Showing 505 open source projects for "yaffs2-source"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    Makes Internet connectivity detection more robust by detecting Wi-FI

    Connectivity is a wrapper for Apple's Reachability providing a reliable measure of whether Internet connectivity is available where Reachability alone can only indicate whether an interface is available that might allow a connection. Connectivity's objective is to solve the captive portal problem whereby an iOS device is connected to a WiFi network lacking Internet connectivity. Such situations are commonplace and may occur for example when connecting to a public WiFi network which requires...
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  • 2


    Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size

    Device detects the current  device model and screen size. Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks. Run Carthage update to build the framework and drag the built Device. framework into your Xcode project. The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift compiler.
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  • 3


    Wave is a spring-based animation engine for iOS and macOS

    Wave is a spring-based animation engine for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. It makes it easy to create fluid, interactive, and interruptible animations that feel great. Wave has no external dependencies, and can be easily dropped into existing UIKit, SwiftUI, or AppKit based projects and apps. The core feature of Wave is that all animations are re-targetable, meaning that you can change an animation’s destination value in-flight, and the animation will gracefully redirect to that new value.
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  • 4


    Read, update and write your Xcode projects

    XcodeProj is a library written in Swift for parsing and working with Xcode projects. It's heavily inspired by CocoaPods XcodeProj and xcode. Using swift-sh you can automate project-tasks using scripts, for example, we can make a script that keeps a project’s version key in sync with the current git tag that represents the project’s version. Future adaption could easily include determining the version and bumping it automatically. If so, we recommend using a library that provides a Version...
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    In-app purchases and subscriptions made easy

    RevenueCat is a powerful, reliable, and free-to-use in-app purchase server with cross-platform support. Our open-source framework provides a backend and a wrapper around StoreKit and Google Play Billing to make implementing in-app purchases and subscriptions easy. Send enriched purchase events to analytics and attribution tools with our easy integrations. Fetch products, make purchases, and check subscription status with our native SDKs. Host and configure products remotely from our dashboard...
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  • 6
    Airbnb Swift Style Guide

    Airbnb Swift Style Guide

    Airbnb's Swift Style Guide

    Airbnb's Swift Style Guide. Note that brevity is not a primary goal. Code should be made more concise only if other good code qualities (such as readability, simplicity, and clarity) remain equal or are improved. This repo includes a Swift Package Manager command plugin that you can use to automatically reformat or lint your package according to the style guide. To use this command plugin with your package, all you need to do is add this repo as a dependency.
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  • 7


    A waterfall grid layout view for SwiftUI

    A waterfall grid layout view for SwiftUI. You can create a grid that displays the elements of the collection by passing your collection of data and a closure that provides a view for each element in the collection. The grid transforms each element in the collection into a child view by using the supplied closure. WaterfallGrid works with identifiable data (like SwiftUI.List). You can make your data identifiable in one of two ways: by passing along with your data a key path to a property that...
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  • 8


    Fast Swift Views layouting without auto layout

    Extremely Fast views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. PinLayout can layouts UIView, NSView, and CALayer. UIImageView's size is 100x100 and the layout is below the UINavigationBar with a margin of 10 pixels all around. UISegmentedControl is at the right of the logo image, use the remaining horizontal space with a left and right margin of 20 pixels. UILabel is below the UISegmentedControl with a...
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  • 9


    A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications

    LicensePlist is a command-line tool that automatically generates a Plist of all your dependencies, including files added manually(specified by YAML config file) or using Carthage or CocoaPods. All these licenses then show up in the Settings app. Excludes can be defined to exclude matching libraries from the final output. An exclude is a dictionary containing any combination of name, source, owner, or licenseType. If a library name is unsuitable for the output bundle, you can explicitly rename...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 10


    ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS

    ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS. CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate the ProgressHUD into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile. You can customize the color, font, image, animation type, and some other options. If you prefer not to use any of the dependency managers, you can integrate ProgressHUD into your project manually. Just copy the...
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  • 11


    A powerful paging view controller with interactive indicator bars

    A powerful paging view controller with interactive indicator bars. Easy to implement page view controller with interactive indicator bars. Highly adaptable and powerful customization. Fully extensible with the mix-and-match component library. Built on Pageboy, a simple, informative page view controller. Automatically inserts child view controller contents. A bar will ask for a TMBarItemable for each page that is provided to the TabmanViewController data source. TMBarItemable is a protocol...
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  • 12


    Find retain cycles / memory leaks sooner

    LifetimeTracker can surface retain cycle/memory issues right as you develop your application, and it will surface them to you immediately, so you can find them with more ease. Instruments and Memory Graph Debugger are great, but too many times, developers forget to check for issues as they close the feature implementation. If you use those tools sporadically many of the issues they surface will require you to investigate the cause and cost you a lot of time in the process. Other tools like...
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  • 13


    A paging view with a highly customizable menu

    New beta is out! Features a new and improved API for SwiftUI. Try it now. Parchment lets you page between view controllers while showing any type of generic indicator that scrolls along with the content. The menu items are built using UICollectionView, which means you can display pretty much whatever you want. You can even subclass the layout to create completely custom behaviors. Parchment only allocates view controllers when they’re needed, meaning if you have a lot of view controllers...
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  • 14


    Showcase your awesome new app features

    A Swift Package to easily showcase your new app features. It's designed from the ground up to be fully customized to your needs. Check out the example application to see WhatsNewKit in action. If you wish to manually present a WhatsNewView you can make use of the sheet(whatsNew:) modifier. The automatic presentation mode allows you to simply declare your new features via the SwiftUI Environment and WhatsNewKit will take care to present the corresponding WhatsNewView. The WhatsNewEnvironment...
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  • 15


    Create, maintain, and interact with Xcode projects at scale

    Bootstrap, maintain and interact with Xcode projects at any scale. Make maintaining projects everyone's task by describing them using plain language. Describe your projects as you think about them. Build settings, phases and other intricacies become implementation details. Instead of maintaining multiple Xcode projects, describe your project once, and reuse it everywhere. Generated projects are optimized for your focus and productivity. They contain just what you need for the task at hand....
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  • 16
    WordPress for iOS

    WordPress for iOS

    WordPress for iOS

    Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere. WordPress mobile apps put the power of publishing in your hands. And of course, they’re open source, just like WordPress. Manage or create your WordPress blog or website right from your iOS device: create and edit posts and pages, upload your favorite photos and videos, view stats and reply to comments. With WordPress for iOS, you have the power to publish in the palm of your hand. Draft a spontaneous haiku from the couch. Snap and post a photo on your...
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  • 17
    Vision Camera

    Vision Camera

    The Camera library that sees the vision

    VisionCamera was designed from the ground up to provide all features a camera app should have. You have full control over what device is used, and can even configure options such as frame rate, colorspace, and more. While having a lot of features, VisionCamera makes sure you don't get overwhelmed from the beginning. It provides hooks and functions to help you get started faster, and if you need full control, you can easily do that. Every functionality has been thoroughly documented and even...
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  • 18


    Wechat-like image picker. Support select photos, videos, gif, etc.

    ZLPhotoBrowser is a Wechat-like image picker. Support select normal photos, videos, gif, and live photos. Support edit images and crop video. Image editor (Draw/Crop/Image sticker/Text sticker/Mosaic/Filter/Adjust(Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation)), (Draw color can be customized; Crop ratio can be customized; Filter effect can be customized; You can choose the editing tool you want). Customize the maximum number of previews or selection, the maximum and minimum optional duration of the...
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  • 19


    Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux

    Swinject is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Swift. Dependency injection (DI) is a software design pattern that implements Inversion of Control (IoC) for resolving dependencies. In the pattern, Swinject helps your app split into loosely-coupled components, which can be developed, tested, and maintained more easily. Swinject is powered by the Swift generic type system and first-class functions to define the dependencies of your app simply and fluently. Services must be...
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  • 20


    A very flexible message bar for iOS written in Swift

    SwiftMessages is a very flexible view and view controller presentation library for iOS. Message views and view controllers can be displayed at the top, bottom, or center of the screen, or behind navigation bars and tab bars. There are interactive dismiss gestures including a fun, physics-based one. Multiple background dimming modes. And a lot more! In addition to the numerous configuration options, SwiftMessages provides several good-looking layouts and themes. But SwiftMessages is also...
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  • 21


    A collection of awesome loading animations

    NVActivityIndicatorView is a collection of awesome loading animations. Check out LoaderUI (ready to use with Swift Package Mananger supported) for SwiftUI implementation of this. Cocoapods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects. To use NVActivityIndicatorView with CocoaPods, add it in your Podfile. Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application. The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code.
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  • 22
    Hero iOS

    Hero iOS

    Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS

    Hero is a library for building iOS view controller transitions. It provides a declarative layer on top of the UIKit’s cumbersome transition APIs—making custom transitions an easy task for developers. Hero is similar to Keynote’s Magic Move. It checks the heroID property on all source and destination views. Every matched view pair is then automatically transitioned from its old state to its new state. Hero can also construct animations for unmatched views. It is easy to define these animations...
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  • 23


    Concise networking code leveraging async-await, Decodable & Generics

    Networking brings together URLSession, async-await (or Combine ), Decodable and Generics to simplify connecting to a JSON API. By providing a lightweight client that automates boilerplate code everyone has to write. By exposing a delightfully simple API to get the job done simply, clearly, and quickly. Getting swift models from a JSON API is now a problem of the past.
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  • 24
    Input mask for iOS

    Input mask for iOS

    User input masking library repo

    Input masks restrict data input and allow you to guide users to enter correct values. Interface Builder struggles to support modules imported in a form of a dynamic framework. For instance, custom views annotated as IBDesignable, containing IBInspectable and IBOutlet fields aren't recognized properly from the drag'n'dropped framework. When you cut text, characters get deleted yet you won't be able to paste them somewhere as they aren't actually in your pasteboard. Shortly after new text is...
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  • 25


    Extensions and additions to the standard SwiftUI library

    SwiftUIX attempts to fill the gaps of the still nascent SwiftUI framework, providing an extensive suite of components, extensions and utilities to complement the standard library. This project is by far the most complete port of missing UIKit/AppKit functionality, striving to deliver it in the most Apple-like fashion possible. The goal of this project is to complement the SwiftUI standard library, offering hundreds of extensions and views that empower you, the developer, to build...
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