Showing 43 open source projects for "open directory"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 1
    Outline Client

    Outline Client

    Outline clients, developed by Jigsaw

    .... Platform support is provided by Cordova and Electron, with additional native components in this repository. Outline clients share the same web app across all platforms. This code is located in the src/www directory. If you are making changes to the shared web app and do not need to test platform-specific functionality, you can test in a desktop browser. It provides the "missing Unix pieces" required by build system such as rsync (and many others).
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  • 2
    JupyterLab Desktop

    JupyterLab Desktop

    JupyterLab desktop application, based on Electron

    JupyterLab Desktop is the cross-platform desktop application for JupyterLab. It is the quickest and easiest way to get started with Jupyter notebooks on your personal computer, with the flexibility for advanced use cases. JupyterLab Desktop can be launched from the GUI of your operating system by clicking the application's icon or by using jlab command from the command line. Double-clicking .ipynb files is also supported and it will launch JupyterLab Desktop and load the notebook file.
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  • 3


    A terminal for a more modern age

    ... menu integration. Optional portable mode. Current directory detection that works. Multiple connection profiles. Newline conversion. Text, reading and byte-by-byte input modes. Text and hexdump output modes. Zmodem, Non-standard baud rates. Simultaneous multi-pane input. Optional PuTTY style right-click paste and copy on select. macOS vibrancy and Win 10 fluent background support.
    Downloads: 24 This Week
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    Bot Framework Emulator

    Bot Framework Emulator

    Locally test and debug chat bots built with the Bot Framework SDK

    Bot Framework Emulator is a desktop application that allows bot developers to test and debug bots, either locally or remotely. Using the Emulator, you can chat with your bot and inspect the messages that your bot sends and receives. The Emulator displays messages as they would appear in a web chat UI and logs JSON requests and responses as you exchange messages with your bot. Before you deploy your bot to the cloud, run it locally and test it using the Emulator. You can test your bot using...
    Downloads: 16 This Week
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    List any node_modules directories in your system

    Easily find and remove old and heavy node_modules folders. Installation through npm is simple. Make sure you have installed node and npm and then run npm i -g npkill. You can also use it without installing it by running npx npkill. Simply go from the terminal to the directory from which you want to search and type npkill. This will start the search and will show the node_modules directories next to their size. You can use the cursor arrows to move up or down. Pressing the Space key will erase...
    Downloads: 4 This Week
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  • 6
    Angular Example App

    Angular Example App

    Angular 13 example app + Angular CLI + i18n + GraphQL

    Example app with Angular 13 + Angular CLI + i18n + Graphql. Contains CRUD, advanced patterns, generated library, and much more! This project is using a real app deployed in heroku. The server is using NesjJS, Prisma, Postgres and GraphQL. Please check it out and feel free also to contribute or give me your thoughts. Search bar, to look for heroes. Custom loading page. Example of Angular Resolver for Hero Detail. Lazy loading images with ng-lazyload-image. Modal and toasts (snakbar)! Scroll...
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  • 7
    OWASP Juice Shop

    OWASP Juice Shop

    Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application

    It can be used in security trainings, awareness demos, CTFs and as a guinea pig for security tools! Juice Shop encompasses vulnerabilities from the entire OWASP Top Ten along with many other security flaws found in real-world applications! Juice Shop is written in Node.js, Express and Angular. It was the first application written entirely in JavaScript listed in the OWASP VWA Directory. The application contains a vast number of hacking challenges of varying difficulty where the user is supposed...
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  • 8


    GitHub API

    An image bed management tool with CDN acceleration function developed based on GitHub API. No need to download and install, use it online on the web page! free! Stablize! Convenient! Extremely fast! Writing articles with static blogs such as Hexo, VuePress, Hugo, etc., I don’t know where to save the pictures. Deliberately spending money to rent a cloud server to host pictures, it is too expensive and not worth it, and the upload configuration is cumbersome. The link to the favorite picture...
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  • 9
    NFT art maker

    NFT art maker

    Generates images and metadata files, packs them into IPFS CAR files

    NFT Art Maker, generates images and metadata files, packs them into IPFS CAR files, and uploads them using All from provided PNG layers. The primary task of this tool is to generate a randomized set of images from provided PNG layers and pack them into .car files. Then you can upload them to IPFS using or other tools. nft-art-maker tool doesn't assume any way of uploading to ipfs, but I would recommend where you can upload whole .car file. They offer free...
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  • Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free Icon
    Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free

    From Canva to Slides, Desmos to YouTube, Lumio works with the tech tools you are already using.

    Transform anything you share into an engaging digital experience - for free. Instantly convert your PDFs, slides, and files into dynamic, interactive sessions with built-in collaboration tools, activities, and real-time assessment. From teaching to training to team building, make every presentation unforgettable. Used by millions for education, business, and professional development.
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  • 10


    Really simple Electron + Vite + Vue boilerplate

    Really simple Electron + Vue + Vite boilerplate. Out of the box, based on the official template-vue-ts, less invasive, extensible, really simple directory structure, supports using Node.js API in Electron-Renderer, supports C/C++ native addons. It's easy to implement multiple windows. By default, this template integrates Node.js in the Renderer process. If you don't need it, you just remove the option.
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  • 11


    Authentication for the Web

    Auth.js is a set of open-source packages that are built on standard Web APIs for authentication in modern applications with any framework on any platform in any JS runtime.
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  • 12


    Automatic TypeScript barrels (index.ts files) for your code base

    Barrelsby is a TypeScript utility that automatically generates barrel files (index.ts or index.js) to simplify imports in large projects. It helps developers manage exports efficiently by creating centralized entry points.
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    The production toolkit for LLMs. Observability, prompt management

    Lunary helps developers of LLM Chatbots develop and improve them.
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  • 14


    Swagger UI as Koa v2 middleware

    Host swagger ui at a given directory from your koa v2 app.
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  • 15
    GPT-Code UI

    GPT-Code UI

    An open source implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code interpreter

    An open source implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code interpreter. Simply ask the OpenAI model to do something and it will generate & execute the code for you. You can put a .env in the working directory to load the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. For Azure OpenAI Services, there are also other configurable variables like deployment name. See for more information. Note that model selection on the UI is currently not supported for Azure OpenAI Services.
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    Zero-dependency, build-free framework for the artisanal web

    Zero-dependency, a build-free framework for the artisanal web. Strawberry is a tiny front-end framework that gives you reactivity and composability. It does this with zero dependencies, without a build step, and it fits in less than 4KB when gzipped.
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  • 17
    ChainSafe UI Monorepo

    ChainSafe UI Monorepo

    ChainSafe Files & Storage UI Monorepo

    The repository is broken up into packages, managed using yarn workspaces. You can find these in the packages directory. Various components (atoms/molecules) are used in the development of UI's. This package forms the base of the UI providing composable components, form elements, icons, small-scope elements. Theme context and other utilities for generating and using the theming capabilities.
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  • 18
    SQL Formatter

    SQL Formatter

    A whitespace formatter for different query languages

    .... If you don't use a module bundler, clone the repository, run npm install and grab a file from /dist directory to use inside a script tag. This makes SQL Formatter available as a global variable window.sqlFormatter.
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    Angular markdown component/directive/pipe/service to parse static

    Angular markdown component/directive/pipe/service to parse static, dynamic or remote content to HTML with syntax highlight and more. As the library is using Marked parser you will need to add node_modules/marked/marked.min.js to your application. To use the line numbers plugin that shows line numbers in code blocks, in addition to Prism.js configuration files, you will need to include the following files from prismjs/plugins/line-numbers directory to your application. Using markdown component...
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    Angular component for Font Awesome 5+

    ... in the 6.3.0 release. Font Awesome 6 makes it even easier to use icons where you want to. More plugins and packages to match your stack. Less time wrestling browser rendering. We know the pain of wrangling icons on the internet. That's why in 2012, we created the first version of our open-source icons and toolkit. And with the help of our subscription plan Font Awesome Pro, we've built a lean icon-obsessed team who keep cranking out more icons, more styles, and more services for everyone.
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  • 21
    AWS Lambda NodeJS Runtime Interface

    AWS Lambda NodeJS Runtime Interface

    Extend your preferred base images to be Lambda compatible

    We have open-sourced a set of software packages, Runtime Interface Clients (RIC), that implement the Lambda Runtime API, allowing you to seamlessly extend your preferred base images to be Lambda compatible. The Lambda Runtime Interface Client is a lightweight interface that allows your runtime to receive requests from and send requests to the Lambda service. The Lambda NodeJS Runtime Interface Client is vended through npm. You can include this package in your preferred base image to make...
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  • 22
    AWS Amplify

    AWS Amplify

    A declarative JavaScript library for application development

    The Amplify open-source client libraries provide use-case-centric, opinionated, declarative, and easy-to-use interfaces across different categories of cloud-powered operations enabling mobile and web developers to easily interact with their backends. These libraries are powered by the AWS cloud and offer a pluggable model which can be extended to use other providers. The libraries can be used with both new backends created using the Amplify CLI and existing backend resources. The Amplify...
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  • 23


    Fix broken node modules instantly

    ... a web frontend. Note that if you want to patch un-hoisted packages you'll need to repeat the setup process for the child package. Also make sure you're in the child package directory when you run patch-package to generate the patch files. Create a hash of your patches before loading/saving your cache.
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  • 24
    Refined GitHub

    Refined GitHub

    Browser extension that simplifies GitHub interface and adds features

    ... shortcut to star/unstar the current repo: g s. Adds a link to the default branch on directory listings and files. Adds a link to swap branches in the branch compare view. Adds a shortcut to your forks next to the Fork button on the current repo. Displays the age of the repository in the sidebar. In your forked repos, shows number of your open PRs to the original repo. Adds a link to access the past runs of a GitHub Action workflow when seeing the workflow configuration file. And much more.
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  • 25


    Humanizing UI Automation

    Reliable, automated end-to-end testing that only depends on what is shown on your screen instead of the technology or platform you are running on. This repo is a mono repo consisting mainly of npm packages. We use workspaces to manage the different npm packages etc. This may change in the future as we plan to include also packages, libraries etc. written in other languages in this repo to make the power of askui available to non-typescript/-javascript developers as well. Gitpod runs askui in...
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