Showing 94 open source projects for "remote-server"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1


    Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional HTTP

    Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV support. Several storage backends are supported: local filesystem, encrypted local filesystem, S3 (compatible) Object Storage, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, SFTP. SFTPGo is an Open Source project and you can of course use it for free but please don't ask for free support as well. Support for serving local filesystem, encrypted local filesystem, S3 Compatible Object Storage, Google Cloud Storage...
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  • 2


    Version manager for node.js

    Node Version Manager or nvm is a POSIX-compliant bash script for managing multiple active node.js versions. It allows you to access every long term support (LTS) version of node.js, download any of these remote LTS versions locally, set up aliases so you can easily switch between downloaded Node versions, and automatically use the version of node.js that is specified if a .nvmrc file is present. Nvm can work on any POSIX-compliant shell, particularly on windows WSL, macOS and unix platforms...
    Downloads: 21 This Week
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  • 3
    Git Credential Manager

    Git Credential Manager

    Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication

    Git Credential Manager (GCM) is a secure Git credential helper built on .NET that runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It aims to provide a consistent and secure authentication experience, including multi-factor auth, to every major source control hosting service and platform. GCM supports (in alphabetical order) Azure DevOps, Azure DevOps Server (formerly Team Foundation Server), Bitbucket, GitHub, and GitLab. Compare to Git's built-in credential helpers (Windows: wincred, macOS: osxkeychain...
    Downloads: 17 This Week
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  • 4


    A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management

    Logseq is a privacy-first, open-source knowledge base that works on top of local plain-text Markdown and Org-mode files. Use it to write, organize and share your thoughts, keep your to-do list, and build your own digital garden. Logseq is a platform for knowledge management and collaboration. It focuses on privacy, longevity, and user control. The server will never store or analyze your private notes. Your data are plain text files and we currently support both Markdown and Emacs Org-mode (more...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5
    Git Large File Storage

    Git Large File Storage

    Git extension for versioning large files

    An open source Git extension for versioning large files. Git Large File Storage (LFS) replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server like or GitHub Enterprise. Download and install the Git command line extension. Once downloaded and installed, set up Git LFS for your user account. In each Git repository where you want to use Git LFS, select the file types you'd like Git LFS...
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  • 6


    A Git/TFS bridge, similar to git-svn

    git-tfs is a two-way bridge between TFS (Team Foundation Server) and git, similar to git-svn. It fetches TFS commits into a git repository, and lets you push your updates back to TFS. git-tfs is a two-way bridge between TFS and git, similar to git-svn. If the build fails to build some GitTfs.Vs201x projects, just unload in Visual Studio all the projects you are not interested in to be able to build and use your own version. You could also install, the Team Foundation Server Object Model for Tfs...
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  • 7
    Soft Serve

    Soft Serve

    A tasty, self-hostable Git server for the command line

    ... formats. Binaries are available for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Soft Serve SSH CLI has the ability to print files and list directories, perform git operations on remote repos, and reload the configuration when necessary. Both git and reload commands need admin access to the server to work. So make sure you have added your key as an admin user, or you’re using anon-access: admin-access in the configuration.
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  • 8


    GitHub API

    An image bed management tool with CDN acceleration function developed based on GitHub API. No need to download and install, use it online on the web page! free! Stablize! Convenient! Extremely fast! Writing articles with static blogs such as Hexo, VuePress, Hugo, etc., I don’t know where to save the pictures. Deliberately spending money to rent a cloud server to host pictures, it is too expensive and not worth it, and the upload configuration is cumbersome. The link to the favorite picture...
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    Command-line tool to delete merged Git branches

    A convenient command-line tool helping you keep repositories clean. Supports deletion of both local and remote branches. Detects multiple forms of de-facto merges (rebase merges, squash merges (needs --effort=3), single or range cherry-picks… leveraging git cherry). Supports workflows with multiple release branches, e.g. only delete branches that have been merged to all of master, dev and staging. Quick interactive configuration. Provider agnostic: Works with GitHub, GitLab, Gitea and any other...
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 10


    Dolt, it's Git for data

    Dolt is a SQL database that you can fork, clone, branch, merge, push and pull just like a git repository. Connect to Dolt just like any MySQL database to run queries or update the data using SQL commands. Use the command line interface to import CSV files, commit your changes, push them to a remote, or merge your teammate's changes. All the commands you know for Git work exactly the same for Dolt. Git versions files, Dolt versions tables. It's like Git and MySQL had a baby. We also built...
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  • 11


    Full git and GitHub integration with Sublime Text

    Sublime Text plugin providing probably all git has to offer. Sublime Text 2 is not supported. Also, GitSavvy takes advantage of modern features of Sublime Text (like annotations). For the best experience, use the latest Sublime Text dev build. The documentation is probably outdated. Yeah it's sad but you can contribute and I will eventually get onto it but every special view has help available, just press ?. GitSavvy requires Git versions at or greater than 2.18.0. basic Git functionality;...
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  • 12


    A Git extension for JupyterLab

    A JupyterLab extension for version control using Git. To see the extension in action, open the example notebook included in the Binder demo. Open the Git extension from the Git tab on the left panel. This extension tries to handle credentials for HTTP(S) connections (if you don't have set up a credential manager). But not for other SSH connections. The extension can cache temporarily (by default for an hour) credentials. To use the caching, you will need to check the option Save my login...
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  • 13
    Fast git handover with mob

    Fast git handover with mob

    Tool for smooth git handover

    Fast git handover for remote pair/mob programming. Switch to a separate branch with mob start and handover to the next person with mob next. Repeat. When you're done, get your changes into the staging area of the main branch with mob done and commit them. The perfect git handover is quick, requires no talking, and allows the rest of the team to continue discussing how to best solve the current problem undisturbed by the handover. mob is a thin wrapper around git. mob provides only a few...
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  • 14


    Node version management

    Node.js version management: no subshells, no profile setup, no convoluted API, just simple. n is not supported natively on Windows. There are a variety of ways of specifying the target Node.js version for n commands. Most commands use the latest matching version, and n ls-remote lists multiple matching versions. n downloads a prebuilt Node.js package and installs to a single prefix (e.g. /usr/local). This overwrites the previous version. The bin folder in this location should be in your PATH...
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  • 15


    A pure JavaScript implementation of git for node and browsers!

    ... for 100% interoperability with the canonical git implementation. This means it does all its operations by modifying files in a ".git" directory just like the git you are used to. The included isogit CLI can operate on git repositories on your desktop or server. isomorphic-git aims to be a complete solution with no assembly required. The API has been designed with modern tools like Rollup and Webpack in mind.
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  • 16
    Netlify CMS

    Netlify CMS

    A Git-based CMS for static site generators

    Open source content management for your Git workflow. Use Netlify CMS with any static site generator for a faster and more flexible web project. Get the speed, security, and scalability of a static site, while still providing a convenient editing interface for content. Content is stored in your Git repository alongside your code for easier versioning, multi-channel publishing, and the option to handle content updates directly in Git. Netlify CMS is built as a single-page React app. Create...
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  • 17


    Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges

    git-bug is fully embedded in git, you only need your git repository to have a bug tracker. git-bug is distributed. Use your normal git remote to collaborate, push and pull your bugs! git-bug works offline, in a plane or under the sea? Keep reading and writing bugs! It prevents vendor lock-in: your usual service is down or went bad? You already have a full backup. It is fast, listing bugs or opening them is a matter of milliseconds. git-bug doesn't pollute your project, no files are added...
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  • 18
    GitLab CE Server For Local Intranets

    GitLab CE Server For Local Intranets

    The Free & Popular Community git Server in a Complete Virtual Machine

    This VM is created for 2 reasons: 1. Very little initial setup work required to make a GIT Server live, within minutes. 2. This system should keep running for Years, without requiring Updates / Breakages. If you are new to Virtual Machines, then please watch the Video below ( taken from my other project. just replace td with gi wherever mentioned ) After starting this VM, please login to its administration panel with: Website Address: https://gi.local/ ( Accept Any Warnings due...
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  • 19
    This project provides a generic CDS (or ARINC 661 Server), coded in the Java language in order to facilitate the understanding of the ARINC 661 standard, prototype ARINC 661 concepts and architectures, etc… This project is managed by Dassault Aviation.
    Leader badge
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    Ada Class Library

    Ada Class Library

    Ada Class Library - an object orientated library for Ada.

    Text search and replace. Scripting (small tool programs). CGI scripts. Execution of external programs (incl. I/O redirection). Garbage Collection. Extendended Booch Components. CD-Recorder
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  • 21
    Remote Subversion repository dump
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    A visual front end to git

    Git is a popular source revision control system. GitForce is a GUI front-end for the git command line tool and runs on both Windows and Linux. It is designed to be easy and intuitive to use and yet powerful enough so you don't need to use a command line git.
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  • 23
    Git Graph extension for VSC

    Git Graph extension for VSC

    View a Git Graph of your repository in Visual Studio Code

    View a Git Graph of your repository, and easily perform Git actions from the graph. Configurable to look the way you want! View annotated tag details (name, email, date and message) Copy commit hashes, and branch, stash & tag names to the clipboard. View commit details and file changes by clicking on a commit. View the Visual Studio Code Diff of any file change by clicking on it. Open the current version of any file that was affected in the commit. Copy the path of any file that was affected...
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  • 24


    Incremental merge for git

    ... it is in progress. Multiple incremental merges can be in progress at the same time. Each incremental merge has a name, and its progress is recorded in the Git repository as references under refs/imerge/NAME. The current state of an incremental merge can be visualized using the diagram command. An incremental merge can be interrupted and resumed arbitrarily, or even pushed to a server to allow somebody else to work on it.
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    React Helmet

    React Helmet

    A document head manager for React

    ... in the server be sure to include this in the webpack file so that the same instance of react-helmet is used. Supports all valid head tags: title, base, meta, link, script, noscript, and style tags. It also supports attributes for body, html and title tags. Duplicate head changes are preserved when specified in the same component (support for tags like "apple-touch-icon").
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