Software para la Medición Automática de la Oscuridad del Cielo
A simple 2D FrameBuffer graphics library in C/C++ for the Raspberry PI
Astroberry provides INDI drivers for various Raspberry Pi devices
pimusicbox is a smart jukeboxe and not only
Serial connection Java library
An i2c to TCP/IP adaptor to allow easy remote control of an i2c bus.
A web-friendly way for anyone to build unusual displays
Bring educative software to children of west africa
A lightweight Java HTTP server and webservice-framework
Python program for sending custom CW macros via serial port
Raspbian wheezy compatible with pi zero & pi3
Raspbian images for usb root
Raspberry Pi GPIO Emulator (Python)
Turn your Raspberry Pi 2 into a Nginx HTTP server.
Kitchen Screen for Chromis POS, and other open source software
Honeypot sensor on Raspberry Pi
Quickly write SD card images (raspberry pi)
Precompliled Vanilla Raspberry Pi Kernels
Android TV on Raspberry Pi3
Boots directly into chrome (chromium)
.img for Raspberry Pi or other embedded system for network monitoring
A Physics Theory for Unifying Classical, Quantum and Relativistic Phys
Project of Porting The Chromium OS to SBC's