Showing 441 open source projects for "java library for android"

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  • Enterprise and Small Business CRM Solution | Clear C2 C2CRM Icon
    Enterprise and Small Business CRM Solution | Clear C2 C2CRM

    Voted Best CRM System with Top Ranked Customer Support. CRM Management includes Sales, Marketing, Relationship Management, and Help Desk.

    C2CRM consists of four modules that integrate to provide a comprehensive CRM solution: Relationship Management, Sales Automation, Marketing Automation, and Customer Service. Only buy what each user needs.
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  • Software Testing Platform | Testeum Icon
    Software Testing Platform | Testeum

    Testeum is a Software Testing & User Test platform

    Tired of bugs and poor UX going unnoticed despite thorough internal testing? Testeum is the SaaS crowdtesting platform that connects mobile and web app creators with carefully selected testers based on your criteria.
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  • 1
    Official Android SDK for Stream Chat

    Official Android SDK for Stream Chat

    Android Chat SDK ➜ Stream Chat API. UI component libraries for chat

    This is the official Android SDK for Stream Chat, a service for building chat and messaging applications. This library includes both a low-level chat SDK and a set of reusable UI components. Most users start with the UI components and fall back to the lower-level API when they want to customize things. We're proud to say that we're the first Android Chat SDK that supports Jetpack Compose! We released our Compose UI Components one day after the official Jetpack Compose 1.0 release and our team...
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  • 2


    Innovative user interfaces made easy

    Kivy is an open source, cross-platform UI framework that lets you develop applications that make use of innovative, multi-touch user interfaces. Written in Python with a graphics engine built over OpenGL ES 2, Kivy supports various input devices and protocols, and gives you access to over 20 widgets that are all highly extensible and have built-in multi-touch support. You can run the same codebase on Mac, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS. Kivy is 100% free and open source
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  • 3


    Java interface to OpenCV, FFmpeg, and more

    JavaCV uses wrappers from the JavaCPP Presets of commonly used libraries by researchers in the field of computer vision (OpenCV, FFmpeg, libdc1394, FlyCapture, Spinnaker, OpenKinect, librealsense, CL PS3 Eye Driver, videoInput, ARToolKitPlus, flandmark, Leptonica, and Tesseract) and provides utility classes to make their functionality easier to use on the Java platform, including Android. JavaCV also comes with hardware accelerated full-screen image display (CanvasFrame and GLCanvasFrame), easy...
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  • 4
    Intellij rainbow brackets

    Intellij rainbow brackets

    Rainbow Brackets for IntelliJ based IDEs/Android Studio/HUAWEI DevEco

    Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, AppCode, CLion, Gogland, DataGrip, Rider, MPS, Android Studio, HUAWEI DevEco Studio, DataSpell, Code With Me. Supports Java, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Haskell, Agda, Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Ruby, Elixir, ObjectiveC, PHP, HTML, XML, SQL, Apex language, C#, Dart, Pug/Jade, Bash, Vue.js, C# Razor Pages, GLSL(the OpenGL Shading Language), Go Template, C++, C, etc. Eliminate context switching...
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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • 5


    React Native NFC module for Android & iOS

    Bring NFC feature to React Native. Inspired by phonegap-nfc and react-native-ble-manager. React Native NFC module for Android & iOS.
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    Flutter Location

    Flutter Location

    A Flutter plugin to easily handle realtime location in iOS and Android

    A simple way to get the user's location without thinking about permission. This library aims at providing you with a simple way to get the user location without thinking about permission. It's also heavily configurable so you can easily get better performance or better battery. It currently supports Android, iOS, macOS and Web. Support for the remaining platforms is incoming.
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    Kotlin Coroutines binding APIs for Android UI widgets

    Coroutines binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries. This library is for Android applications only. Help you to transform Android UI events into cold Flow, hot ReceiveChannel or just perform an action through an Actor.
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    Android library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView

    Epoxy is an Android library for building complex screens in a RecyclerView. Models are automatically generated from custom views or databinding layouts via annotation processing. These models are then used in an EpoxyController to declare what items to show in the RecyclerView. This abstracts the boilerplate of view holders, diffing items and binding payload changes, item types, item ids, span counts, and more, in order to simplify building screens with multiple view types. Additionally, Epoxy...
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    A cross-platform ActionSheet for React Native

    React Native Action Sheet is a cross-platform React Native component that uses the native UIActionSheet on iOS and a pure JS implementation on Android. ReactNativeActionSheet uses React context to allow your components to invoke the menu.
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  • JobNimbus Construction Software Icon
    JobNimbus Construction Software

    For Roofers, Remodelers, Contractors, Home Service Industry

    Track leads, jobs, and tasks from one easy to use software. You can access your information wherever you are, get everyone on the same page, and grow your business.
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  • 10


    React Native wrapper for the Android ViewPager and iOS

    This component allows the user to swipe left and right through pages of data. Under the hood it is using the native Android ViewPager and the iOS UIPageViewController implementations. See it in action! This library supports both architectures (Paper and Fabric). If you would like enable new architecture. This library supports new architecture! We have two example folders one for each architecture. If you are using this library in your own project there some extra steps needed.
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  • 11


    react-native native module for In App Purchase.

    react-native-iap will help you access the In-App purchases capabilities of your device on iOS, and Android (Play Store and Amazon). In order to initialize the native modules, call initConnection() early in the lifecycle of your application. This should be done at a top-level component as the library caches the native connection. Initializing just before you needed is discouraged as it incurs on a performance hit. Calling this method multiple times without ending the previous connection...
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  • 12


    A React-Native datetime-picker for Android and iOS

    A declarative cross-platform react-native date and time picker. This library exposes a cross-platform interface for showing the native date-picker and time-picker inside a modal, providing a unified user and developer experience.
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  • 13


    A flexible way to handle safe area insets in JS. Also works on Android

    A flexible way to handle safe areas, also works on Android and the Web! This library currently has experimental support for the new react-native architecture. Note that there will be breaking changes and only the latest version of react-native will be supported. This library has 2 important concepts, if you are familiar with React Context this is very similar. The SafeAreaProvider component is a View from where insets provided by Consumers are relative to. This means that if this view overlaps...
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  • 14


    Cross-platform UI component for selecting an item from a list

    Picker is a cross-platform UI component for selecting an item from a list of options. This component is not supported in the managed workflow for expo sdk 37. Please import the Picker from react-native. As react-native@0.60 and above supports auto-linking there is no need to run the linking process.
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    A declarative framework for building efficient UIs on Android

    Litho uses a declarative API to define UI components. You simply describe the layout for your UI based on a set of immutable inputs and the framework takes care of the rest. With code generation, Litho can perform optimisations for your UI under the hood, while keeping your code simple and easy to maintain. Litho can measure and layout your UI ahead of time without blocking the UI thread. By decoupling its layout system from the traditional Android View system, Litho can drop the UI thread...
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    Mobile-first, accessible components for React Native & Web

    NativeBase is a mobile-first, accessible component library for building a consistent design system across android, iOS & web. NativeBase is a mobile-first, component library for React & React Native. Version 3.0 ships with complete ARIA integration, support for utility props and nearly 40 components that are consistent across Android, iOS and Web. Fast-track your dev process with NativeBase 3.0. Building with React Native from scratch is a tedious process with multiple steps such as adding...
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  • 17
    Ionic Framework

    Ionic Framework

    A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality apps

    A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With a low friction migration, Ionic 6 brings improved desktop support, new UI components, iOS/Android design enhancements, performance and bundling improvements, and so much more. Free and open-source, Ionic offers a library of mobile-optimized UI components, gestures, and tools for building fast highly interactive apps. Ionic’s UI components look great on all...
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  • 18


    Powerful and Beautiful Popup for Android

    There are several built-in pop-up windows and more than a dozen good animations. The custom design of pop-up windows and animations is extremely simple; there is no pop-up window effect that XPopup cannot achieve. The built-in popup allows you to use the existing layout of the project, while also using the animation, interaction and logic encapsulation provided by XPopup. The UI animation is simple and follows Material Design. Many details, transitions, and level changes are considered when...
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    Friendly React-like GUI library for desktop, web, mobile, and more

    Build reliable user interfaces that run anywhere. Introducing Dioxus, a React-like library for building fast, portable, and beautiful user interfaces with Rust. Runs on the web, desktop, mobile, and more. Easily describe the layout of your application with HTML or RSX syntax. Build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs. Components and hooks can be reused to render on the web, desktop, mobile, server, and more! 1st class support...
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    NativeScript plugin to expose Airbnb Lottie

    ui-lottie is a NativeScript plugin for rendering Lottie animations, a library for rendering vector-based animations with minimal performance impact.
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    Compose Kotlin UI

    Compose Kotlin UI

    A modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant

    Fast reactive desktop UIs for Kotlin, based on Google's modern toolkit and brought to you by JetBrains. Compose for Desktop simplifies and accelerates UI development for desktop applications, and allows extensive UI code sharing between Android and desktop applications. Currently in alpha. Compose for Desktop provides a declarative and reactive approach to creating user interfaces with Kotlin. Combine composable functions to build your user interface, and enjoy full tooling support from your...
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    Android PagerTabStrip for iOS

    XLPagerTabStrip is a Container View Controller that allows us to switch easily among a collection of view controllers. Pan gesture can be used to move on to next or previous view controller. It shows a interactive indicator of the current, previous, next child view controllers. The library provides 4 different ways to show the view controllers. This is likely the most common pager type. It's used by many well-known apps such as instagram, youtube, skype, and many others. The bar mode doesn't...
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  • 23
    Ant Design Mobile

    Ant Design Mobile

    A configurable Mobile UI

    A UI component library based on Preact, React, and React Native. Provides 40+ basic components, covering all kinds of scenarios, component features rich to meet the needs of various functional Requirements. Simple enough to get started, you can load all the code at a time or only load some of the components used in the code to avoid redundancy. On the basis of not losing the features, as far as possible to ensure a single component of the smallest, best performance. Support flexible style...
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    An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines

    An implementation of tap targets from Google's Material Design guidelines on feature discovery. Prompt users to try features or functionality that can be completed in a single tap, such as saving a location in a map app. Prompt users to try features or functionality that require more than one tap to complete, such as turning on automatic backup in a photo app. Feature discovery prompts have more impact when they are presented to the right users at contextually relevant moments. When...
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    UI Kitten

    UI Kitten

    React Native UI library based on Eva Design System

    A React Native framework for creating stunning cross-platform mobile applications. Design system-based, UI Kitten brings your product from an MVP to the final product version. Forever open source and free! UI Kitten is a React Native implementation of the Eva Design System. The framework contains a set of general-purpose UI components styled in a similar way. The most awesome thing about Ui Kitten is that the themes can be changed in the runtime without reloading the application. This way,...
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