the familiar feeling now!

    Launchy is a free utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, your desktop icons, and your file manager. Launchy indexes and launches your applications, documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes! I have been using Launchy for years, and found that this project has not been updated since 2010. I love this tool and want to maintain this project. LaunchyQt is now developed on github. Please report bugs and other problems at
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  • 14


    Fully customisable & accessible vector icons

    Ikonate are fully customizable & accessible*, well-optimized vector icons. To learn more about the project and generate the icons online, visit Ikonate. Customized SVG icons as stand-alone files (perfect for designers who don't want to edit code) Customised SVG sprite with an html demo. Customized html demo of the icons as inline SVG. To customise icons with CSS you need to use the icons as either inline SVG or SVG sprite. Ikonate is NOT accessible out of the box and will never be. We've done...
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  • 15


    IconFont library for Swift. Support FontAwesome, Iconic, Ionicons, etc

    IconFont library for Swift. Support FontAwesome, Iconic, Ionicons, MaterialIcons, Octicons and custom icons. Using iconfont by Enum.
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  • 16
    VB.NET Rocketdock Enhanced Settings

    VB.NET Rocketdock Enhanced Settings

    A VB.NET FOSS enhancement to Rocketdock's icon settings screen

    This .NET utility is a functional reproduction of Rocketdock's original settings screen. This makes the utility familiar to Rocketdock users. The original Rocketdock's settings screen has a few annoying bugs or limitations. One of the bugs is the time the extended time Rocketdock takes to respond to a right-click on an icon when your icon library is large (300+ icons) . This is vital functionality as it is precisely how you change the appearance or the functionality of any Rocketdock icon...
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  • 17


    A fully customisable subclass of the native UIControl

    A fully customizable subclass of the native UIControl which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code. A fully customizable subclass of the native UIControl which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code. You can add images/icons to your button, icons are taken from different ready-to-use font icons collections, images can be imported directly from your project assets folder. Icons are managed by SwiftIconFont integration, so you can...
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  • 18
    sketch iconfont

    sketch iconfont

    This plugin helps you easily insert and manage icons from icon fonts

    This plugin helps you easily insert and manage icons from icon fonts. Your teammates don't have your icon-fonts? don't worry now you can convert all icons with one command then share it. This plugin helps you easily insert and manage icons from icon fonts - such as FontAwesome, Ion or Material Design Icons - in your Sketch designs. The plugin itself has no font built-in. You will need to download and install the fonts you wish to use directly from the font publisher. The most popular ones...
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  • 19

    KeePass Custom Icon Dashboarder

    KeePass Plugin to download and manage custom icons

    Provides some statistics and management features for custom icons in KeePass. THIS PROJECT HAS MOVED TO High definition of custom icon can be uploaded. URLs of associated entries are used to retrived the highest definition of icons. For each custom icon, the following information is available: - Number and list of entries that use it - Number and list of groups that use it Mass update features...
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  • 20
    Gis Weather
    Customizable weather widget
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  • 21
    Slacker-Live 14.2/current

    Slacker-Live 14.2/current

    Live Remasterable/Installable Slackware based CD/DVD/USB/HDD

    ... want. The iso's also feature Plop bootmanager and Grub4dos. Slacker 14.2 features kernel 4.4.172l Generic, LXDE desktop, and many useful programs including ones from SlackBuilds. Slackerc -current is a full DVD install of Slackware -current with Xanmod kernel 4.19.37-xanmod19 and all desktops on the DVD including KDE and XFCE4. SlackerR is a slackware rescue iso, same as Slacker but with rescue utilities Please see all Readme's! Please click on the "files" button at upper left for downloads
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  • 22


    A simple icon picker

    A simple iconpicker for Bootstrap 3.x and 4.x. Please note that this project is for Bootstrap 3.x and 4.x, including Glyphicons in Bootstrap 3.x. Other icon fonts that support: Elusive Icons, Font Awesome, Ionicons, Map Icons, Material Design Icons, Octicons, Typicons, Weather Icons, and Flag Icons. The CDN is updated after the release is made public, which means that there is a delay between the publishing of a release and its availability on the CDN. Within the download you'll find...
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  • 23
    Warhammer 40K Icon

    Warhammer 40K Icon

    Warhammer 40000 icons

    Free to download Warhammer 40.000 icons as SVG/iconfont. Symbols and names belong to Games Workshop.
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  • 24
    Disk Led Monitor
    Disk Led Monitor and a very simple little program that shows the activity of the main hard drive using colored icons to place on the taskbar, to get an idea look at the image more of this page.
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  • 25


    Nash Operating System for Modern Ecommerce

    The all-built-in-one, automatic, ready-to-go out-of-box, easy-to-use state-of-the-art, and really awesome NASH OS! Over 25,000+ flexible features and controls and all scalable!! The most powerful solution ever built to instantly deliver new heights of online ecommerce enterprise to you.
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