Showing 109 open source projects for "qgis-osgeo4w-2.6.1-1-setup"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1


    Statsmodels, statistical modeling and econometrics in Python

    ... of the one-parameter exponential family distributions. Markov switching models (MSAR), also known as Hidden Markov Models (HMM). Vector autoregressive models, VAR and structural VAR. Vector error correction model, VECM. Robust linear models with support for several M-estimators. statsmodels supports specifying models using R-style formulas and pandas DataFrames.
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  • 2
    AWS Deep Learning Containers

    AWS Deep Learning Containers

    A set of Docker images for training and serving models in TensorFlow

    ..., transforms etc. They've been tested for machine learning workloads on Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS services as well. This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. Ensure you have access to an AWS account i.e. setup your environment such that awscli can access your account via either an IAM user or an IAM role.
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  • 3


    Probabilistic programming in Python

    ... in a model is not a scalar value or a fixed-length vector, but a function. A Gaussian process (GP) can be used as a prior probability distribution whose support is over the space of continuous functions. PyMC3 provides rich support for defining and using GPs. Variational inference saves computational cost by turning a problem of integration into one of optimization. PyMC3's variational API supports a number of cutting edge algorithms, as well as minibatch for scaling to large datasets.
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  • 4
    TensorFlow Model Garden

    TensorFlow Model Garden

    Models and examples built with TensorFlow

    The TensorFlow Model Garden is a repository with a number of different implementations of state-of-the-art (SOTA) models and modeling solutions for TensorFlow users. We aim to demonstrate the best practices for modeling so that TensorFlow users can take full advantage of TensorFlow for their research and product development. To improve the transparency and reproducibility of our models, training logs on are also provided for models to the extent possible though not all models...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 5
    DAE Tools Project

    DAE Tools Project

    Object-oriented equation-based modelling and optimisation software

    ..., such as plotting and exporting to various file formats - Report generation - Code generation, co-simulation and model exchange The following class of problems can be solved by DAE Tools: - Initial value problems of implicit form - Index-1 DAE systems - With lumped or distributed parameters - Steady-state or dynamic - Continuous with some elements of event-driven systems
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  • 6


    oracle pl/sql based tools for design development and maintenance

    A suite of open source utilities written in Oracle PL/SQL for schema instrumentation, auditing, schema administration scripting, ddl mapping and migration code generation, dml package generation, and xml service package generation based on metadata tables
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  • 7
    FOML is an expressive logic rule language that supports object modeling, analysis, and inference. It naturally supports model-level activities, such as constraints (extending UML diagrams), dynamic compositional modeling, analysis and reasoning about models, model testing, design pattern modeling, specification of Domain Specific Modeling Languages, and meta-modeling. FOML can reason about: 1. The model meta-data (meta-model level reasoning, or syntax reasoning) 2. Data level: reason about...
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  • 8
    Qt-Generator for YAKINDU SCT
    This project provides a generator for conneting the YAKINDU Statecharttools with a Qt application. Since the concept of incoming and outgoing events is similar to the Qt signal and slot concept it is logical to link both together. Note that the generated code is an Addon onto the already generated C++-Code from SCT. So you need two sgen-files. One to generate the C++ statemachine and one to generate the link layer between the statemachine and your Qt application.
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  • 9


    Outputs the map of values of a given PHP variable

    You can use this package instead of var_dump() or print_r() PHP functions.
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  • Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg Icon
    Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg

    Get 7,500 MAUs, 50 tenants, and 5 SSOs free – integrated into your app with just a few lines of code.

    Frontegg powers modern businesses with a user management platform that’s fast to deploy and built to scale. Embed SSO, multi-tenancy, and a customer-facing admin portal using robust SDKs and APIs – no complexity required. Designed for the Product-Led Growth era, it simplifies setup, secures your users, and frees your team to innovate. From startups to enterprises, Frontegg delivers enterprise-grade tools at zero cost to start. Kick off today.
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  • 10
    A fast and reliable tool, written in Java 8, for generating professional UML sequence diagrams from text. Supports actors, con-/destructors, threads, broadcasts, notes, and fragments. Can serve as a Javadoc taglet. Exports PDF, (E)PS, SVG, PNG, ... The source code is hosted at
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  • 11
    Java 2D & 3D visual entity relationship design & modeling (ERD,SQL) for Oracle,MSSQL,Postgres,MySQL,...,Database change&dictionary management, Swing Data Binding, Apache FOP Renderer for dot matrix printers,Sparx Enterprise Architect Reports + more
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  • 12
    DRAKON Editor

    DRAKON Editor

    A free cross-platform editor for the DRAKON visual language.

    DRAKON is a diagram language developed within the Russian space program. Its primary objective is presenting complex software systems in a way which is easy to understand by humans. DRAKON's motto: took a glance - understood at once. DRAKON Editor helps software architects, quality specialists and developers. Architects and quality assurers can express a high-level view of how their product works. DRAKON serves them to explain the dynamics of a software system. Software engineers can use...
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  • 13
    Blueprint Builder

    Blueprint Builder

    The markup language for design the programs

    Blueprint Builder is an integrate environment for development the blueprint documents. Blueprint is a technology for designing : 1. structure of program 2. process of development 3. business processes The technology is compatible with Rational Unified Process Articles about Blueprint in english and ukrainian reveals the major moments of the using Blueprint technology. Examples of the using technology includes the blueprints of MultiText Editor, Blueprint Builder and Neutrino (Java...
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  • 14


    UML diagram editor

    BeigeUML is an UML diagram editor. It has two user interfaces - ordinary desktop SWING and Android. Features: 1. Supports UML 2.4.1 compliant class diagram, package diagram, object diagram, sequence diagram and use case diagram. 2. It generates UML class diagram from Java source. 3. It's a doclet that generates standard Javadoc with UML class diagram. This application you can download from Central Maven Repository:
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  • 15


    Fortran library with the Abaqus user material subroutines UMAT/VUMAT

    ... are provided. Quote this code as: A. Shterenlikht, N. A. Alexander, Levenberg-Marquardt vs Powell's dogleg method for Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman plasticity model, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 237-240:1-9 (2012). DOI:
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  • 16
    Data Modeler

    Data Modeler

    A tool for creating data models and databases for Microsoft SQL Server

    ... is an indispensable tool in any DBAs toolbox. I've used a lot of data modelers, from open-source free software to expensive modelers like Embarcadero ER/Studio. None of them come close for me in terms of ease-of-use and productivity gains. select * from DataModelers where Indispensable='true'; (1 row(s) affected) Facebook
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  • 17


    UML Modeling Tool for MDD-based Analysis/Design

    SINVAS is a software engineering platform tool to support Full Life Cycle of software development, and is composed of five products. SINVAS acquires Traceability, recyclability and visibility of software development. It will help greatly to the improvement of productivity and product quality. If you send various proposals, functions and bugs of SINVAS to us, we will reflect in the ongoing product development. SINVAS Product Introduction 1) SINVAS REQ - Requirement Management...
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  • 18


    Software Engineering Full Life Cycle Support Tool

    SINVAS is a software engineering platform tool to support Full Life Cycle of software development, and is composed of five products. SINVAS acquires Traceability, recyclability and visibility of software development. It will help greatly to the improvement of productivity and product quality. If you send various proposals, functions and bugs of SINVAS to us, we will reflect in the ongoing product development. SINVAS Product Introduction 1) SINVAS REQ - Requirement Management...
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  • 19
    BoarderZone ASNalyzer
    A 100% pure Java Swing ASN.1 analysis utility for inspecting arbitrary BER-encoded data files. It allows inspection of data with unknown structure, can drill down to any nesting level and allows to interpret embedded OCTET STRING data recursively.
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  • 20


    Simulador de Redes de Petri Interpretadas para Controle

    ... conversão automática de RPICs em diagramas Ladder, como proposto no artigo de M. V. Moreira e J. C. Basílio [1]. Para utilizar o programa, baixe a versão mais recente em, extraia no local de preferência e execute o arquivo 'petrilab.pyw'. [1] M. V. Moreira e J. C. Basílio, “Bridging the Gap Between Design and Implementation of Discrete-Event Controllers”.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERIN
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  • 21

    NeuroSolutions: Formula Generator

    Utility converts the weights file of a MLP Breadboard into a formula

    The NeuroSolutions: Formula Generator utility converts the weights file of a default MLP breadboard (1-hidden layer with a TanhAxon in the hidden layer and either a TanhAxon or BiasAxon in the output layer) into a usable formula that can be copied and pasted into your own programs to compute the output of the trained neural network.
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  • 22


    A general recommender system with basic models and MRA

    Multi-categorization Recommendation Adjusting (MRA) is to optimize the results of recommendation based on traditional(basic) recommendation models, through introducing objective category information and taking use of the feature that users always get the habits of preferring certain categories. Besides this, there are two advantages of this improved model: 1) it can be easily applied to any kind of existing recommendation models. And 2) a controller is set in this improved model to provide...
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  • 23
    BianLian Framework plan to establish a cross-platform, cross-language, JSF .NET like solution. To make all the GUI (both JSF .net and so on) INDEPENDENT to implementation. PS, BianLian is the famous Chinese art with about 1000 years history.
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  • 24
    The open-source project for development, analysing and installation of (Asset-Control) Asset Data Model(s), through Eclipse.
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    Ontology CASE Tool - Cartographie des connaissances et ontologies

    OntoCASE est un outil d'ingénierie ontologique de construction d'ontologies OWL à partir d'un modèle semi-formel graphique en langage de Modélisation Par Objets Typés (MOT) développé par la firme Cotechnoe OntoCASE se compose de: 1) eLi, un éditeur de modèle semi-formel graphique qui permet de cartographier la connaissance en langage MOT 2) OntoForm, est un système expert qui permet de formaliser le modèle MOT en ontologie OWL, 3) OntoVal, est un système expert qui asiste le processus...
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