The React Framework
GUI for downloading/managing homebrew apps for video game consoles
Node library to automate Chromium, Firefox & WebKit with a single API
Command line management for Google Workspace
A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
HTML, CSS and JS framework for developing responsive websites and apps
Free and Open-source Headless CMS and Application Framework
A computer algebra system written in pure Python
Open Source UI Kit built on top of Bootstrap 5 and plain JavaScript
Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner
Flet enables developers to easily build realtime web and mobile apps
An HTML5, jQuery-based widget library for building modern web apps
TagSpaces is an offline, open source, document manager with tagging
The Pencil Project's unique mission is to build a free tool
A modern Wine wrapper for macOS built with SwiftUI
Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for .NET
Console-based user interface toolkit for .NET applications
An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps
A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android
The Leading Security Assessment Framework for Android
Patches for ReVanced
Formats your JavaScript using prettier followed by eslint --fix
Lightweight static analysis for many languages
Third-party TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE emulator
Command-line tool to customize Spotify client