Parser generator to read, process, or translate structured text
Open-Source Python3 tool for recognizing layouts, tables, and math
Convert Evernote .enex files to Markdown
A WYSIWYG Markdown editor, improve reading and editing experience
Sync your markdown files with Confluence pages
Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts
Emacs Debug Adapter Protocol
The free computer aided translation (CAT) tool for professionals
Terminal based presentation tool
MadEdit-Mod is a cross platform Text/Hex editor based on MadEdit
Save time and effort of converting into Unicode through native2ascii
Award-winning modern data processing SDK in C++20
A File Viewer That Can Open And Search Multiple Very Large Text Files
A Sigil Magick Tool
NotepadXX: A Lightweight, Powerful Text Editor for Every User
Lightweight and lightning fast novel writing and organizing tool
Remove duplicate lines in text file
Basic cross-platform tree view XML editor
Text File Codepage Converter for the Windows command line
General-Purpose IDE, Lightweight Text Editor
JDS is a powerful data protection program
An editor for structured xml, providing a graphical interface
Map Caps Lock to Escape or any key to any key
Best tool there is to type Sinhala unicode characters