Native VR/AR/XR engine for JavaScript
Offensive Web Testing Framework (OWTF), is a framework
MITIE: library and tools for information extraction
Creating Scrapy scrapers via the Django admin interface
Virtualgo: Easy and powerful workspace based development
React components for rendering large lists and tabular data
Web Scraping Framework
Build Cross-platform Applications
Python in the Browser
Squeezer framework, build serverless dApps
Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router
Editor for Protocol Buffer Binary files
CrNiCKL (chronicle) is a Java database for time series
CSS Spinners and Loaders, Modular, Customizable and HTML Elements
A highly opinionated starter kit for building Single Page Applications
CSV Comparator is a tool for comparing files which contain CSV-Data.
An admin dashboard template designed to be beautiful and simple
Unit Test Assert Framework for the core Flight System (cFS) Components
PHP Stock Inventory Management System - POS
a very lightweight advanced terrain-rendering and 3D map rendering sys
The Tina4 Stack, selected tools for making PHP development much easier
Web and mobile application security awareness/training platform
A jquery plugin for CSS3 text animations