Showing 114 open source projects for "g-code"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    Git repository summary on your terminal

    Onefetch is a command-line Git information tool written in Rust that displays project information and code statistics for a local Git repository directly on your terminal. The tool is completely offline, no network access is required. By default, the repo's information is displayed alongside the dominant language's logo, but you can further configure onefetch to instead use an image, on supported terminals, text input, or nothing at all. It automatically detects open source licenses from texts...
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  • 2


    Consistency made simple

    Plop is a little tool that saves you time and helps your team build new files with consistency. Plop generates code when you want, how you want, and can be changed whenever you want. Simple to Learn Creating a good boilerplate shouldn't require a master's degree. Read over the one-page getting started guide and you'll be well on your way. Once plop is setup, anyone on the team can simply type plop into the terminal. The right way to create your code, is now the easiest way. Allow your...
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  • 3
    Liquid Prompt

    Liquid Prompt

    A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh

    ... with the AGPL clauses, anybody offering Liquid Prompt over the network is required to also offer access to the source code of it and allow further use and modifications. As Liquid Prompt is implemented purely in shell script, anybody using it over SSH or equivalent terminal connection automatically also has access to the source code, so it is easy to comply with the license.
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  • 4
    carbon CLI

    carbon CLI

    Beautiful images of your code, from right inside your terminal by is a wonderful tool that lets you generate beautiful images of your source code through an intuitive UI, while letting you customize aspects like fonts, themes, window controls and much more. carbon-now-cli gives you the full power of Carbon, right at your fingertips, inside the terminal. Generate beautiful images from a source file, or sections of a source file, by running a single command. Want to customize everything before generating the image? Run it in interactive mode...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5


    Easily and securely share files from the command line

    Easily and securely share files and directories from the command line through a safe, private and encrypted link using a single simple command. Files are shared using the Send service and may be up to 1GB. Others are able to download these files with this tool, or through their web browser. All files are always encrypted on the client, and secrets are never shared with the remote host. An optional password may be specified, and a default file lifetime of 1 (up to 20) download or 24 hours is...
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  • 6


    Typer, build great CLIs, based on Python type hints

    Typer is a library for building CLI applications that users will love using and developers will love creating. Based on Python 3.6+ type hints. Great editor support. Completion everywhere. Less time debugging. Designed to be easy to use and learn. Less time reading docs. It's easy to use for the final users. Automatic help, and automatic completion for all shells. Minimize code duplication. Multiple features from each parameter declaration. Fewer bugs. The simplest example adds only 2 lines...
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    Spaceship ZSH

    Spaceship ZSH

    A Zsh prompt for Astronauts

    Spaceship is a minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt. It combines everything you may need for convenient work, without unnecessary complications, like a real spaceship. Powerline Font must be installed and used in your terminal (for example, switch font to Fira Code). Spaceship works well out of the box, but you can customize almost everything if you want. Tweak section's behavior with tons of options. Or, define a custom section that will do exactly what you want. You...
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    Cloud native secrets management for developers

    Teller is a productivity secret manager for developers supporting cloud-native apps and multiple cloud providers. Mix and match all vaults and other key stores and safely use secrets as you code, test, and build applications. It's quick, easy, and safe. Never leave your command line for secrets. Create a simple configuration for mixing any number of vaults and key stores using your cloud-native clusters or traditional cloud providers. Teller is open source and secure by-design. It also helps...
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  • 9


    Transfer files over wifi from your computer to your mobile device

    qrcp binds a web server to the address of your Wi-Fi network interface on a random port and creates a handler for it. The default handler serves the content and exits the program when the transfer is complete. When used to receive files, qrcp serves an upload page and handles the transfer. Most QR apps can detect URLs in decoded text and act accordingly (i.e. open the decoded URL with the default browser), so when the QR code is scanned the content will begin downloading by the mobile browser...
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10


    Apple Silicon Monitor Top written in pure Golang

    mactop is a terminal-based monitoring tool "top" designed to display real-time metrics for Apple Silicon chips. It provides a simple and efficient way to monitor CPU and GPU usage, E-Cores and P-Cores, power consumption, and other system metrics directly from your terminal.
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  • 11
    Color LS

    Color LS

    A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command

    A Ruby script that colorizes the ls output with color and icons. You can overwrite the existing icons and colors mapping by copying the yaml files. You may also use a color hex code as long as it is quoted within the YAML file and prefaced with a # symbol. A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome icons.
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    Python-powered, cross-platform, Unix-gazing shell

    ... that you are used to from Bash. The xonsh language is a superset of Python 3.6+ and you can run Python code and import modules. With xonsh you can combine Python with shell commands. Prepare environment variables and arguments in Python and use them in shell commands. The language is a superset of Python 3.6+ with additional shell primitives that you are used to from Bash and IPython.
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  • 13
    Chrome Extension CLI

    Chrome Extension CLI

    The CLI for your next Chrome Extension

    The CLI for your next Chrome Extension. When you're ready to publish to Chrome Web Store, create a minified bundle with npm run build and then zip the build folder. You don’t need to install or configure Webpack. Webpack comes in preconfigured so that you can focus on the code. Your environment will have everything you need to build a Chrome Extension. Override default page like New Tab, Bookmarks, or History page. Add features to Chrome Developer Tools. Creates an extension for supported...
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  • 14


    The Ember.js command line utility

    ... building on day one and keep shipping for years. Benefit from our years of experience to help your team be productive—faster. You'll never have to wire together your own framework ever again! Ember CLI is the backbone of modern Ember apps, providing code generators to create new entities and putting the necessary files in the right place, every time. Ember apps come with a built-in development environment with fast rebuilds, auto-reload, and a test runner!
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  • 15
    Amazon EC2 Instance Selector

    Amazon EC2 Instance Selector

    A CLI tool and go library which recommends instance types

    A CLI tool and go library which recommends instance types based on resource criteria like vcpus and memory. There are over 270 different instance types available on EC2 which can make the process of selecting appropriate instance types difficult. Instance Selector helps you select compatible instance types for your application to run on. The command-line interface can be passed resource criteria like vcpus, memory, network performance, and much more and then return the available, matching...
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  • 16


    Framework for building GraalVM-enabled command line apps

    Picocli is a one-file framework for creating Java command-line applications with almost zero code. It supports a variety of command-line syntax styles including POSIX, GNU, MS-DOS and more. It generates highly customizable usage help messages that use ANSI colors and styles to contrast important elements and reduce the cognitive load on the user. Picocli-based applications can have command line TAB completion showing available options, option parameters, and subcommands, for any level of nested...
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    Prevent Kubernetes misconfigurations from reaching production

    ..., such as sending an email to a slew of developers, begging them to set various limits, which likely falls on deaf ears because developers are already overwhelmed. The CLI integration provides a policy enforcement solution for Kubernetes to run automatic checks on every code change for rule violations and misconfigurations. When rule violations are found, Datree produces an alert that guides the developer to fix the issue inside the CI process.
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    Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources

    Remove all resources from an AWS account. Be aware that aws-nuke is a very destructive tool, hence you have to be very careful while using it. Otherwise, you might delete production data. We strongly advise you to not run this application on any AWS account, where you cannot afford to lose all resources. We are testing our Terraform code with Jenkins. Sometimes a Terraform run fails during development and messes up the account. With aws-nuke, we can simply clean up the failed account so it can...
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    Context sensitive completion for OCaml in Vim and Emacs

    Merlin is an editor service that provides modern IDE features for OCaml. Emacs and Vim support is provided out-of-the-box. Since version 4.0, merlin's repository has a dedicated branch per version of OCaml, and the branch name consist of the concatenation of OCaml major version and minor version. So, for instance, OCaml 4.11.* maps to branch 411. The main branch is usually synchronized with the branch compatible with the latest (almost-)released version of OCaml. Note: if you're using an...
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    Go compiler for small place

    TinyGo brings the Go programming language to embedded systems and to the modern web by creating a new compiler based on LLVM. You can compile and run TinyGo programs on over 60 different microcontroller boards such as the BBC micro:bit and the Arduino Uno. TinyGo can also produce WebAssembly (WASM) code which is very compact in size. You can compile programs for web browsers, as well as for server and edge computing environments that support the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) family...
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    The CLI tool gluing Git, Docker, Helm, and Kubernetes

    werf is an Open Source CLI tool written in Go, designed to simplify and speed up the delivery of applications. To use it, you need to describe the configuration of your application (in other words, how to build and deploy it to Kubernetes) and store it in a Git repo, the latter acts as a single source of truth. In short, that's what we call GitOps today. werf is not a complete CI/CD solution, but a tool for creating pipelines that can be embedded into any existing CI/CD system. It literally...
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  • 22
    jQuery Terminal

    jQuery Terminal

    JavaScript library for creating web-based terminals

    jQuery Terminal is a JavaScript library for creating command-line interpreters in your applications. You can use this JavaScript Terminal library to create interactive web-based terminal applications on your website. Where commands are defined by you. You can define them on the server or in the browser's JavaScript. It can automatically call JSON-RPC service when the user types a command. Alternatively, you can provide an object with methods; each method will be invoked on the user's command...
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  • 23
    Project has been moved to Windows X-server based on the xorg git sources (like xming or cygwin's xwin), but compiled with Visual C++ 2012 Express Edition. Source code can also be compiled with VS2008, VS2008 Express Edition and VS2010 Express Edition, although current project and makefile are not fully compatible anymore. Versions starting from are not compatible with Windows XP anymore.
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    PHP File Manager

    PHP File Manager

    phpFileManager a complete filesystem management tool on a single file.

    phpFileManager is a complete filesystem management tool on a single file. A server administration tool using PHP, meant for rapid file access, and also to verify the server configuration and security. The script can be renamed and deployed on an unique known url, and offers password protection.. All dependencies, like images, js and css files, are included inside the same file, so that the script can run even on offline devices, like a local Raspberry Pi, or ESP32 microcontroller. The...
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    Ada Terminal Emulator

    A VTxx compatible terminal emulation package implemented in Ada

    The Ada Terminal Emulator provides a rich set of terminal emulation capabilities, implemented in Ada 2012 (with some C) to run under Windows. All source code for the terminal emulator is provided under the GNU General Public License. The package was developed using GNAT and GWindows. In addition to providing simple "dumb" terminal emulation, the package provides full emulation of DEC VT52/VT100/VT102 compatible terminals, including double height and double width characters, smooth...
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