Material Design Web Components
Collection of utilities andcomponents for building web applications
Outline clients, developed by Jigsaw
Open Source record and playback test automation for the web
One API for plugins and datasets, one interface for prompt engineering
Modern IDE and code editor from Microsoft for Mac, Windows, and Linux
Make any web page a desktop application
Dev tools to reliably understand text and automate conversations
HLS.js is a JavaScript library that plays HLS in browsers
Open game and rendering engine packed into a JavaScript framework
Optimal workflow for frontend teams
Hand-crafted icons built by Ionic for web apps
Locally test and debug chat bots built with the Bot Framework SDK
The GraphQL LSP reference ecosystem for building browser & IDE tools
Free and Open-source Headless CMS and Application Framework
Spec-compliant and production ready JavaScript GraphQL server
TagSpaces is an offline, open source, document manager with tagging
Open source framework for building truly native mobile apps
Wire for desktop
The modern web developer’s platform
HFS is a web file server to run on your computer
Next-generation ORM for Node.js and TypeScript
JavaScript Survey and Form Library
HTML5 canvas based smooth signature drawing
Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine