A cross platform HTML5 QR code reader
A markup-driven CSS language with enhanced syntax
The open source Firebase alternative
Type less, code more: Cody is an AI code assistant
A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB
Middleware and an Upload scalar to add support for GraphQL
Just another simple, fast, and resilient open-source WebSockets server
Super Productivity is an advanced todo list app
Angular component for Font Awesome 5+
A browser extension to improve TweetDeck with a lot of features
Completely customizable framework for building rich text editors
The HTML5 Creation Engine
Read a set of SVG icons and ouput a TTF/EOT/WOFF/WOFF2/SVG font
An open-source screen recorder built with web technology
Really simple Electron + Vite + Vue boilerplate
Universal Mastodon API client for JavaScript
FastImage, performant React Native image component.
Tiny JS library to glitch anything on the web
Koa request server handler for Remix
An object document mapper for Doctrine ORM using JSON
Build forms in React
Bear necessities for state management in React
Zero-dependency, build-free framework for the artisanal web
Ts.ED is a Node.js and TypeScript framework on top of Express
Node.js wrapper for FingerprintJS Server API