Browse free open source WebSocket Libraries and projects for Windows below. Use the toggles on the left to filter open source WebSocket Libraries by OS, license, language, programming language, and project status.
Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
An embedded web server
A WebSocket library optimized for multiplayer JS games
C++ websocket client/server library
websocket and http client and server library, with TLS support
Socket.IO server implemented on Java
Eclipse Tyrus is the open source JSR 356 - Java API for WebSocket
A simple WebSocket server
high performance dotnet core socket tcp communication components
WebSocket(RFC-6455) library written using Swift
Your high performance web application C framework
Fast, well-tested and widely used WebSocket implementation for Go
Karellen Gevent Websocket Library
Websockets for Laravel
Distributed WebSocket Application Server ISO 20922
Websocket Client for NestJS based on ws
Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C#
PHP WebSocket server
HTTP proxy server,support HTTPS & websocket
REST and websockets C++ library
A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client for Kotlin, Java, and Android
Realtime web comms for Clojure/Script
WebSocket emulation and Javascript client
A Socket.IO client library for Java
The cutest little WebSocket wrapper