Showing 304 open source projects for "skippy-mesh"

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 1
    Voyager Mesh

    Voyager Mesh

    Secure L7/L4 (HAProxy) Ingress Controller for Kubernetes

    Voyager is a HAProxy-backed secure L7 and L4 ingress controller for Kubernetes developed by AppsCode. This can be used with any Kubernetes cloud provider including aws, gce, gke, azure, acs. This can also be used with bare metal Kubernetes clusters. Voyager provides L7 and L4 load balancing using a custom Kubernetes Ingress resource. This is built on top of the HAProxy to support high availability, sticky sessions, name and path-based virtual hosting. This also supports configurable...
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  • 2
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    A toolkit for Integrating with your kubernetes dev environment

    KtConnect ("Kt" is short for "Kubernetes Toolkit") is a utility tool to help you work with the Kubernetes dev environment more efficiently. Directly Access a remote Kubernetes cluster. KtConnect use ssh-vpn or socks-proxy to access remote Kubernetes cluster networks. Developers can exchange the workload to redirect the requests to a local app. You can create a mesh version service in the local host, and redirect specified workload requests to your local. Expose a local running app...
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  • 4
    Iso2Mesh - A 3D Mesh Generation Toolbox

    Iso2Mesh - A 3D Mesh Generation Toolbox

    A 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave

    A simple yet powerful mesh generator based on MATLAB/GNU Octave language, creating finite-element mesh from surfaces or arbitrary 3D volumetric images (such as MRI/CT scans) with fully automatic workflows.
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 5

    3D Printer ABL Mesh Display

    Display the mesh data from an ABL enabled 3D printer

    A number of 3D printers do not allow the user to see the data generated by the automatic bed levelling process. This application running on a Windows PC connects to the printer using a USB cable (A to micro) and sends the necessary gcode commands to run the bed levelling process. The printer bed is probed following which the application shows a matrix with colours to indicate the measurements to provide a quick indication of how level the bed is. (4x4 or 5x5 matrix) Colours used: Red...
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  • 6
    PMViewer is a Visualization tool for Astrophysical N-Body and Hydro Simulations. GADGET-2 data support.With/Without periodical boundary conditions.Snapshot of scene in PPM and GIF formats.Flying in 3D space. Active/Passive Stereo 3D support.
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  • 7


    The Open Source CFD Toolbox

    OpenFOAM - The Open Source CFD Toolbox. OpenFOAM is a generic, programmable software tool for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). For more information, see: - Main Website: - C++ Source Documentation: - Issue (Bug) Tracking: - User Guide:
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  • 8
    Wings 3D

    Wings 3D

    Wings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler

    Wings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler that is both powerful and easy to use (inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware). Wings has a simple interface. Right-click menus give you easy access to common commands. These menus are context sensitive, so depending on your selection, a different menu pops up.
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  • 9
    Game Extractor

    Game Extractor

    Open and edit the archive files used in over 4200 games.

    Reads and writes archives used in many popular games. Great for mod development and game translations. Supports over 4200 games, with more games added through small plugins. Also shows file previews and converts them to different formats.
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  • Sales CRM and Pipeline Management Software | Pipedrive Icon
    Sales CRM and Pipeline Management Software | Pipedrive

    The easy and effective CRM for closing deals

    Pipedrive’s simple interface empowers salespeople to streamline workflows and unite sales tasks in one workspace. Unlock instant sales insights with Pipedrive’s visual sales pipeline and fine-tune your strategy with robust reporting features and a personalized AI Sales Assistant.
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  • 10
    Art of Illusion
    Art of Illusion is a full featured 3D modelling, rendering, and animation studio. It is written entirely in Java, and can run on almost any operating system.
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  • 11


    Computational tool for lattice generation

    Artisan is an implicit modelling & computational engine for generating complex lattice structure. Artisan supports the strut, TPMS and geometric shape lattice infill for any given geometry. It generates beautiful periodic lattice, mesh lattice and conformal lattices without costing of lots of hardware resources. Because the engine is based on Python and C++, Artisan could offer a combined experience of the speedy customized development and computational performance without compromising...
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  • 12
    FEATool Multiphysics - FEA Toolbox

    FEATool Multiphysics - FEA Toolbox

    FEATool Multiphysics is an easy to use FEA and CFD Simulation Toolbox

    ... as an easy-to-use GUI for OpenFOAM ( With built-in CAD and pre-processing, automatic mesh generation, solvers, and postprocessing, FEATool enables large scale dynamical models and physics simulations to be set up and solved easily and quickly directly in the integrated MATLAB GUI. Multiphysics and multi-simulation also allows for fully coupled fluid flow, heat transfer, chemical transport, electromagnetics, and fluid-structure interaction simulation.
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  • 13


    console to calculate airflow around an airfoil based on RANS approach

    RANSFOIL is a console program to calculate airflow field around an isolated airfoil in low-speed, subsonic, transonic or supersonic regime by numerically solving the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations using mature computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. As postprocess results, the aerodynamic parameters of the airfoil, e.g., lift coefficient and drag coefficient, can be integrated from the airflow distribution near wall boundary. In addition, the coupling between airflow and...
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  • 14
    Morphing Editor

    Morphing Editor

    Java application for creating Morphing videos

    Java application for creating Morphing videos. You can create a Morphing effect with your chosen pictures. 1-Choose the master image. 2-Detect and select the faces in each image. 2-Create the triangle mesh. 3-Put the vertices in the right places on every image. Then you will be able to see the morphing result and save the Morphing project in a xml file. You will have the option of creating a video with the Morphing effect of your project. An example of video created...
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  • 15
    CFDTool - CFD & OpenFOAM GUI Toolbox

    CFDTool - CFD & OpenFOAM GUI Toolbox

    CFDTool - Easy to Use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Toolbox

    ... and simulation in 1D, 2D, 3D, and axisymmetric/swirl/cylindrical coordinate systems - Seamless OpenFOAM GUI and SU2 CFD solver integrations ( - Built-in geometry and CAD tools - Automatic mesh and grid generation - Pre-defined equations and boundary conditions for: + Incompressible viscous fluid flows (Navier-Stokes equations) + Compressible, supersonic, trans-sonic, and turbulent flows + Heat conduction with conjugate heat transfer
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  • 16


    3D open source actuator simulation software

    ... : Provides an easy working environment for developer - GetDP: Magnetic force calculation - Gmsh : Provides Pre/Post, Mesh Therefore, the installation process may be somewhat complicated. Please refer to the installation guide video and installation help file below for installation. - Installation guide video: - Installation help file: - Project homepage :
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  • 17


    Software for electromagnetic simulation

    MaxFem is an open software package for electromagnetic simulation by using finite element methods. The package can solve problems in electrostatics, direct current, magnetostatics and eddy-currents. Since version 0.4.0, MaxFEM requires Python 3. We have moved the installers to the MaxFEM website (see below). In order to improve MaxFEM, we will require you to fill out a simple form before downloading them.
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  • 18


    OpenGL shell and horn generator

    A small interactive OpenGL program that generates a cornucopia of shells horns and many other 3D spiral forms. Exports Wavefront OBJ and POV-Ray mesh2.
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  • 19


    COD4 xmodel_export file

    3DStudioMax 2024 utility plugin. Export mesh to static xmodel_export file for COD4 Mod Tools. ( no skin, no animations , but allow helper as bone for FX ).
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    utility to convert a mesh to brush "QuakeEditor style".

    3dstudiomax 5; 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2019,2020,2024 32/64 plugin. Build meshes, based on Q3Radiant Editor brush code, and export to map. Csg subtract, merge, in 3dsmax radiant style.
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  • 21


    A small interactive OpenGL program to explore spherical harmonics.

    A small interactive OpenGL program to explore spherical harmonics. Special attention has been given to enable high resolution export so that artists may print the spherical harmonic on 3D printers. Exports OBJ and PLY formats.
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  • 22
    SceneEngine is an Open Source platform independent 3D Production solution. Mesh creation, deformation, texturing and rendering are some of the features implemented by the SDK. SceneEngine includes a 3D modeling and texturing application named CrackArt.
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    A library of tools for math calculation

    Java source intended to serve as a nexus for teaching both mathematics and software solutions for computation on iterative equations. Public interfaces allow a user to extend the available operator and function lists to external libraries. Currently the packaged libraries include the CERN Colt library and the Anaconda package of math libraries which include MpMath and SciPy. A user can easily extend the functionality by coding to the provided interfaces and dropping a JAR of the...
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  • 24
    Kubernetes Handbook

    Kubernetes Handbook

    Cloud native application architecture practice handbook

    Cloud native is a behavioral method and design concept. In its essence, all behaviors or methods that can improve resource utilization and application delivery efficiency on the cloud are cloud-native. The history of cloud computing is a history of cloud native. Kubernetes opened the prelude to cloud native 1.0. The emergence of service mesh Istio led to microservices in the post-Kubernetes era. The rise of serverless has enabled cloud native to advance from the infrastructure layer...
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  • 25


    Bringing intranet on the internet with Zero-Config Mesh VPNS.

    OmniEdge is an Open source p2p layer 2 , zero-config mesh VPN infrastructure, a traditional VPN, AWS VPC, Ngrok, DDNS alternative. No central server, easy to scale with less maintenance. What happens in intranet, stays in in intranet.
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