Showing 1 open source project for "debian-lite"

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    #1 Accounting Software For Small Business

    Easily pay your team and access powerful tools, employee benefits, and supportive experts with the #1 online payroll service provider.

    Manage payroll and access HR and employee services in one place. Pay your team automatically once your payroll setup is complete. We'll calculate, file, and pay your payroll taxes automatically. Keep cash longer with free same-day direct deposit. Manage benefits and employee services from your payroll account. Keep cash longer with direct deposit. You’ll also have the flexibility to pay your team when you want with same-day direct deposit. Your time tracking data automatically flows into your account. You can approve timesheets, pay your team, and create invoices right from your phone. Free up valuable time and set your payroll to run automatically. If you turn on Auto Payroll, we’ll also send notifications to help you manage your account.
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    Dealer Management Software

    Trusted By More Than 21,900 Used Car Dealers

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    A customized Linux OS based on Ubuntu LTS release for All

    In Sanskrit, *Mamo* means *My*. In a world full of OSes like Windows, Mac, or android, a laptop/computer cannot be called **my Laptop/computer/phone** unless I have full control over it both in software and hardware regime. Such freedom can only be enjoyed on Linux based OSes. Many Ubuntu/Debian-based OSes have been able create an user-friendly OS environment for intermediate computer users. However, they're still far more intimidating to my Li'l sister and Gramps compared to Windows...
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