Showing 189 open source projects for "sub"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1


    Library of Delphi components and units by DelphiDabbler.

    A library of useful and re-usable Delphi components, units and IDE extensions published on NOTE: The project has now moved to, but releases are posted here, in the File section. Many of the components and classes are stable and have been in development for a number of years. A complete list of library contents and links to documentation is available at Releases of each sub...
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  • 2
    FastReport Open Source

    FastReport Open Source

    Free Open Source Reporting tool for .NET

    Free Open Source Reporting tool for .NET Core/.NET Framework that helps your application generate document-like reports.
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  • 3


    Framework for intelligent service-based networks. Mobile compatible.

    Fully integrated framework for building and deploying service-based networks (SOA / Microservices). Communication includes XML-RPC, REST and Web Services. Other features include service protection, admin scripts, metadata, query processes, autonomous, agent-based, or self-organising. Special to the system are its AI and text-processing features. In particular, there is an Autonomic Manager framework with a BPEL-style execution script. Sub-packages include text or query processing...
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  • 4
    Cisco config sanitizer tool

    Cisco config sanitizer tool

    Tool used to sanitize Cisco configuration files.

    Cisco sanitizing configuration tool. It removes passwords, keys, certs and other sensitive data from text config files. Use this tool to sanitize extracted configurations files before you send them to audit (Ex: TAC) 'show tech-support' is good, but sometimes you need to remove more sensitive data from the configurations This tool will scan a folder with all its sub-folders and sanitize every file from that tree. But it will never modify the source files, instead it will create another...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5
    Vector Pascal is a language targeted at SIMD multi-core instruction-sets such as the AVX and SSE2 or x86-64-v3. It has a SIMD compiler which supports parallel vector operations, loop unrolling, common sub expression removal etc. It is implemented in Java.
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  • 6


    An hack of Jscheme with a lot of enhancements and additional features.

    JSchemePlus is an hack of Jscheme 1.4 by Peter Norvig. It allows to redistribute a script in an executable JAR file of only ~40K and implements all of R4RS with a lot of additional functions, like: (execute command) (random) (sequence from up-to step) (split list element) (string-split string sub-string) (read-all-from-file file) (write-to-file file data) (file-size file) etc... For the complete list read the HELP file or type (help). JSchemePlus needs only the Java Virtual Machine (version 6...
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  • 7
    Strings Edit

    Strings Edit

    String editing and formatting library for Ada

    Strings edit is a library that provides I/O facilities for integers, floating-point numbers, Roman numerals, and strings. Both input and output subroutines support string pointers for consequent stream processing. The output can be aligned in a fixed size field with padding. Numeric input can be checked against expected values range to be either saturated or to raise an exception. For floating-point output either relative or absolute output precision can be specified. UTF-8 encoded strings...
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  • 8


    Macro-oriented full-stack web framework

    In HappyX you can write single page, static site generation and server side rendering applications 💡 You can write Rest API with HappyX also 🔌 HappyX is very simple to use. Keep your peace of mind 🙂
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  • 9
    GtkAda contributions

    GtkAda contributions

    Contributions to Ada bindings to GTK+

    ...; resource styles; capturing the resources of a widget; embeddable images; some missing sub-programs and bugfixes; a measurement unit selection widget and dialogs; an improved hue-luminance-saturation color model; simplified image buttons and buttons customizable by style properties; controlled Ada types for GTK+ strong and weak references; and a simplified means to create lists of strings.
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  • Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg Icon
    Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg

    Get 7,500 MAUs, 50 tenants, and 5 SSOs free – integrated into your app with just a few lines of code.

    Frontegg powers modern businesses with a user management platform that’s fast to deploy and built to scale. Embed SSO, multi-tenancy, and a customer-facing admin portal using robust SDKs and APIs – no complexity required. Designed for the Product-Led Growth era, it simplifies setup, secures your users, and frees your team to innovate. From startups to enterprises, Frontegg delivers enterprise-grade tools at zero cost to start. Kick off today.
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  • 10


    Framework entry point bringing together all the sub-modules of Aurelia

    Aurelia is a modern, front-end JavaScript framework for building browser, mobile, and desktop applications. It focuses on aligning closely with web platform specifications, using convention over configuration, and having minimal framework intrusion. Basically, we want you to just write your code without the framework getting in your way. This library is part of the Aurelia platform. It contains the aurelia-framework library, which brings together all the required core aurelia libraries into...
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    A data augmentations library for audio, image, text, and video

    AugLy is a data augmentations library that currently supports four modalities (audio, image, text & video) and over 100 augmentations. Each modality’s augmentations are contained within its own sub-library. These sub-libraries include both function-based and class-based transforms, composition operators, and have the option to provide metadata about the transform applied, including its intensity. AugLy is a great library to utilize for augmenting your data in model training, or to evaluate...
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  • 12


    Your high performance web application C framework is an evented Network library written in C. provides high performance TCP/IP network services by using an evented design that was tested to provide an easy solution to the C10K problem. includes a mini-framework for Web Applications, with a fast HTTP / WebSocket server, integrated Pub/Sub, optional Redis connectivity, easy JSON handling, Mustache template rendering and more nifty tidbits. powers the HTTP/Websockets Ruby Iodine server and it can easily power...
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  • 13
    Smart Contract Sanctuary

    Smart Contract Sanctuary

    A home for ethereum smart contracts

    A home for Ethereum smart contracts verified on Etherscan. This is the index repository for the smart contract sanctuary. Bookmark this repo. Chain-specific sub-repos and the index are updated twice a day. Expect a full, recursive check-out to take 2GB+ disk space. Existing repository but submodules never initialized - checkout submodules and update all chain-specific sub repositories. Contains smart contract sources for various networks, grouped by the first two chars of the contract address...
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  • 14


    A batteries-included web framework for Node.js

    A batteries-included Node.js web framework.
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  • 15


    Eclipse Shell Script Editor with Tree View. Opens No-Extension-Files.

    ... for eclipse! NOTE2: if you see bad bugs you can try 'Files' -> 'previous releases' in the menu. Download the *.jar file into the 'plugins' sub-directory of your Eclipse installation and restart Eclipse. This will automatically associate the editor with all *.sh files and all files without extensions, e.g. 'sshDisable' but also 'README'. If you'd like to avoid association with no-extension-files or upgrade to a newer version see this link
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    Test Manager plugin for Trac

    Test Manager plugin for Trac

    A Trac plugin manage the quality process

    A Trac plugin to create Test Cases, organize them in catalogs and track their execution status and outcome. Take a look at the Web Page on trac-hacks:
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  • 17
    Component Jetpack Kotlin MVVM

    Component Jetpack Kotlin MVVM

    Componentized Jetpack Kotlin MVVM project practice

    Componentized Jetpack Kotlin MVVM project practice, involving Jetpack-related components, Kotlin-related technologies, coroutine Retrofit, Paging3 Room, etc. When running the main App, the sub-module belongs to the library, and when running independently, the sub-module belongs to the application. Then we only need to add a flag in in the root directory to distinguish the status of the module, such as singleModule = false. This flag can be used to indicate whether the current...
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  • 18


    Professional programming navigation

    Programming Navigation is not just a website, but a complete ecology with the goal of "helping everyone discover high-quality programming resources and improve learning efficiency". It contains multiple sub-projects, and the technology stack includes React, Java SpringBoot, Tencent Cloud Development, etc., all of which are open source for everyone to learn, so that you can easily develop beautiful information navigation websites! Most of the programming navigation websites are in disrepair...
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  • 19
    .NET Samples

    .NET Samples

    Sample code referenced by the .NET documentation

    This repo contains all the sample code that is part of any topic under the .NET documentation. There are several different projects that are organized in sub-folders. These sub-folders are organized similarly to the organization of the docs for .NET. Some of the articles will have more than one sample associated with them. The content team tracks issues for .NET documentation in the dotnet/docs and dotnet/dotnet-api-docs repositories. Issues are turned off on this repository. File issues...
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    0x Monorepo

    0x Monorepo

    0x protocol monorepo - includes our smart contracts

    0x protocol monorepo, includes our smart contracts and many developer tools. 0x is an open protocol that facilitates the trustless, low-friction exchange of Ethereum-based assets. For more information on how it works, check out the 0x protocol specification. This repository is a monorepo including the 0x protocol smart contracts and numerous developer tools. Each public sub-package is independently published to NPM. Visit our developer portal for a comprehensive list of core & community...
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    A Python framework to write Kubernetes operators

    Kopf —Kubernetes Operator Pythonic Framework, is a framework and a library to make Kubernetes operator's development easier, just in a few lines of Python code. The main goal is to bring the Domain-Driven Design to the infrastructure level, with Kubernetes being an orchestrator/database of the domain objects (custom resources), and the operators containing the domain logic (with no or minimal infrastructure logic).
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    Azure QuickStart Templates

    Azure QuickStart Templates

    Azure Resource Manager templates contributed by the community

    Deploy Azure resources through the Azure Resource Manager with community contributed templates to get more done. Deploy, learn, fork and contribute back. Azure Resource Manager allows you to provision your applications using a declarative template. In a single template, you can deploy multiple services along with their dependencies. You use the same template to repeatedly deploy your application during every stage of the application lifecycle. Azure Resource Manager is the deployment and...
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    The fastest + concise javascript template engine for nodejs

    Created in search of the fastest and concise JavaScript templating function with emphasis on performance under V8 and nodejs. It shows great performance for both nodejs and browsers. doT.js is fast, small and has no dependencies. doT is a really solid piece of software engineering (I didn’t create it) that is rarely updated exactly for this reason. It took me years to grasp how it works even though it’s only 140 lines of code, it looks like magic. I used it in my other projects (e.g. ajv) as...
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    A small cooperative task framework for calling task fns asynchronously

    For async calling of process functions (fns) this very-tiny-task subsystem may safe some efford for you. Could be used for running systems e.g.for a process with sub processes or as a base of a small (sub) system with multiple tasks and/or state machines. Source code in C. Should work in C++ as well.
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    A handy, fast and powerful go template engine

    Hero is a handy, fast and powerful go template engine, which pre-compiles the HTML templtes to go code. It has been used in a production environment in The function definition statement defines the function which represents a html file. The function defined should return one and only one parameter []byte. Extend statement states the parent template the current template extends. Include statement includes a sub-template to the current template. It works like #include in C++. Import...
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