Practical and document place for DevOps toolchain
Apereo CAS WAR Overlay template
Packer templates for building minimal Vagrant baseboxes
A swiss army knife of container debugging
Backend and Frontend application for tracking differences via image
Github Action to deploy the Jekyll site conveniently for GitHub Pages
Useful tools when you are running your project inside docker container
A utility tool powered by fzf for using git interactively
Catch up with outdated versions based on your package dep requirements
Amazon EKS Helm chart repository
An open source Vagrant configuration for developing with WordPress
Git hooks made easy
An efficient way to access various statistics in git repository
Multiplatform command line interface parsing for Kotlin
An implementation of a cross-platform dockable window system
Schedule artisan commands to run at a sub-minute frequency
A simple script to wait for other docker images to be started
[deprecated] KMongo - a Kotlin toolkit for Mongo
Scripting enhancements for Kotlin
Unified, Docker powered web development environments
Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Toolbox in Docker
Wraps all package managers with a unifying CLI
A modern cmake starter project for C++ with a complete build lifecycle
Replicate your production environment locally using Docker
Open-source, next-generation "runc" that empowers rootless containers