Command-line shell and scripting language built on .NET
The DB Browser for SQLite
A shell script to convert any file or command output into a html table
Portable command-line YAML processor
Testing TLS/SSL encryption anywhere on any port
An open source security tool to perform AWS security assessment
Python library and shell utilities to monitor filesystem events
Tool for interactive command line environments on Linux
Your entire server infrastructure at your fingertips
A command-line benchmarking tool
A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration
WP-CLI framework
A tool for glamorous shell scripts
Useful tools when you are running your project inside docker container
Install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode
An efficient way to access various statistics in git repository
Wraps all package managers with a unifying CLI
An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
Inotify-tools is a C library and a set of command-line programs
A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go
A simple, standalone, and lightweight tool
A swiss army knife of container debugging
A simple script to wait for other docker images to be started
Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, etc
Replicate your production environment locally using Docker