A spec compliant, secure by default
The classic email sending library for PHP
Npgsql is the .NET data provider for PostgreSQL
JupyterLab computational environment
A decentralized bitcoin exchange network
A data management tool that enables working with other SQL tools
Serve as a reverse proxy to protect your web services from attacks
Hobby operating system, bootloader, kernel, drivers, C library
A web based file manager, web IDE / browser based code editor
Ralph is the CMDB / Asset Management system for data center
kubenav is the navigator for your Kubernetes clusters
Local, web-based mail server application. Slurp mails into oblivion!
Cross-platform application monitoring and error tracking software
Jupyter server extension to proxy requests with AWS SigV4 authentican
Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O
Official frugal and native macOS Syncthing application bundle
An authoring tool for CSS which uses JavaScript as a host language
Elastic APM Java Agent
I2P is an anonymizing network to securely communicate
Scalable PaaS (automated Docker+nginx), aka Heroku on Steroids
A fast, highly extensible, and event driven SMTP server
Jupyter magics and kernels for working with remote Spark clusters
C++ Qt ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and ODM library
A tool for mocking HTTP services
A structured process for converting a Request into a Response