A painless self-hosted Git service
Data Version Control | Git for Data & Models
Generic, high-level Git workflow support!
A Git platform powered by Scala
Platform-agnostic GUI supporting CVS, Subversion, Git, and RCS
Version Control for your Database
The Free & Popular Community git Server in a Complete Virtual Machine
File based version control system written in PHP
Web application for posting, submitting, and evaluating assignments
Simplifies the use of the Filemaker Data Migration Tool
Administer Subversion repository access rights easily
Walle 2.0 web
jCVS is a Java based CVS Client written by Tim Endres
Decodes PeopleCode bytecode and submits the code to SVN or Git
A heterogeneous bunch of useful Python stuff
OpenMAP Suite is a document management suite based on Subversion
Monitor your SVN repositories and notifies you on new commits
An extended Subversion client enabling versioning of database schemas
Useful form to support SVN Commits as an SVN Start-Commit Hook Script
Geospatial Distributed Version Control System
Control de Código Fuente - Versions System