Implementation of Recurrent Interface Network (RIN)
Medical imaging toolkit for deep learning
Open source framework for deep learning satellite and aerial imagery
An ES6 utility for canvas with built-in functions and chained methods
Generate photo-realistic textures based on source images
Automates PWA asset generation and image declaration
Implementation of Video Diffusion Models
A customizable life embetterment robot
Tensor search for humans
State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX
A python library for self-supervised learning on images
Build AI-powered semantic search applications
A set of Docker images for training and serving models in TensorFlow
Alfred workflow using ChatGPT, DALL·E 2 and other models for chatting
Applications of Deep Neural Networks
C++ image processing and machine learning library with using of SIMD
Modern columnar data format for ML and LLMs implemented in Rust
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) - Python Library for ML security
We write your reusable computer vision tools
Open source libraries and APIs to build custom preprocessing pipelines
Enlightened library to convert HTML and CSS to SVG
Simplest working implementation of Stylegan2
OpenMMLab Text Detection, Recognition and Understanding Toolbox
Embed images and sentences into fixed-length vectors
A lightweight vision library for performing large object detection