Showing 38 open source projects for "yaffs2-source"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1


    Self-hosted software controller built using Flutter

    LunaSea is a fully featured, open source self-hosted controller focused on giving you a seamless experience between all of your self-hosted media software remotely on your devices. LunaSea even comes with support for webhook-based push notifications, multiple instances of applications using profiles, backup and restore functionality for your configuration, an AMOLED black theme, and more!
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  • 2


    A pure Dart implementation of patterns found in Rust's core library

    rust_core is a pure Dart implementation of patterns found in Rust's core library, bringing the power of Rust to Dart.
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  • 3


    A privacy-friendly Twitter frontend for mobile devices

    Fritter is an open-source frontend for Twitter, focusing on giving you the best experience and keeping your data private, local, and in your hands. No tracking, with all data local. Save tweets locally and offline. See what's trending in the world. Light and Dark themes, protect your eyes. Follow and group accounts. View results without needing to vote. Find users and tweets.
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  • 4
    Flutter InAppWebView Plugin

    Flutter InAppWebView Plugin

    A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview

    A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline WebView, to use a headless WebView, and to open an in-app browser window. Adding the InAppWebView widget into your app is very simple. It’s just a widget like any other Flutter widget. Use InAppBrowser or ChromeSafariBrowser to open an in-app browser! ChromeSafariBrowser is based on Chrome Custom Tabs on Android and on SFSafariViewController on iOS. Create a Class that extends the InAppBrowser/ChromeSafariBrowser Class in order to override...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5
    Nylo Support

    Nylo Support

    Support library for the Nylo framework

    Nylo is a powerful framework for developing mobile apps in Flutter. Out of the box, it comes with a router, secure storage, networking, and more.
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    Type-safe i18n for Dart and Flutter

    Type-safe i18n solution using JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files.
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    Predictable state management library that helps implement BLoC design

    A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern. The goal of this library is to make it easy to separate presentation from business logic, facilitating testability and reusability.
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  • 8


    Port of kotlin-stdlib for Dart/Flutter including immutable collections

    This project is a port of Kotlin's Kotlin Standard library for Dart/Flutter projects. It's a useful addition to dart:core and includes collections (KtList, KtMap, KtSet) as well as other packages that can improve every Dart/Flutter app. A port of kotlin-stdlib for Dart/Flutter including immutable collections (KtList, KtMap, KtSet) and other packages.
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    GraphQL Flutter

    GraphQL Flutter

    A GraphQL client for Flutter, bringing all the features from GraphQL

    A GraphQL client for Flutter, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package. GraphQL brings many benefits, both to the client: devices will need fewer requests, and therefore reduce data usage. And to the programmer: requests are arguable, they have the same structure as the request. This project combines the benefits of GraphQL with the benefits of Streams in Dart to deliver a high-performance client. The project took inspiration from the Apollo GraphQL...
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10


    Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design lang

    Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language. It supports a Sidebar on the left, an optional TitleBar at the top, and the rest of the window is typically filled out with a MacosScaffold. A scope for the MacosWindow is provided by MacosWindowScope. Please note that you must wrap your MacosScaffold in a Builder widget in order for this to work properly. A sidebar enables app navigation and provides quick access to top-level collections of content in your app....
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  • 11


    Flutter plugin that allows you to showcase features on flutter app

    A Flutter package allows you to Showcase/Highlight your widgets step by step. Auto Scrolling to active showcase feature will not work properly in scroll views that renders widgets on demand(ex, ListView, GridView). In order to scroll to a widget it needs to be attached with widget tree. So, If you are using a scrollview that renders widgets on demand, it is possible that the widget on which showcase is applied is not attached in widget tree. So, flutter won't be able to scroll to that...
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  • 12
    Flutter WeChat Assets Picker

    Flutter WeChat Assets Picker

    An image picker (also with videos and audios) for Flutter

    An image picker (also with videos and audio) for Flutter projects based on the WeChat's UI. The package is using photo_manager for asset implementation, extended_image for image preview, and provider to help manage the state of the picker. Current WeChat version that UI is based on: 8.x UI designs will be updated following the WeChat update in any time. To take a photo or a video for assets, please check the detailed usage in the example, and head over to wechat_camera_picker. The package is...
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  • 13
    Flutter Local Notifications plugin

    Flutter Local Notifications plugin

    A Flutter plugin for displaying local notifications on Android, iOS

    A Flutter plugin for displaying local notifications on Android, iOS, macOS and Linux. Code for the cross-platform facing plugin used to display local notifications within Flutter applications. Code for the common platform interface. These can be found in the corresponding directories within the same name. Most developers are likely here as they are looking to use the flutter_local_notifications plugin. There is a readme file within each directory with more information.
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  • 14


    A Flutter package to make and use beautiful color scheme based themes

    Use FlexColorScheme to make beautiful Flutter Material Design themes. Apply optional surface blends, and use Material-3 style seeded color schemes. The returned themes are standard ThemeData objects, but very sophisticated ones. They are based on the same idea as Flutter's ThemeData.from(ColorScheme) and ThemeData(colorSchemeSeed) themes, but with many additional features. Choose from numerous pre-made designs or make your own. You can also use optional component sub theming, that are quick...
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  • 15


    A free and open source local CMS for static site generators

    BuhoCMS is a local Content Management System for static site generators (list of supported SSGs). See BuhoCMS as a GUI for static site generators. Easily create or open a website, choose your theme and add your first posts. With BuhoCMS, adding and editing content is as easy as a few clicks. No more terminal commands, folder hunting or manual Front matter edits.
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  • 16
    Flutter Chat UI

    Flutter Chat UI

    Actively maintained, community-driven chat UI implementation

    .... You can choose the backend you prefer. But if you don't have one, we provide our own free and open-source Firebase implementation, which can be used to create a working chat in minutes. We are also working on our more advanced SaaS and self-hosted solutions. Supports custom themes, locales and more. Check our documentation for the info. More options are on the way, let us know if something is missing.
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  • 17


    A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically

    Fair is a dynamic framework designed for Flutter. Through the automatic conversion of native Dart source files by the Fair Compiler tool, the project can obtain the ability to dynamically update the Widget Tree and State. The goal of creating Fair is to support updates through business bundles and JS distribution without the release of versions (Android, iOS, Web), similar to React Native. After integrating with Flutter Fair, you can quickly publish new pages without waiting for your app's next...
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  • 18


    FlutterPP is designed to be your ultimate developer companion

    Welcome to FlutterPP, your developer companion for building Flutter apps with ease. FlutterPP (Flutter Plus Plus) is a low-code tool designed to significantly reduce development time by automating code generation for Flutter applications. This initial release, marks the beginning of an exciting journey towards making Flutter development more efficient and accessible. Flutter Plus Plus can automatically generate project files using BLoC OR GetX frameworks ( working on adding more! ). It...
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  • 19


    Rust for native business logic, Flutter for flexible and beautiful GUI

    Rust for native business logic, Flutter for flexible and beautiful GUI. Rinf is a production-ready framework for creating beautiful and performant cross-platform apps using Flutter and Rust with batteries fully included. Simply add this framework to your app project, and you're all set to write Flutter and Rust together. There are no webviews, web servers, hidden threads, or unnecessary memory copying that might cause performance overhead. This setup acts as a very thin wrapper around Dart...
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    A Simple Todo app design in Flutter to keep track of your task

    A Simple Todo app design in Flutter to keep track of your task on daily basis. Its built on BLoC Pattern. You can add a project, labels, and due date to your task also you can sort your task on the basis of project, label, and dates. This diagram showcase the dependencies to create a feature-specific BLoCs.The HomeBloc is independent and used as a communication channel between its child widgets. The app already has a preloaded Inbox project. You can add more projects by clicking add project...
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  • 21
    Responsive Framework

    Responsive Framework

    Easily make Flutter apps responsive. Automatically adapt UI

    Responsive Framework adapts your UI to different screen sizes automatically. Create your UI once and have it display pixel-perfect on mobile, tablet, and desktop! Supporting multiple display sizes often means recreating the same layout multiple times. Under the traditional Bootstrap approach, building responsive UI is time-consuming, frustrating and repetitive. Furthermore, getting everything pixel-perfect is nearly impossible and simple edits take hours. AutoScale shrinks and expands your...
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  • 22


    Flutter database for super-fast Dart object persistence

    ObjectBox Flutter database is a great option for storing Dart objects in your cross-platform apps. Minimal CPU, memory and battery use make it an ideal choice for mobile and IoT devices. Made for efficient data access, the ObjectBox Flutter database is 10x faster than any alternative. See the performance benchmarks below. No need to learn SQL, as our NoSQL database uses a pure Dart API that is easy to work with and can be integrated in minutes. Plus: We built a data synchronization solution...
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  • 23


    Jainja is a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) written in Java

    Jainja is a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) written in Java. The VM is developed by using the smallest possible subset of Java in order to run on top of multiple environments : Java SE, JavaME, Android, Javascript, and even natively.
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    OpenCarenet CHE

    OpenCarenet CHE

    Enabling community health workers to collect health data efficiently

    OpenCarenet CHE is a robust and user-friendly application tailored for community health workers, facilitating seamless data collection, management, and reporting. With its mobile data collection capabilities, offline functionality, and interoperability with DHIS2, the app empowers health professionals to efficiently track patient information, aggregate primary data, and generate detailed health reports, even in areas with limited internet access. Its multilingual support and configurable...
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    Animated Text Kit

    Animated Text Kit

    A flutter package to create cool and beautiful text animations

    A flutter package that contains a collection of some cool and awesome text animations. Recommended package for text animations in Codemagic's Ebook, "Flutter libraries we love". Try out our live example app.
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