583 programs for "all-in-one" with 2 filters applied:

  • Build Securely on Azure with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on Azure with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free Icon
    Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free

    From Canva to Slides, Desmos to YouTube, Lumio works with the tech tools you are already using.

    Transform anything you share into an engaging digital experience - for free. Instantly convert your PDFs, slides, and files into dynamic, interactive sessions with built-in collaboration tools, activities, and real-time assessment. From teaching to training to team building, make every presentation unforgettable. Used by millions for education, business, and professional development.
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  • 1


    A way to show users that something is happening and prepare them

    Today almost all apps have async processes, such as API requests, long running processes, etc. While the processes are working, usually developers place a loading view to show users that something is going on. SkeletonView has been conceived to address this need, an elegant way to show users that something is happening and also prepare them for which contents are waiting. When using elements with text, SkeletonView draws lines to simulate text. Besides, you can decide how many lines you want...
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  • 2


    A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast lists

    ... to this range. This concept lets your section controllers prepare content before they come on screen (e.g. download images). With the IGListDiffable plugin for remodel by facebook, you can automatically generate models conforming to the IGListDiffable. Remember that IGListKit functions on one model per section controller. You want to create a Post model that contains all of the information that the cells require.
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    Cloud service that enables developers to deploy mobile app updates

    CodePush is a cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users' devices. It works by acting as a central repository that developers can publish updates to (JS, HTML, CSS and images), and that apps can query for updates from (using provided client SDK for Cordova and React Native). This allows you to have a more deterministic and direct engagement model with your userbase, when addressing bugs and/or adding small features that...
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  • 4


    A Swift framework for parsing and formatting phone numbers

    Swift 5.3 framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber. Import PhoneNumberKit at the top of the Swift file that will interact with a phone number. All of your interactions with PhoneNumberKit happen through a PhoneNumberKit object. The first step you should take is to allocate one. A PhoneNumberKit instance is relatively expensive to allocate (it parses the metadata and keeps it in memory for the object's lifecycle), you...
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • 5


    React components for building interactive data visualizations

    Victory is a set of modular charting components for React and React Native. Victory makes it easy to get started without sacrificing flexibility. Create one of a kind data visualizations with fully customizable styles and behaviors. Victory uses the same API for web and React Native applications for easy cross-platform charting. Victory is used for charting across the web, from publicly-consumed informational graphs to internal tracking and reporting. Victory is an opinionated, but fully...
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    The most complete chat UI for React Native

    See the files in example-slack-message for an example of how to override the default UI to make something that looks more like Slack, with usernames displayed and all messages on the left. Avatar as user's initials. Localized dates. Multi-line TextInput. InputToolbar avoiding keyboard. Redux support. System message. Quick Reply messages (bot). Typying indicatior react-native-typing-animation. If you decide to specify a text prop, GiftedChat will no longer manage its own internal text state...
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  • 7


    Drawer library for your Android project

    The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Does your application contain a Drawer? Do you want to have it up and running in less than 5 minutes? Do you want your drawer to follow the Android Design Guidelines? Do you have profiles? Do you need flexibility? Is Google’s navigation Drawer of the design support not enough for you? Do you want a simple and easy to understand api? Never waste your time again. It provides you with the easiest possible implementation...
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  • 8


    Network application framework for protocol servers and clients

    ... are usually libraries that come with an API that doesn't expose SwiftNIO's ChannelPipeline and can therefore be used with very little (or no) SwiftNIO-specific knowledge. The implementations listed below do still do all of their I/O in SwiftNIO and integrate really well with the SwiftNIO ecosystem. SwiftNIO aims to support all of the platforms where Swift is supported. Currently, it is developed and tested on macOS and Linux.
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    A clean and easy-to-use floating panel UI component for iOS

    FloatingPanel is a simple and easy-to-use UI component for a new interface introduced in Apple Maps, Shortcuts and Stocks app. The new interface displays the related contents and utilities in parallel as a user wants. 4 positioning support(top, left, bottom, right). 1 or more magnetic anchors(full, half, tip and more). Layout support for all trait environments(i.e. Landscape orientation). Common UI elements: surface, backdrop and grabber handle. Free from common issues of Auto Layout...
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  • Payroll Services for Small Businesses | QuickBooks Icon
    Payroll Services for Small Businesses | QuickBooks

    Save 50% off for 3 months with QuickBooks Payroll when you Buy Now

    Easily pay your team and access powerful tools, employee benefits, and supportive experts with the #1 online payroll service provider. Manage payroll and access HR and employee services in one place. Pay your team automatically once your payroll setup is complete. We'll calculate, file, and pay your payroll taxes automatically.
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  • 10


    Mavericks, Android on Autopilot

    ... at Airbnb including 100% of new screens. It has also been adopted by countless other apps from small sample apps to apps with over 1 billion downloads. Mavericks is built on top of Android Jetpack and Kotlin Coroutines so it can be thought of as a complement rather than a departure from Google's standard set of libraries. We believe that for Mavericks to be successful, it must be effective for building everything from the simplest of screens to the most complex in our app.
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  • 11


    A Sweet and Swifty YAML parser

    A sweet and swifty YAML parser built on LibYAML. Building Yams requires Xcode 12.5+ or a Swift 5.4+ toolchain with the Swift Package Manager or CMake and Ninja. CMake 3.17.2 or newer is required, along with Ninja 1.9.0 or newer. To build for Apple platforms (macOS, iOS, tvOS, watchOS), there is no need to separately build Foundation because it is included as part of the SDK. Yams has three groups of conversion APIs: one for use with Codable types, another for Swift Standard Library types...
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  • 12


    iOS network debugging, like a wizard

    Start debugging iOS network calls like a wizard, without extra code! Wormholy makes debugging quick and reliable. Add it to your project, and that's all! Shake your device or your simulator and Wormholy will appear! You don't need to import the library into your code, it works magically! To integrate Wormholy into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile. Record all app traffic that uses NSURLSession. Reveal the content of all requests, responses, and headers simply...
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  • 13


    A license list generator of all your dependencies for iOS applications

    LicensePlist is a command-line tool that automatically generates a Plist of all your dependencies, including files added manually(specified by YAML config file) or using Carthage or CocoaPods. All these licenses then show up in the Settings app. Excludes can be defined to exclude matching libraries from the final output. An exclude is a dictionary containing any combination of name, source, owner, or licenseType. If a library name is unsuitable for the output bundle, you can explicitly rename...
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  • 14


    Autocompleted resources like images, fonts & segues in Swift projects

    .... If the struct is outdated just build and R.swift will correct any missing/changed/added resources. Runtime validation with R.validate() ff all images used in storyboards and nibs are available, if all named colors used in storyboards and nibs are available, if all view controllers with storyboard identifiers can be loaded, if all custom fonts can be loaded.
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    Font management (System & Custom) for iOS and tvOS

    Font management (System & Custom) for iOS and tvOS. No more wasted time searching for names of UIFont fonts and no more surprises at runtime if a font name was mistyped. This library is simply one extension to UIFont and one Font enum with a case for each system font on iOS and tvOS. Custom font support is also available, please keep reading for details! This library currently provides two different options for creating UIFont objects. The first is calling the font name off of the provided...
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  • 16
    React Native Vector Icons

    React Native Vector Icons

    Customizable Icons for React Native with full styling

    Perfect for buttons, logos and nav/tab bars. Easy to extend, style and integrate into your project. If you want to use any of the bundled icons, you need to add the icon fonts to your Xcode project. For each platform (iOS/Android/Windows) you plan to use, follow one of the options for the corresponding platform. Upgrading this package often requires the font files linked to your projects to be updated as well. If the automatic linking works for you, running this again should update the fonts...
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    An Android library for managing images and the memory they use

    Fresco’s image pipeline will load images from the network, local storage, or local resources. To save data and CPU, it has three levels of cache; two in memory and another in internal storage. Fresco’s Drawee shows a placeholder for you until the image has loaded and then automatically shows the image when it arrives. When the image goes off-screen, it automatically releases its memory. A decompressed image - an Android Bitmap - takes up a lot of memory. This leads to more frequent runs of...
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    Kotlin compiler plugin to enable diagrammed function calls

    Kotlin Compiler Plugin which high-jacks Kotlin assert function calls and transforms them similar to Groovy's Power Assert feature. This plugin uses the IR backend for the Kotlin compiler and supports all platforms: JVM, JS, and Native!
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    A Kotlin compiler plugin to make dependency injection with Dagger 2

    Anvil is a Kotlin compiler plugin to make dependency injection with Dagger easier by automatically merging Dagger modules and component interfaces. In a nutshell, instead of manually adding modules to a Dagger component and making the Dagger component extend all component interfaces, these modules and interfaces can be included in a component automatically.
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  • 20
    dotenv Kotlin

    dotenv Kotlin

    Dotenv is a module that loads environment variables from a .env file

    Storing configuration in the environment is one of the tenets of a twelve-factor app. Anything that is likely to change between deployment environments–such as resource handles for databases or credentials for external services–should be extracted from the code into environment variables. However it is not always practical to set environment variables on development machines or continuous integration servers where multiple projects are run. Dotenv loads variables from a .env file into ENV when...
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  • 21


    Swift Kotlin Interface Enhancer

    One of the main downsides of Kotlin Multiplatform is the lack of a direct Swift interop. Without it, Swift can communicate with Kotlin only indirectly - through Objective-C. While this approach works, it has many limitations, so Kotlin loses support for many of its language features. SKIE (pronounced as sky) is a special Kotlin native compiler plugin that brings back support for some of these features by modifying the Xcode Framework produced by the Kotlin compiler. Thanks to that, you don't...
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    A waterfall grid layout view for SwiftUI

    A waterfall grid layout view for SwiftUI. You can create a grid that displays the elements of the collection by passing your collection of data and a closure that provides a view for each element in the collection. The grid transforms each element in the collection into a child view by using the supplied closure. WaterfallGrid works with identifiable data (like SwiftUI.List). You can make your data identifiable in one of two ways: by passing along with your data a key path to a property...
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  • 23


    React Native wrapper for the Android ViewPager and iOS

    This component allows the user to swipe left and right through pages of data. Under the hood it is using the native Android ViewPager and the iOS UIPageViewController implementations. See it in action! This library supports both architectures (Paper and Fabric). If you would like enable new architecture. This library supports new architecture! We have two example folders one for each architecture. If you are using this library in your own project there some extra steps needed.
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  • 24


    Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests

    Bluepill is a tool to run iOS tests in parallel using multiple simulators. The exit code of Bluepill uses bit indicators that could represent multiple exit statuses. If you're using Fastlane to run your tests, you're in luck! You can integrate Bluepill into your project with very little change to your existing setup. Just integrate one of the following Fastlane plugins, and you'll be on your way. Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators on a single...
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  • 25
    Android Debug Database

    Android Debug Database

    A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences

    ... this to avoid build error in release build as this library will not be included in the release build) using reflection. Using the Android Debug Database with an encrypted database. See all the data in the shared preferences used in your application. Run any sql query on the given database to update and delete your data.
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