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Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar
See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.
Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
MacPerl supports the Perl programming language on Mac OS (not Mac OSX). Mac OS 8.1 - 9.x are supported; 7.5.5 is supported by the MPW tool and older versions of the app. 5.6.1r2 is the current version (based on perl 5.6.1); MacPerl 5.8 is in development
The X Beam ("the cross beam") is a cross platform C++ 3D world simulation engine with powerful customization support. It is currently being developed for Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.
Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.
Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.
OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
Elysion Frameworks are a powerful, yet leightweight cross-platform multimedia library to help create games or graphical applications. The frameworks are splitted in three branches: ElysionKronos, ElysionLegacy and ElysionMobile.
Latest version: http://pedromateo.github.io/openhmitester/
"Open HMI Tester" is a GUI Testing tool following an open architecture that describes a non intrusive capture/replay tool based on GUI Events. It may be adapted to support different windowing systems and operating systems used in the testing environment.
Port of SDL for PalmOS devices with ARM processor and OS 5.x. Joystick, audio, video, timer, files and keyboard supported and additional libs available (SDL_mixer (without OGG and MP3), SDL_image, spritelib and standard C library)
XSL-FO Formatting markup WYSIWYG editor & PDF tree BookMark. XML document which is most often used as PDFs or RTF generator. It can read and edit 95% from Apache fop sample. Export to fo,pdf,rtf,tif fax, page, Import fo,html,page,odt OpenOffice 1-2
A cross-platform (tested under MSW, Linux GTK2 and Mac OSX) open source GUI testing framework for wxWidgets. With minimal changes to your program, you can write unit tests using CppUnit or capture user interaction into a CppUnit test case.
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
pyGLFW is a set of python bindings to the successful cross-platform GLFW. It is intended as a powerful and lightweight alternative to pygame for python OpenGL application development.
GhostEngine is a game engine coded in C++, available for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. It is currently in heavy development, only fully available for Windows and partially for Linux, but work is being done to allow portability.
VRT is a Virtual Reality Toolkit.
It is planned to be OS-independent, easy-to-use, full-feature VR platform.
It integrates 3D engine, physical engine and AI engine.
GEM for Max/MSP is Max(cycling'74) external objects to render OpenGL-based graphics. This project is to port of GEM originally coded for pd (puredata).
Application server written in python, client in C++/Qt. Supported Linux,Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP OS platform. Be useful for you if you are business(financial) application developer
wxCocoaDialog is an multi-platform port of the CocoaDialog application
for OSX, that allows the use of common GUI controls such as file
selectors, text input, progress bars, yes/no confirmations and more with
a command-line application.
A compiler for a simplified pascal language. It runs in a x86 computer with a Linux-based OS. The purpose of this project is to show how a source code in pascal can be converted to x86 assembly.
Cross-Platform System Library is a portable C++ run-time library that provides support for manipulating system resources, such as thread, process, mutex, and synchronize, in Win32 and POSIX(UNIX, Linux, Mac OSX) platforms.
Amber is an easy-to-use, multi-faceted granular sampling tool for composers wishing to construct timbrally complex sounds; available as a command-line tool for Linux-similar operating systems, or with a Cocoa wrapper that runs on Macintosh OSX.
ACCELA is a library of wrapper classes for the Mac OS toolbox. It features a complete set of Carbon Events classes, which can also be used with PowerPlant. Other classes cover Navigation Services, Core Foundation, QuickTime, QuickDraw, AppleEvents, etc.
An English, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Hindi & Bengali desktop OS loading from miniCD or USB key with applications and personal config files on floppy or USB key.
Sakura is a Knowledge Navigator and User Interface for UNIX, which implements HyperMedia and its own windowing and packing system, both in the main program and in an extensive API for Tcl and other languages.
Feel limited by Apple's HIDataBrowser? - here's a source-code equivalent that does it all (just about) and more. Fonts, sizes, styles, colours, backgrounds, extensible property handlers, template accessors. How it should have been (imho).
Pixel Toaster is a portable open source framebuffer library for C++. It provides a fast and easy way to get your pixels on the screen. Floating point and truecolor pixel formats are supported on Windows, Mac and Unix.