Collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies
Quickly create and run optimized Windows, macOS and Linux
Powerful system container and virtual machine manager
Tiny Erlang VM
Build a standard implementation of lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs)
Rockscluster Linux VirtualBox Install Server
A Quick LAMP/WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP Pkg for development, testing & production
Quick Apache/PHP/Postgresql Pkg for development, testing & production
likeForth - an IDE in one file with graphics and sound.
Tools and Z80 engine for creating adventure games.
lightweight hypervisor SDK written in C++
Node.js virtual machine for Android and iOS
Android virtual machine and deobfuscator
Create amazing 360 and VR content using React
Flexible and eXpandable Cpu simulation
An object-oriented script language to embed in any application
Atari 2600, C64, Python, 3D engines and rock'n roll
Ubuntu Server 16.10 LTS for developers Image for virtual machines
An electromechanical computer simulation.
Java x86 emulator base on Dosbox
Android virtual machines running on Openstack Clouds