get rid of shortcuts on your desktop
A collection of functional and scientific icons for EMBL-EBI sites
Payment / Ecommerce related svg icon packs
This is how HBX-Debian3 should of been.......
Replace Font Awesome with modern line icons
Tiny style-controlled SVG iconset (101 icons, 12kb)
sherlockOS - Customize Debian Buster Distro
Swift Library for Font Icons - this library
Weather icon font and css themed icons
Buwlink is a remote control for Windows with your Android device.
Launchy project reactivated, Get the familiar feeling now!
Fully customisable & accessible vector icons
IconFont library for Swift. Support FontAwesome, Iconic, Ionicons, etc
A VB.NET FOSS enhancement to Rocketdock's icon settings screen
A fully customisable subclass of the native UIControl
This plugin helps you easily insert and manage icons from icon fonts
KeePass Plugin to download and manage custom icons
Live Remasterable/Installable Slackware based CD/DVD/USB/HDD
A simple icon picker
Warhammer 40000 icons
Nash Operating System for Modern Ecommerce