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TclTex for Mixing TCL in Latex (PDF), allow to transform Latex to a dynamic language, generate many pdf document by a click, add complex package and functions using TCL, use mathematic calculation in the tex doc. running under Miktex.
XSLT 2.0 stylesheet that inserts non-breaking spaces after the one-letter prepositions to better paragraph breaking (especially for czech language). Inspirated by program vlna made by Petr Olšák.
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This tool enables you to produce a LaTeX (standard, no extension required) report for database objects (tables, views, indexes, functions, primary/foreign keys, columns, types, keywords, system functions) thanks to the JDBC Api.
A Web-Application working in conjunction with the obby protocol to view documents written by other people live on a website, integrated with mediawiki and equipped with full LaTex support. It's main purpose is Real-Time Note-Taking at University
Collection of tools for input, reading, processing, and typesetting Taiwanese language. Includes SCIM and quail input methods, Firefox dictionary plugin, plus scripts for LaTeX and HTML generation.
The pf2html project adds functionality to LATEX2HTML such that LATEX documents written with pf.sty can be viewed in a web browser up to the desired level of detail for each branch of a structured proof.
TeXConverter is a converter to parse LaTeX input and create representations of the document in other formats (currently HTML, XDocs(Maven), a specific Wiki-format). Internally a Java object model is used to represent the document, to ease extensibility.
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HUST Thesis (hustthesis) is a project initiated by graduate students of Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology (HUST), China to deliver a LaTeX template for creating Master/Ph.D thesis that conforms to format requirements specified by the university.
XMUthesis is a LaTeX thesis template for graduate students of China Xiamen University(XMU) to creating beautiful Master/Ph.D thesises that conforms to format requirements specified by the university. XMUtheis是厦门大学学位论文LaTeX模板。
Yabman is a tool for managing bibliographic references. Its key features are a quality user interface, a carefully designed data model, and sophisticated three-state hierarchical reference labeling. It is currently usable but in a pre-alpha stage.
AmyEdit is a LaTeX Editor designed to simplify the creation of LaTeX documents in Linux. It is designed to be as user friendly as possibly, and features initial document templates. It is written using C++ and GTKMM,
A set of LaTeX packages for different purposes. facsimile is for creating faxes with LaTeX, blacklettert1 lets you use Fraktur fonts, and retro is for typrewriter-based LaTeX documents.
An implementation of DSSSL, a style language to format SGML or XML documents.
OpenJade contains backends for various formats (RTF, HTML, TeX, MIF, SGML2SGML, and FOT). This project also maintains OpenSP.
BibTeXlib is a BibTeX library written in JAVA. You can use it to extract information from BibTeX files, manipulate this information, and save it to BibTeX files.
SciBook is a framework for xslt transformation from xhtml to html.
The transformation can be extended by adding plugins. The standard LaTeX plugin can convert
LaTeX code to images.
TeX4Java is a parser for the TeX language written in Java. The boxworld is created as Java objects providing an API to create own representations of the document. TeX4Java includes two representations as well: TeXImage and TeXPresenter.
The Scriptworx rtf2pdf converter is a simple webservice that can take an rtf file and transform this (via LaTeX) into a pdf file. The conversion is parameterized by the possibility to use your own LaTeX style file.
This project is aimed at developing a LaTeX class set of developing legal documents. Initially, it is aimed at Brazil's legal documents code style however it might be extended easily in the future.