View models in Laravel
Debug bar for PHP
A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel
LaraDumps is a friendly app designed to boost your Laravel PHP coding
PHP dev tools in your browser - server-side component
A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire
Advanced datatables using Laravel, Livewire, Tailwind CSS and Alpine
PowerGrid generates Advanced Datatables using Laravel Livewire
Monitoring Laravel Jobs with your Database
Laravel Admin Package that includes operations, a media manager, etc.
Tools for creating Laravel packages
High performance HTTP server based on Swoole
Cascading deletes for Eloquent models that implement soft deletes
Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin
Publishing on your own terms
Package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel
Laravel package to create beautiful common views like data tables
nuBuilder Forte is a cloud database builder.
Create Web Based Forms Quickly, With In-built DB, For All Your Teams
MaddCrypt is a simple Protector for your .NET application
Responsive Web App development full-stack framework in PHP and JS
PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML
Tools to build a full-featured administrative interface
Native comments for your Laravel application.