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AnyWikiDraw is a graphical editor for rapid editing of drawings and diagrams on Wiki pages. Supported file formats: SVG, PNG, JPEG and DRAW. Supported Wikis: MediaWiki, PmWiki and TWiki.
Whyteboard is a painting whiteboard application for Linux and Windows, that allows the annotation of PDF and PostScript documents, and image files with common drawing tools.
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Papyrus is a C++ scenegraph (canvas) library that uses cairo/cairomm for drawing operations. This allows papyrus to be used to draw in a Gtk+/Gtkmm widget, or draw to png, pdf and ps surfaces. In concept it is similar to the Gnome canvas or QT canvas.
Jeszra is a visual designtool, which combines
2D- vector graphics and GUI design.
Jeszra is written in Tcl/Tk and creates reusable code for:
* Tcl, Ruby, Lisp and Python.
* DocBook based reference pages.
* SVG import and export.
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NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Jarnal is a plattform-indepenent programm written in Java for notetaking, sketching and PDF-/picture-annotating. It works like a normal notepad with the difference of being digital. It is thought to be used with a stylus on tablet-pcs.
Open Flash Board is a free, open source whiteboard drawing application. OFB provides the ability to draw with various tools (curve, circle, line, rectangle), move the various drawn objects, group objects, scale objects and grouped objects and save as XML
Jalava is a pure Javascript diagram editor. Unlike Windows-based programs, Jalava runs on your web browser. No Flash, no Java applets, no SVG. It is designed to be easily customised, so you can design your own editor using the framework provided.
A tool for generating animated images of tweened color blends based on bezier surface patches where the height of the surface patch represents the color value. Three patches are used (R,G,B) to make up each patch. See website for web start application.
BTNotes is a Pure-Java notes-taking application for use with a tablet pc or pen input devices like Wacom. You can export pages to PNG or store in binary files.
program for design cad 2D (next 3D), with possibility to manage plans, to print. The program is multiplatform and multilanguage. It allows to realize plans buildings, or mechanics.
lib2geom (2Geom in private life) is a library developed for inkscape to provide a robust computational geometry framework. It is not a rendering library, instead concentrating on high level algorithms such as computing arc length.
A Java-based tool for creating, designing and distributing graphical trees that represent syntactic construction of sentences. Useful for drawing trees under X-bar generative theory or any other correlated application.
Souzou is a cross-platform drawing board application written in C++. It is intended to be used with homemade Wiimote smartboards, and allows the interactive whiteboard to be used like a normal whiteboard, and allows you to save captures of the content.
Knotwork is a graphical application to create knotworks in a celtic, arabic or viking style. User draws a graph defined by vertices and edges, which gives the basis for building the knotwork. Web page: http://knotwork.sourceforge.net/index.html
The X3DV Module Suite is a free set of Netbeans modules to code in X3D
The X3DV Module Suite is a free set of Netbeans modules to code in X3D and VRML, the open standards for interactive and immersive 3D on Internet. With it, you can create virtual worlds in 3D, using the great edition features of Netbeans.
This project is not developed since years ago, so you may need to do something to update from Netbeans 6 to modern Netbeans, or use an old version with it. I am in the process of reviewing it and fix it.
QtOPENCASCADE is a framework for integrating the OpenCascade Solids Modelling library with the Qt4 toolkit to enable the development of multi-platform CAD and CAE applications.