Toolkit for making machine learning and data analysis applications
A Fast and Easy to use microframework for the web
TX Library is a tiny graphics library for Win32 written in C++.
HiPS tool features to design and analyze hierarchical Petri nets
programming language for children
VCS Information Generator tool
GTags plugin for Notepad++
Makes magic squares.
Standalone Complete Sudoku puzzle Game Solver Generator for Windows
Generate and solve Travelling Salesman Problem tasks
A minimalistic test framework written in C++.
An Open source Analysis and SImulation Toolbox for Fuel Cells
A GUI to Perl & Python script debugger
BEnchMarks for Automatic Parallelizer
PandaIDE for PHP is a lightweight IDE for PHP Debugging
Easy way to build rpm only using xml in Linux.
WIttgen is a two-instruction programming language modeled on the mind.