Graphical viewer for GNU ddrescue mapfiles
Extract ed2k links from mldonkey downloads
Reorganize M32/X32 show files
Launch an external diff tool like WinMerge in Eclipse
Software Monitoring Framework
3D Network Traffic Visualisation
Create a single adb backup for each app /sd and inform of missing apks
repair corrupted pcap and pcapng files
Directory synchronization tool
Fast free auto clicker with a script editor for Windows, Linux, macOS
Open Source Solid Modeling CAD
a free cross platform checksum utility, supports 58+ hash algorithms
Administer Subversion repository access rights easily
portable o2em launcher
A portable library and tools for archiving images of Atari 8-bit tapes
State machine framework for reactive embedded systems
Database SQL, query tool, using JDBC for Oracle,SQLite,PostgreSQL,etc