Showing 6194 open source projects for "unity source code"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 1


    Network analysis in Python

    NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. Data structures for graphs, digraphs, and multigraphs. Many standard graph algorithms. Network structure and analysis measures. Generators for classic graphs, random graphs, and synthetic networks. Nodes can be "anything" (e.g., text, images, XML records). Edges can hold arbitrary data (e.g., weights, time-series). Open source 3-clause BSD license. Well tested...
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    Mirror of Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL)'s repository

    Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is a high-performance Common Lisp compiler. It is open-source/free software, with a permissive license. In addition to the compiler and runtime system for ANSI Common Lisp, it provides an interactive environment including a debugger, a statistical profiler, a code coverage tool, and many other extensions. SBCL runs on Linux, various BSDs, macOS, Solaris, and Windows. See the download page for supported platforms, and the getting started guide for additional help...
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    Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test

    Hardhat is an Ethereum development environment for professionals. It facilitates performing frequent tasks, such as running tests, automatically checking code for mistakes or interacting with a smart contract. Check out the plugin list to use it with your existing tools. Hardhat Runner is the main component you interact with when using Hardhat. It's a flexible and extensible task runner that helps you manage and automate the recurring tasks inherent to developing smart contracts and dApps...
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    The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript

    Babel is a toolchain that helps you write code in the latest version of JavaScript. It converts ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript that can be run by older JavaScript engines. With Babel you can transform syntax, polyfill features that are missing in your target environment, transform source code and more!
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5
    Azure Data Studio

    Azure Data Studio

    A data management tool that enables working with other SQL tools

    Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform database tool for data professionals who use on-premises and cloud data platforms on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Azure Data Studio offers a modern editor experience with IntelliSense, code snippets, source control integration, and an integrated terminal. It's engineered with the data platform user in mind, with the built-in charting of query result sets and customizable dashboards. Use Azure Data Studio to query, design, and manage your databases and data...
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    Toolkit for making machine learning and data analysis applications

    Dlib is a modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools for creating complex software in C++ to solve real world problems. It is used in both industry and academia in a wide range of domains including robotics, embedded devices, mobile phones, and large high performance computing environments. Dlib's open source licensing allows you to use it in any application, free of charge. Good unit test coverage, the ratio of unit test lines of code to library lines of code is about...
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    Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java

    Mockito downloads and instructions for setting up Maven, Gradle and other build systems are available from the Central Repository and Bintray. Mockito 3.x requires Java 8, but otherwise doesn’t introduce any breaking changes compared to the 2.x series. Mockito 2.25.0 had an important feature added for anyone using mockito-inline. In particular anyone using Kotlin (which demands using mockito-inline) and PowerMock (which exacerbates the problem even more) will want to add this to all of their...
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    Bot Framework Emulator

    Bot Framework Emulator

    Locally test and debug chat bots built with the Bot Framework SDK

    ... the Emulator even if you haven't yet created it with Azure Bot Service or configured it to run on any channels. Before connecting your bot to the Bot Framework Emulator, you need to run your bot locally. You can use Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code to run your bot, or use the command line. When you are developing behind a corporate proxy, the Emulator will use the configured environment variables HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY, which specify the proxy URL route for HTTP and HTTPs requests.
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    A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, etc.

    AutoCorrect is a linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, and punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean). Like Eslint, Rubocop and Gofmt, AutoCorrect allows us to check source code, and output as colorized diff with corrected suggestions. You can integrate to CI (GitLab CI, GitHub Action, Travis CI....) for use to check the contents in source code. Recognize the file name, and find out the strings and the comment part. Add spacing between CJK...
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 10


    VHDL 2008/93/87 simulator

    This directory contains the sources of GHDL, the open-source analyzer, compiler, simulator and (experimental) synthesizer for VHDL, a Hardware Description Language (HDL). GHDL is not an interpreter: it allows you to analyze and elaborate sources for generating machine code from your design. Native program execution is the only way for high-speed simulation. Full support for the 1987, 1993, 2002 versions of the IEEE 1076 VHDL standard, and partial for the 2008 and 2019 revisions. By using a code...
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    Optimal workflow for frontend teams

    Vercel combines the best developer experience with an obsessive focus on end-user performance. Our platform enables frontend teams to do their best work. Developers love Next.js, the open source React framework Vercel built together with Google and Facebook. Next.js powers the biggest websites like Twilio, for use cases in e-commerce, travel, news, and marketing. Vercel is the best place to deploy any frontend app. Start by deploying with zero configuration to our global edge network. Scale...
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    MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework

    MAME's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. As electronic technology continues to rush forward, MAME prevents this important "vintage" software from being lost and forgotten. This is achieved by documenting the hardware and how it functions. The source code to MAME serves as this documentation. The fact that the software is usable serves primarily to validate the accuracy of the documentation (how else can you prove that you have recreated the hardware faithfully?). Over time...
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    JS Beautifier

    JS Beautifier

    Beautifier for javascript

    This little beautifier will reformat and re-indent bookmarklets, ugly JavaScript, unpack scripts packed by Dean Edward’s popular packer, as well as partly deobfuscate scripts processed by the npm package javascript-obfuscator. All of the source code is completely free and open, available on GitHub under MIT licence, and we have a command-line version, python library and a node package as well. You may install the NPM package js-beautify. When installed globally, it provides an executable js...
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    Reko is a binary decompiler

    Reko (Swedish: "decent, obliging") is a decompiler for machine code binaries. This project is freely available under the GNU General Public License. The project consists of front ends, core decompiler engine, and back ends to help it achieve its goals. A command line, a Windows GUI, and a ASP.NET front end exist at the time of writing. The decompiler engine receives inputs from the front ends in the form of either individual executable files or decompiler project files. Reko project files...
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    Simple terminal UI for git commands

    You've heard it before, git is powerful, but what good is that power when everything is so damn hard to do? Interactive rebasing requires you to edit a goddamn TODO file in your editor? Are you kidding me? To stage part of a file you need to use a command-line program to step through each hunk and if a hunk can't be split down any further but contains code you don't want to stage, you have to edit an arcane patch file by hand? Are you KIDDING me?! Sometimes you get asked to stash your changes...
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    A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB

    phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL and MariaDB. Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement. phpMyAdmin comes with a wide range of documentation and users are welcome to update our wiki...
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    ProGuard, Java optimizer and obfuscator

    ProGuard is a free shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier for Java bytecode. It detects and removes unused classes, fields, methods, and attributes. It optimizes bytecode and removes unused instructions. It renames the remaining classes, fields, and methods using short meaningless names. ProGuard can be run as a task in Gradle. Before you can use the proguard task, you have to make sure Gradle can find it in its class path at build time. One way is to add the following line to your...
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    dotnet sdk

    dotnet sdk

    Core functionality needed to create .NET Core projects

    Core functionality needed to create .NET Core projects, that is shared between Visual Studio and CLI. There are no fees or licensing costs, including for commercial use. .NET is open-source and cross-platform, with free development tools for Windows, Linux, and macOS. .NET is supported by Microsoft. Microsoft ships official releases that are built and tested on Microsoft-maintained servers in Azure and supported just like any Microsoft product. .NET is open source and we are very thankful...
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    Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers

    Qiskit [kiss-kit] is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, and application modules. When you are looking to start Qiskit, you have two options. You can start Qiskit locally, which is much more secure and private, or you get started with Jupyter Notebooks hosted in IBM Quantum Lab. Qiskit includes a comprehensive set of quantum gates and a variety of pre-built circuits so users at all levels can use Qiskit for research and application development...
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    Smaller C

    Smaller C

    Simple C compiler

    Smaller C is a simple and small single-pass C compiler, currently supporting most of the C language common between C89/ANSI C and C99 (minus some C89 and plus some C99 features). Currently, it generates 16-bit and 32-bit 80386+ assembly code for NASM that can then be assembled and linked into DOS, Windows, Linux and Mac OS X programs. (You may use YASM or FASM instead of NASM) Code generation for MIPS CPUs is also supported (primarily for RetroBSD). The compiler is capable of compiling itself...
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    A web based file manager, web IDE / browser based code editor

    KodExplorer is a file manager for the web. It is also a web code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser. You can run KodExplorer either online or locally, on Linux, Windows, or Mac-based platforms. The only requirement is to have PHP 5 available. Use experience like operating system, Rich context menu, and toolbar, drag, and drop, shortcut keys. All operations with files and folders on a remote server (copy, cut, paste, move, remove, upload, create folder...
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    Metaprogramming library to analyze and transform Java source code

    Spoon is an open-source library to analyze, rewrite, transform, transpile Java source code. It parses source files to build a well-designed AST with powerful analysis and transformation API. It supports modern Java versions up to Java 20. Spoon is an official Inria open-source project, and member of the OW2 open-source consortium.
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    Stylus for Chrome

    Stylus for Chrome

    Stylus - Userstyles Manager

    Stylus is a fork of Stylish for Chrome, also compatible with Firefox as a WebExtension. "Stylus" is a fork of the popular Stylish extension which can be used to restyle the web. Not "ish", but "us", as in "us" the actual users. Stylus is a fork of Stylish that is based on the source code of version 1.5.2, which was the most up-to-date version before the original developer stopped working on the project. The objective in creating Stylus was to remove any and all analytics, and return to a more...
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    A C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives.

    libzip is a C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives. Files can be added from data buffers, files, or compressed data copied directly from other zip archives. Changes made without closing the archive can be reverted. The API is documented by man pages. libzip is fully documented via man pages. HTML versions of the man pages are on and in the man directory. You can start with libzip(3), which lists all others. Example source code is in the examples and src...
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    Volta: JS Toolchains as Code

    Install and run any JS tool quickly and seamlessly! Volta is built in Rust and ships as a snappy static binary. Ensure everyone in your project has the same tools—without interfering with their workflow. No matter the package manager, Node runtime, or OS, one command is all you need: volta install. Fast: Install and run any JS tool quickly and seamlessly! Volta is built in Rust and ships as a snappy static binary. Ensure everyone in your project has the same tools—without interfering with...
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