Terminal emulator application for Android OS extendible
multiple GNOME terminals in one window
Count your code, quickly
A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
Bash automated testing system
Command Line Apps Script Projects
Serial <-> TCP/IP, Serial <-> UDP/IP, TCP/IP <-> UDP/IP
Basic WYSE60 terminal emulator written in VB.NET
A Portable Wide-Character Terminal Output Package for C and C++
Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
Tous les outils pour thèmes WIndows10 version ( 1709 )
Easy fine console input/output for java
A minimal X Window System for Windows
Quake-like Console Emulator
A CMD look-like "Windows Command Prompt"
Various multi-platforms projects coded in FreePascal/Lazarus or Qt C++
A development branch of Console with windows explorer integration.
Open Source Command Prompt using C++ with Windows CMD functions.
Graphing calculator within the Windows desktop console
Portable versions of Guacamole (html5 VNC/RDP) and GateOne (html5 SSH)