Showing 163 open source projects for "file tracking system"

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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 1


    Advanced TECO dialect and interactive screen editor based on Scintilla

    SciTECO is an interactive TECO dialect, similar to Video TECO. It also adds features from classic TECO-11, as well as unique new ideas. Project development takes place at Github:
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  • 2
    Log4j mode - a major mode for viewing log files in Emacs - including syntax highlighting, log file filtering, and source code browsing.
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    Editor for Fixed Width, Csv and Existing Xml files.

    The RecordEditor is a Data File editor for Flat Files (delimited and fixed field position). It supports Unix / PC / Legacy (e.g. Mainframe) file formats, both Text and binary files. The Editor uses a Record-Layout description to format the files. This is ideal for Fixed width (Text or Binary) files, Cobol Data Files, Mainframe files and complicated Csv files. Cobol Copybooks can be used to format Cobol Data files. As well as an editor, The following utilities are supplied * Formatted...
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  • 4
    XML Tree Editor

    XML Tree Editor

    Basic cross-platform tree view XML editor

    XMLTreeEdit displays XML files as tree views and allows basic operations: adding, editting and deleting text nodes and their attributes. The main goal is providing a simple tool to create/edit XML configuration files for users without knowledge of XML. Built in Free Pascal Lazarus, which allows easy compilation for different target platforms. Currently binary executables were produced and tested on Windows (XP, 7) and Ubuntu Linux (GTK2). For developers: there are two units listed...
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 5
    Crispy Synced Notes

    Crispy Synced Notes

    A note taking program with WebDAV sync

    An note taking program with WebDAV sync capabilities. It works on a local (and WebDAV) directory and shows the items (text/image/binary) in a tree view. Any changes are reflected in the file system directly. Features: - group notes and images in a tree structure (using folders) - can work on any directory on your machine - technically works like a file browser with inline text editing - synchronizes with any WebDAV server (optionally using SSL/TLS) - allows one-way and two-way...
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  • 6
    FAR - Find And Replace
    Search and replace operations on file content accross multiple files. Recursive operations within entire directory trees. FAR comes with support for regular expressions (regex) over multiple lines, automatic backup and various character encodings. Run grep like extractions to condense or rearrange sources, or perform bulk file renaming.
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    Map Caps Lock to Escape or any key to any key

    Map Caps Lock key to Escape key, or any to any key, on Windows systems. Apart from documenting how Uncap works on Windows, this README contains detailed documentation about how to remap keys on Linux and Mac as well. Map Caps Lock key to Escape key on a new Windows system with almost no effort. Just download and double-click. This is the primary reason why Uncap was written. This tool was written for users of vi/Vim editor who like to map their Caps Lock key to Escape key for convenience. Map...
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  • 8


    net2ftp is a web-based FTP client

    net2ftp is a web based FTP client. Use it at or install it on your own web server (PHP needed, MySQL optional). Features: browse, copy/move/delete files and directories recursively, upload, download, edit, view code with syntax highlighting, zip and unzip. net2ftp now also supports FTP over SSH.
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  • 9
    MvOLE is program for reading Microsoft OLE Storage file (such as MS Word .doc or MS Excel .xls). You can get content of any OLE object in this file, even if it is damaged. Object's content may be translated from MS Office UNICODE to plain text.
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10


    An open source system for Arabic corpora processing

    Ghawwas (previously known as Khawas) is an open source system for Arabic corpora processing. Ghawwas V4.0 provides the following main functions: a. Frequency list for single word and N-Grams b. Concordance c. Collocation (MI, CHI Squared, LL, T-Score, Z Score, Dice, Log Dice, Weirdness Coefficient) d. Lexical patterns search e. Two corpora frequency profile comparison based on MI, CHI, LL, T-Score, Z Score, Dice, Log Dice, Weirdness Coefficient f. Accept Windows and UTF-8 character...
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  • 11
    Command-line/Ant-task/embeddable text file preprocessor. Macros, flow control, expressions. Recursive directory processing. Extensible in Java to display data from any data sources (as database). Can generate complete homepages (tree of HTML-s, images, etc.)
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  • 12
    The Wizard Desktop is a set of simple applications that maintain a common user experience along with a simple window manager. The underlying framework will allow a single-user multiple network connected computers paradigm. Communications between the framework and applications are standardized, programs can be swapped out at will. Please visit the OpenHub site.
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  • 13
    JWordProcessor - Java RTF Editor

    JWordProcessor - Java RTF Editor

    Your simple RTF editor completely in Java

    A simple Rich Text Editor made entirely in Java Swing. You can format the content with the profits advanced control panels to manage the font, style and color of the text, paragraphs and proceed to check the spelling of content. Finally you can insert pictures from your file system and use keyboard shortcuts to open the menu and activate the panels for advanced text formatting. ================================= Get Android App -
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  • 14
    PyEdit Editor

    PyEdit Editor

    Configurable Editor in Python

    PyEdit is a fully featured fast text editor written in Python. It can be used in any platform that has GTK. Because it is written in Python, it is easily configurable. Features code spell check and macro recording. Tested in Win/Lin/Mac --- Update: Using the editor full time V23 is mature enough for production --- Update: Had to downgrade to PyGTK 2.22.xx as 2,24,x had a double click message bug. (uploaded 22.2 to this project) --- Update: V33 is working as a champ. New...
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  • 15


    Civilizer - Tool to efficiently manage your data/knowledge/idea

    ... but powerful. You can search with simple space separated keywords as other tools, but unique Civilizer Search Operators can boost your search ability a lot further. Your search phrase can be fine-tuned as far as you can go. Another useful feature is its multi-panel view. It helps you view multiple data in the same screen eliminating the need to jump across separate pages. Also Civilizer has its own file system. You can store any file with Civilizer and link files to Civilizer's regular data.
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    automatic indexing for large LaTex documents

    Indexmeister reads a variety of formats (.tex, .docx, .epub, and others) and suggests keywords for indexing. The included program Imbrowse provides a semi-automatic interface to rapidly add index tags to multi-file latex documents.
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    ULIX TxT Editor

    ULIX TxT Editor

    The only Word Processor designed to create and modify .htaccess files

    Full version available for Python. No updates needed for UTE-11 on Linux. *** IMPORTANT... PLEASE READ - September 24, 2022*** UTE-11 on Windows patch will be released for October 20, 2022. A patch for the faulty ability to fail when opening program is being tested now. Sorry for the long wait on this patch. Took longer than expected to isolate the root of the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience caused on our coding. The Vampnerd Group.
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  • 18
    The Text Trix editor is an open-source, cross-platform text editor with a mind for user-friendly file and text navigation. See our new GitHub home for the latest and greatest Text Trix development:
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    Generate charts and reports using data gathered in log files

    An application to gather, aggregate, chart and report information originating from any log files. It uses regular expressions that are constructed graphically and can be tested in the application against samples. Once configured for a specific type of log file set, the gathering and display of the chart for a new files set can be done in just one click. Contains a sample template to handle few log types: Java GC log, OpenDS access log, Apache access log
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    Graphical User Interface for PanDoc for Linux, Mac & Windows

    PanDoc Graphical User Interface implemented with Electron for Linux, Mac and Windows. It support users in converting source documents into various other formats like docx, odt, html and reveal documentation. The zip files contain the full source code because PanDocElectron is written in HTML/Javascript. Electron is used more or less as browser that runs the HTML/Javascript application. [Download PanDocElectron]( Extract the zip-file from...
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  • 21


    Unix console full screen word processor

    Tree Writer easy unix console word processor full screen editor that edits raw ascii text files. It uses a text based interface that works well over terminal lines, designed for a 80x25 mono display. Includes spelling checker (english dictionary), on screen calculator and a file system that stores the documents apart from regular unix files. In that treewriter looks only for it's own kind of file and doesn't expose the user to whatever else is in it's path. (It uses a psuedo file system...
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  • 22


    Keep a snapshot at hand and conveniently search any volume

    XLocate is a file system index management tool and a front-end to the most popular GNU-Linux fast search utilities. XLocate allows you to maintain a collection of databases for fixed and removable hard disks, shelved or offsite CD/DVD/Blu-ray collections, network places, memory sticks, etc. You can define search sets and get a high level of flexibility through a large set of options. XLocate automatically recognizes through "magic" patterns three of the most widespread locate database formats...
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    pykte is a simple text editor with support for unicode.

    pykte is a simple text editor with support for unicode and a few handy tools to aid in the input of characters in different languages. *Please note this project is still in alpha stage, there are still some issues to solve.
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  • 24
    Endico - Text Encrypt

    Endico - Text Encrypt

    Fastest way to make secure text.

    Help to convert text into secret codes , so that you can mail,chat and transfer text securely to prevent hacking. How to use : Step one - Open Endico 14 Step two - Decide what to do (Text Encode/Text Decode) Step three - If You Selected Text Encode -> Then Type/Copy/Open .txt file to convert. Step four - Copy the converted text into clipboard to chat,mail,print process etc. Step five - If you want to Decode the code the again follow step two. Step six...
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    LaTeX Web Publisher

    LaTeX Web Publisher

    LaTeX Web Publisher is a Makefile based Web publishing system

    LaTeX Web Publisher is a Makefile based Web publishing system featuring content creation into HTML, non-split HTML, HTML Zip, PDF, DjVu, PostScript, DVI and Plain text formats. All LaTeX Web Publisher output formats are from a single LaTeX source and have indices. LaTeX Web Publisher can be used for website creation and has FTP deployment capabilities. A website created with LaTeX Web Publisher will have HTML, non-split HTML and PDF content formats. The website will have complete HTML...
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