Virtual machines for iOS and macOS
SideStore is a fork of AltStore that doesn't require an AltServer
Virtualize macOS 12 and later on Apple Silicon
A fast GUI for Homebrew written in SwiftUI
Collection of standard and secure cryptographic algorithms
Lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading images from the web
KeyboardKit is a Swift library that helps you build custom keyboard
A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
The most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library
Show progress in your app's Dock icon
A feature-rich offline application
A Swift client for Supabase
SwiftUIKit is a Swift SDK that adds extra functionality to Swift
Add user-customizable global keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) to your mac
Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP and SRT for iOS, Mac
Tame async code with battle-tested promises
Dependency injection framework for Swift with iOS/macOS/Linux
A cross-platform declarative UI framework, inspired by SwiftUI
Localization of the application with ability to change language
Incrementally update/translate your Strings files
SwiftUI Image loading and Animation framework powered by SDWebImage
Read, update and write your Xcode projects
Airbnb's Swift Style Guide
User input masking library repo
The Swift GraphQL implementation for macOS and Linux