• Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • 1


    Web applications made easy

    Brunch lets you focus on what matters most, solving real problems instead of messing around with the glue. By being opinionated about your build pipeline, Brunch is able to provide a smooth and fast experience, and makes your config files take a drastic cut. It doesn't take much to get around with brunch. 'brunch new' to create a new project. 'brunch build' to build. 'brunch watch' to live-compile. Installation is one-line, once you have node.js. You will find that the typical config...
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  • 2


    Chart image and QR code web API

    ... integrates with many no-code tools. Use our no-code chart maker to create custom chart templates that you can embed dynamically in spreadsheets, Airtable, Bubble, AppSheet, Thunkable, and many other no-code tools. Rendering at scale is difficult and resource intensive. We've put a lot of working into taking care of the most difficult parts so you can focus on building your application.
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  • 3
    Fastify DX

    Fastify DX

    A Full Stack Framework based on Fastify and Vite

    Fastify DX is an upcoming full stack framework built on top of Fastify and Vite. In this early stage, we're working to define a Universal Route Module API. Currently, only Fastify v3 is supported, v4 support is already in the works. Fastify DX is currently in alpha. Right now the focus is on implementing the same API for React, Vue, Solid and Svelte. A minimal zx-based CLI for enhanced Developer Experience is planned next. Subscribe to this newsletter to hear about the public beta.
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  • 4
    V1 Script

    V1 Script

    A Script Language for Web, Linux and Windows

    V1 is a simple functional interpreter language with syntax from C, PHP and JavaScript. It was developed from the scratch. The focus is on simple administrative and experimental programming, but it has enhanced benefits like Multithreading, CGI, Web functions and Native function calling. The most buildin functions are compatible with PHP, for example fopen(). The current Version 0.96 is available for Windows (32 Bit, WinXP, Win7, Win10+), Linux (x86, 64 Bit, libc 2.2) and Linux (ARM, 32 Bit...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5
    Keen UI

    Keen UI

    A lightweight Vue.js UI library with a simple API

    Keen UI is a Vue.js UI library with a simple API, inspired by Google's Material Design. Keen UI is not a CSS framework. Therefore, it doesn't include styles for a grid system, typography, etc. Instead, the focus is on interactive components that require Javascript. You should be able to use Keen UI with any page layout, structure, or CSS framework.
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  • 6


    Prismane is an innovative have-it-all React UI library.

    ... support, adding an extra layer of accessibility and style to your projects. Built to focus on performance, Prismane ensures blazing-fast loading times for an enhanced user experience. Prismane makes managing forms and inputs a breeze with our carefully crafted useForm hook and strong form validators. These tools are designed to be developer-friendly, effortlessly working with your favorite validation libraries for a smooth and adaptable validation process.
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    Create React App

    Create React App

    Set up a modern web app by running one command

    Create React App lets you create React apps quickly and easily-- no learning of build tools or build configurations necessary. All you need is one command, and you can get started in seconds. All tools are preconfigured and hidden, and with instant reloads you can focus on code, not build tools. With Create React App your apps need only one build dependency, so everything works together seamlessly, and when it’s time to deploy your bundles are automatically optimized. With Create React...
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  • 8


    A simple and elegant markdown editor

    ... and emojis. Support paragraphs and inline style shortcuts to improve your writing efficiency. Output HTML and PDF files. Various themes: Cadmium Light, Material Dark etc. Various editing modes: Source Code mode, Typewriter mode, Focus mode. Paste images directly from clipboard.
    Downloads: 36 This Week
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  • 9
    Krajee bootstrap-star-rating

    Krajee bootstrap-star-rating

    A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin with fractional rating

    A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap that supports advanced features like fractional star fill and RTL input support. Developed with a focus on utilizing pure CSS-3 styling to render the control. The plugin uses Bootstrap markup and styling by default, but it can be overridden with any other CSS markup. Ability to size the rating control to any size including the stars, caption, and clear button. Five prebuilt size templates are available xl, lg, md, sm, and xs. However...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 10


    A simple method of generating a configuration for vim / neovim

    Vim Bootstrap makes it easy to learn a new editor, focus on learning how to use it and leave the configuration to us. Is a refactor, and sometimes redactor, in the tradition of Vim (which itself derives from Stevie). It is not a rewrite but a continuation and extension of Vim. Many clones and derivatives exist, some very clever, but none are Vim. Neovim is built for users who want the good parts of Vim, and more. Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing...
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  • 11


    Simple and visually-pleasing Pomodoro timer

    Pomotroid is a simple and configurable Pomodoro timer. It aims to provide a visually-pleasing and reliable way to track productivity using the Pomodoro Technique. Pomotroid provides many themes. It's also theme-able, allowing you to customize its appearance. Depending on your OS settings, you may receive a security warning upon installation. This has to do with Pomotroid being an unsigned application. You can find out more by researching code-signing for Apple and Microsoft. Customize focus...
    Downloads: 3 This Week
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  • 12


    Library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll

    Simple & lightweight (<4kb gzipped) vanilla JavaScript library to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scroll. Lax.js 2.0 has been completely re-written with a focus on modularity and flexibility giving you more tools to create awesome animations. To implement lax you need to create at least one driver, to provide values for animations, as well as the element animation bindings. The easiest way to get started is to use presets via html classes. Multiple presets can be chained together...
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  • 13
    Create Elm App

    Create Elm App

    Create Elm apps with zero configuration

    Create Elm App is a command-line tool that simplifies the setup of Elm applications. It provides a zero-configuration environment, allowing developers to focus on writing Elm code without dealing with build configurations.
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  • 14
    Sing App Lite

    Sing App Lite

    Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 4

    Including responsive layout and high-quality UI built with Bootstrap 4.5. This repository contains a limited free version of Sing App. Full bootstrap 4, React with backend, Vue.js, Angular and Angular JS versions are also available and are shipped in a full package. Using this template you will be able to leverage lots of built-in components and thus focus on building features that set you apart from competitors rather than building everything from scratch. Styled Bootstrap components like...
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  • 15


    Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development

    Despite all the recent hype, setting up a new TypeScript (x React) library can be tough. Between Rollup, Jest, tsconfig, Yarn resolutions, TSLint, and getting VSCode to play nicely, there is just a whole lot of stuff to do (and things to screw up). TSDX is a zero-config CLI that helps you develop, test, and publish modern TypeScript packages with ease, so you can focus on your awesome new library and not waste another afternoon on the configuration. With TSDX, you can quickly bootstrap a new...
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  • 16


    Highway - A Modern Javascript Transitions Manager

    Highway is a lightweight (2.5ko gzipped), easy-to-use, flexible, and modern library to create AJAX navigations with animations on websites. Don't bother about all the processes behind the scenes and focus on creative animations.
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  • 17


    Give your pages some headroom, hide your header until you need it

    Headroom.js is a lightweight, high-performance JS widget (with no dependencies!) that allows you to react to the user's scroll. The header on this site is a living example, it slides out of view when scrolling down and slides back in when scrolling up. Fixed headers are a popular approach for keeping the primary navigation in close proximity to the user. This can reduce the effort required for a user to quickly navigate a site, but they are not without problems. Large screens are usually...
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  • 18
    smooth UI

    smooth UI

    Modern React UI library

    Modern React UI library. Code less, do more. Smooth UI is a style system / UI library for React. It works with Styled Components or Emotion. It is focused on developer experience, and productivity. You can focus on what you want to build instead of on how to build it. BrowserStack allows us to test in real browsers.
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  • 19


    Full featured promise library with unmatched performance

    Bluebird is a fully featured promise library with focus on innovative features and performance. Promises in Node.js 10 are significantly faster than before. Bluebird still includes a lot of features like cancellation, iteration methods and warnings that native promises don't. If you are using Bluebird for performance rather than for those - please consider giving native promises a shot and running the benchmarks yourself. When using script tags the global variables Promise and P (alias...
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  • 20


    Building Todoist from Scratch Using React

    This application (a Todoist clone) was built using create-react-app as a base, and the technologies used were React (Custom Hooks, Context), Firebase & React Testing Library. I'm hoping this gives people a better understanding of React, and I've also included SCSS in this tutorial, but the main focus is to build a real application using React! If you clone this application, click the Pizza icon on the top right, it enables dark mode!
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  • 21


    Node.js + MongoDB

    ... fields, you can easily create completely different columns and various recommendation positions according to your needs. Set different authority roles according to the management process, assign different users, and let everyone focus on the current situation. The simple and easy-to-use experience brought by the Handlebars template engine can define everything without secondary development.
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  • 22


    Full-Stack solution to quickly build PWA applications with Vue.js

    Provides a completely well-configured environment so you can immediately focus on writing your web app code. BentoStarter uses Vue.js because it is cool, fast, and probably the easiest javascript framework to learn today. Your app is deployed to firebase hosting as soon as you commit a new version. Provides a strong PWA configuration so your web app can be used as a mobile (IOS / Android) or desktop application with offline support. BentoStarter uses firestore which provides a cloud NoSQL...
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  • 23


    Beautifully simple click-to-copy CSS effects

    Beautifully simple click-to-copy CSS effects. A carefully crafted collection designed with a focus on fluidity, simplicity, and ease of use. Powered by CSS with minimal markup. Completely open-source and MIT licensed.
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  • 24
    React Boilerplate

    React Boilerplate

    A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best DX

    React Boilerplate is a highly scalable, offline-first foundation for React.js applications. It offers the best developer experience with a focus on performance and best practices. React Boilerplate offers predictable state management so you can take control of your app’s state and keep state mutations manageable. It also features next generation JavaScript, so you can stop worrying about browser support or use features like arrow functions, JSX syntax and more. There’s also support for next...
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  • 25


    A functional programming toolkit for JavaScript

    FKit (pronounced eff-kit) is a functional programming toolkit for JavaScript. It provides many functions for solving common problems with functions, objects, arrays, and strings. It aims to provide reusable building blocks while maintaining a laser focus on everyday utility.
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