Your powerful rich text editor
Modest natural-language processing
One hundred command line tools in a small and portable binary.
Ada Class Library - an object orientated library for Ada.
Award-winning modern data processing SDK in C++20
General-purpose editor using subset of HTML5 as storage format
A small programmer's editor.
Document management system developed for the IT team
Sdk for dynamic generating message by templates
Sdk for dynamic generating message by templates
Light-weight Scintilla-based text editor with syntax highlighting
Small, powerful, full featured WYSIWYG editor
GloVe model for distributed word representation
a small set of casing tools for use by all
Text translation proportional length checker
A stand-alone PHP-only library for parsing BBCode-like tags
A small Java based text editor designed for coders.
Editor txt fajlova sa osnovnim funkcijama editora.
A general-purpose macro-processor, particularly useful for HTML
ogeditor is Web-based simple CMS with powerful WYSIWYG/Script editor