Linux MIDI arpeggiator, phrase generator and controller LFO
Windows 64 bit command line utility to manage audio file compression
Reproductor de Audio Multiformato | Multi-format Music Player
Understanding music through intervals
Polymeter MIDI sequencer
Amiga modfile, C64 SID and MP3,FLAC,APE,WAV file player based on Java
The Java Multitrack Audio Recording Software AudioChain
Software for technical ear training on equalization
ppgwavecass: tools for the PPG Wave 2/2.2/2.3 data cassette format
Video 2 Audio The Converter [Improved.Simplified.Alternative]
Patch Selector for Lexicon MPX100
Batch file to install and run NAM (neural-amp-modeler) easily.
A music tracker software for Windows.
Fully Customizable Full-Fledged Audio Player Supporting Many Formats
webapp for itunes, mpd, squeezebox, xmms2 &c.
Name a chord and find all scales from a group of notes.
Video producer
odxcassdecode: decode the data cassette format for Oberheim DX/DMX
A simple program for creating audio PlayLists
Media Download And Library Organiser
MP4 tagging library