Showing 299 open source projects for "base-files"

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1


    Gedit Plugin for XML Validation and Transformation

    Use xmllint (from libxml2) and xsltproc (from libxslt) from within Gedit to validate an XML document. To install: 1) Download the and xmlvaltran.plugin files to the "~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/" directory. If the directory does not exist, create it: "mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/" 2) Start or restart Gedit, and go to "Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins". 3) Select the checkbox next to "XML Validator/Transformer". The plugin will be displayed in the side panel...
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  • 2
    JPDF Tools
    JPDF Tools is a GUI java program built on the JPDF Export library. Its main aim is to create pdf files by inserting texts, images or tables. Users can also merge PDF files, split PDF files, merge images into PDF files and soon convert from and to PDF files.
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  • 3
    latexdiff is a Perl script, which compares two latex files and marks up significant differences between them (i.e. a diff for latex files). Various options are available for visual markup using standard latex packages such as "color.sty".
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  • 4


    Command line tool to detect and convert files encoding.

    Command line tool to detect and convert files encoding. Works with files or directories. Can be used to add or remove UTF-8 BOM. Multi-platform. EncTool requires Java 1.5 or highter.
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 5


    RTF to XML Converter

    With MajiX you can automatically transform RTF files (Microsoft Word files) in XML. MajiX is Java compliant. You can convert Headings, lists (numbered or not), tables, bold, italics, underline and some more.
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    Dvipdfm tool for SCons

    SCons tool to cooperate with dvipdfm program

    SCons is a make replacement providing a range of enhanced features such as automated dependency generation and built in compilation cache support. SCons rule sets are Python scripts so as well as the features it provides itself SCons allows you to use the full power of Python to control compilation. This is a SCons extension (tool) which enables usage of the dvipdfm program to convert dvi files to pdf.
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    Replasol is basically Visual Fart. The purpose is to create a simple front end GUI for FART (Find and Replace Text) in JAVA that allows you to use all of the command line options quickly and easily, as well as store .wind files, containing multiple Farts
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    Content Editor

    Content Editor

    Edit .txt files.

    Content Editor is a program that lets one edit text files on Windows platform in an advanced methord.
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    Ynote Classic

    Ynote Classic

    Text Editor for Programmers

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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10
    JTransliter is a lightweight and easy to use application designed to provide you with a simple and comprehensive text editor that features transliteration support. The transliteration dictionary includes Russian and Ukranian letters, but it can be customized according to your preferences, as it is stored in XML format. No installation needed. Java runtime environment 7 is required (
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  • 11


    SRT subtitle's timeline modifier

    It's just a tiny toy. My listening in English is bad. So I need subtitiles. But some .srt files' timeline is not so accurate. Then I wrote a piece of code to modify .srt's timeline.
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  • 12

    Musoftware Text Application

    Editing Text such vb code , c# code , ini , and more

    Musoftware Text Application is a complex software that allows you to write text documents and edit C++ / C# files. Musoftware Text Application is a program that can also be used to split / merge or encrypt text. Furthermore, the app can convert / format numbers, extract web links and display the time.
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  • 13
    Transliterator between any Language files - Map Fonts, Create Encoding Scheme, Input Phonetic, Indian, Roman, Tamil, Hindi, English, French, German, Spanish or Any World Language Keyboard. Ex: [Phonetic Input]-[Any World Language Output] or ViceVersa.
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  • 14


    big file editor for opening and editing very large files

    mostly system admins or DBA has this issue. they need to open up a very big sql dump/access logs and look into that. maybe make simple changes and save them. here is a open source C++/Qt project for that purpose. code at
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  • 15
    A UNIX Shell script wrapper for the VI editor. It is recommended VIB be used as an alias for the VI editor. VIB creates backups of any files edited using VI to a specified location while maintaining X backup revisions, and keeping a revision history of who made changes and when to a master log. VIB is Ideal in environments where you have multiple users logging into a UNIX system and you wish to keep track of whom is modifying files. For example, VIB could be 'aliased' in all new...
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  • 16
    Drag-and-drop files/directories/HTML-URLs into a Java GUI. Perform text operations on the files into output files. Operations include concatention, text and regex editing, and other file/string/row/column/script operations.
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    Trim Lines

    Trim Lines removes trailing whitespace from source code files

    This is simple command line tool to batch process source code files to remove trailing whitespaces and convert all line endings to your system native style. Usage example: trimlines d:\Projects\SomeProject\src *.c;*.cpp;*.h;*.hpp;*.inc .svn;.git With this command all files in "d:\Projects\SomeProject\src" including sub-folders that match search masks "*.c;*.cpp;*.h;*.hpp;*.inc" and excluding specified folders ".svn;.git" will be processed. Can process unicode and system native encoded...
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  • 18
    clip5 text clipboard manager

    clip5 text clipboard manager

    Simple interface which can be used as a clipboard manager

    It's a Java application which can be used as a clipboard manager. Just click on any of the textfield/textarea to copy the the displyed text into the system clipboard, where it will be ready to be pasted in another application like an e-mail client, a word processor ... Data are saved in text files. Edit the .txt files in order to best suit your needs.
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    Emerald Text Editor (jEditor)

    Emerald Text Editor (jEditor)

    Emerald Text Editor is a tabbed text editor with heavy customizability

    Emerald Text Editor (Emerald Editor, or Emerald as I call it), formerly called jEditor, is a text editor that is much similar to notepad in the fact that it let's you edit text but it makes use of the tabbed panes which means that you can have multiple tabs up at once allowing you to edit multiple files at one time. Emerald Text Editor also comes with a toolbar which tells you how quickly you are typing and how many characters are in your current document. The program is also customizable...
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    A Java swing .po file editor that displays comments, ids, and translations in a JTable. Multiple files can be compared and IDs can be looked up to see what files will be affected by the change. (changed from po editor to avoid confusion with poedit)
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  • 21

    Keyfile editor for Falcon BMS

    An editor for .key files for Falcon BMS 4.32

    This will help you edit those hard-to-understand .key files for your controller and keyboard setup with the game Falcon BMS 4.32 by Benchmarksims. Please refer to the thread on Benchmarksims forum for questions/suggestions/feedback where additional information and tutorial is avaliable (click Web Site-link below)
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    A collection of DITA map and topic files used for checking the performance of tools such as the DITA-OT used to convert DITA to other formats, including recommended PIs for dealing with presentation needs not covered in the DITA specification. Primary host is now github,
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    Basic PDF tools.

    Project contains two applications. PdfTextExtractor - extract text from pdf with text layer. PdfShapeDrawer - draw shapes on pdf files. Project use iTextSharp library ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation
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    Simple Text Search & Replace

    Simple Text Search & Replace Tool

    Search and replace text in multiple files easily at once
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    Text Editor & Word Processing

    Typster is a text editing and a word processing software.It allows you to do all the basic thing you do with texts.Text documents,Rich Text documents,HTML documents etc. & other coding files can be created through this software.That's not all you can send emails (email your document) right from your desktop.You have to just use the 'Mail' option in Typster.Typster also comes with a handy PDF reader and a on screen keyboards.This will be your substitution for 'Notepad'!
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