Media Foundation programming library for .Net programmers
Media Companion is the original free to use Movie/TV Show manager
Convert any High-Quality and modern videos into realistic VHS videos
The free and open-source timelapse software...
Lecteur Multimédia
Extract YouTube Videos to Audio Mp3/Wav/Aac or Video Mp4 Files Easy!
A simple webapp and Windows Application to download Reddit Videos
Create a basic subtitle file (.srt) containing the time/date info
DirectShow programming library for .Net programmers
Listen to Metal Rock 1970 - 2000
Adjusts the timing of subtitle files (handles *.srt and *.sub formats)
Cleans, Joins, Splits, Converts And Authors Vob Files To VIDEO_TS
Create and edit video chapter files.
MeediOS, Your Media, Your Way
Download And Share YouTube Videos Easily !
Fast & easy way to watch videos from Youtube
A Lightweight YouTube Video Downloader
Media Foundation : Audio/Video Source, Transform and Sink.
Stream Audio/Music from Youtube.
MP4 parser, to interpret and dump data structure of MPEG-4 files
The Desktop Webcam Widget
Play your media files with this awesome .NET Media Player