Windows/macOS/Linux binaries and installation methods of TinyTeX
An Inkscape extension: Latex/Tex editor for Inkscape
A fast DVI, EPS, and PDF to SVG converter
Bibtex parser for Python 3
Converts books written in Markdown to HTML, LaTeX/PDF and EPUB
A blog made with django designed like a scientific paper
Command-line calculator for Maidenhead- (QTH-, QRA-) Locators.
A vector drawing editor for LaTeX (JavaFX)
Vector drawing program for LaTeX using PSTricks
A TeX package to draw normal and/or logarithmic plots directly in TeX
Ohjelmistotuotanto kevät 2015 Miniprojekti
proof verifier for mathematical proofs and documentation generator
A small simple system for 3d line drawings in LaTeX.
Plantilla de LaTeX para el Plan Nacional de I+D+i
Visual graph creator for LaTeX (PGF & TikZ)