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This is an entity relationship diagram visualization widget programmed on QT4. With this tool you can draw objects (computers, people, whatever), and the relationship between them.
DataLG is a Data Access Layer (DAL) generator. Create stored procedures, views, and tables on the database side, then use DataLG to create an assembly (and its source) to interact with them. Works with: Ms Sql Server, Sqlite 3, Mysql 4-5, and PostgreSQL.
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NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
The KlassModeler is a cross platform tool for visually creating C++ classes and class relationships. It generates attractive header files as well as HTML Documentation. An intuitive user interface makes it easy to work with large, complex models.
The SAVE-IDE is an integrated development environment for architectural and component-based design of embedded systems. Including a tool chain for analysis, verification and code generation, with focus on safety and real-time.
SYSTEM FOR DESIGNING AND SIMULATE CONCURRENT AND DISTRIBUTED PROGRAMS IN CLUSTER ARCHITECTURE Provides graphical interface for configuring relationships between cooperating, abstract processes and simulate it in real cluster environment, using MPI.
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XISL (XML based scripting of Implicit Surfaces) package (written in C++) assists developers in construction of arbitrary implicit models. Each implicit function class (a primitive, an operation, etc.) is deffined by its appropriate XISL tag(s).
Mangrovia is a tool for automatic complex multilayer topology generation in a compatible format with Network Simulator 2 (ns-2). Based on specs (in xml format), software creates an otcl script. Users can set Bandwidths, Distances, Linking Policies.
Complex list management with an extremely versatile interface. Built-in sorting (with abstract variants), finding, iteration, and element manipulation. Supports const-interface elements. Transparent 'virtual array storage' (VAS) for large element types
A free UML tool. 1)Support UML 2.xx; 2)Used in Windows(2000/XP/Vista); 3)Can generate source code /CHM from model, or parse source code into model by JavaScript; 4)Support 12 kinds of diagram except object diagram; 5)Very nice, simple, and easy to use.
Skeleton is a graphical coding environment to easily create and modify rooms/areas
of MUDs basing on the Evermore Core Library (EverLib - see
2D-GraLab is a program that is dedicated to automatically generating schematic representation of nonbonding interactions across the protein binding interfaces.
pmMDA - poor man MDA - is a pragmatic MDA code generation engine based on Velocity. The implementation is done in Java. The input model is defined using UML tools - e.g. ArgoUML -. Target frameworks are provided to realize complex applications.
The AccessMusic project provides a set of tools for creating accessible music which are freely available to download. These tools allow you to convert music scores from traditional western music notation to formats for the Blind and visually impaired.
a framework library with a template method interface and inheritable classes for an executable process design which produces an executable which is both a GUI and a console application. It provides multi-threading for work items of the provider process .
LPOO3d é uma ferramenta de visualização de informações baseada em Ogre3d desenvolvida por alunos da UPE para projetos de Linguagem de Programação Orientada a Objetos (JAVA).
Fiona is a tool to automatically analyze the interactional behavior of a given oWFN. It provides two techniques: it checks for the controllability of the given net by computing the interactiong graph and it calculates the operating guideline for the net.
The Introspector enables the programming tools that deal with source code such as the compiler to communicate in a standard and neutral manner reducing the accidental cost of programming.